Global Powers: I Control All Elements

Chapter 625: Peerless Fortune (Subscription)

The star masters all looked down.

At this moment, in the square, the Ziweixing contestant district burst into cheers.

Yu Chen was surrounded by the players like a hero.

"Brother Chen, you did a great job this time!

Concubine Yu looked at him with admiration, and small stars appeared in both eyes.

"Of course! Over the past 10 billion years, only two people's luck has reached the orange level, and Brother Yu Chen is the third. This alone is amazing! 99

"Yeah! This time, we, Ziwei Xing, managed to keep the first place!"

All the MSI players really admire Yu Chen.

Yu Chen's face was full of smiles, and there was a look of pride in his eyes.

"By the way, do you think it is possible for Tianfu Star to catch up?"

A Ziweixing player suddenly said.

"Heh! Do you think it's possible?! If Tianfu Star wants to surpass us, then there will be 3 blue-level luck, or one orange-level luck. These two conditions, no matter which one, are not. possible!

"Yeah! That's right! Look at it, Mingming is going to test it!

As soon as these words fell, all the players looked in the direction of the test altar.

In just a moment, the test was completed, and there was no luck.

The Tianfuxing contestant sighed and was helpless.

The players of Ziweixing cheered.

"Haha! Fei Ming has no luck. The rest of Qin Huang and Shenze, even if they have blue luck, can only be tied with us.'"5

"Haha!! Do you think that Tianfu Xing can be the same as our Ziwei Xing, that one polar star can produce two lucky ones?"

"Uh! That's right! How can Tianfuxing be comparable to our Ziweixing! Besides, Shenze is not excellent!"

All the MSI players were discussing excitedly.

At the same time, Shen Ze was already on the altar in an uneasy manner.

After a few moments, the test is complete.

Unsurprisingly, Shen Ze also had no luck.

The Tianfu Star players were a little disappointed.

Ziweixing players are crazy again!

At this moment, even Yu Chen was excited.

In the end, it depends on Qin Feng's test results, who is the first, Tianfu Star or Ziwei Star.

"Brother Chen, do you think this Emperor Qin can have orange-level luck?"

Concubine Yu was a little nervous.

This can be related to the final Polestar ranking.

Yu Chen smiled coldly: "Orange-level luck is so easy to have. 35

As soon as these words fell, someone agreed.

"That's right! Orange-level luck only occurs three times in ten billion years. It is impossible to have two consecutive occurrences in the same session.

"That's right! I think it would be good for Emperor Qin to have green luck!"

All the purple MSI players chatted excitedly, as if they had already won the first place.

Yu Chen also showed a smug smile.

At the same time, the Tianfu Star side.

Everyone looked at Qin Feng.

Both Fei Ming and Shen Ze got 0 points.

Only Qin Feng was left untested.

Tianfuxing's last hope was pinned on Qin Feng.

It's just that in order for Tianfu Star to get the first place, Qin Feng must have an orange-level luck.

Can Qin Feng really have orange-level luck?

Everyone was apprehensive.

No one can guarantee.

"Qin Feng, do your best! 35

Xuan Xi gave an encouraging look.

In her opinion, it is a bit embarrassing for Qin Feng to have an orange-level luck.

As long as Qin Feng can have green-level luck, she thinks it's amazing.

"Lord Qin Huang, we believe in you! 35

All Tianfu players also encouraged them.

Qin Feng smiled without saying a word.

He thinks these people are too nervous!

Some are funny and some are cute.

He was not worried at all about this.

He is a red-level luck.

"Sister Xuanxi, I'm going!"

Abandoning this sentence, Qin Feng walked out of the player area indifferently.

As soon as he came out, the audience was shocked.

All eyes were on him, without exception.

At this moment, he became the focus of the audience.

There was a lot of discussion in the crowd.

"Look! Emperor Qin has come out!"

"It's the final moment of the game!

"Yeah! What kind of luck do you think Emperor Qin will have? Is it a green level or an orange level~"?"

"Haha! Who knows this? I think the green level is very likely, the orange level is too difficult. Of course, he may not have luck..."

There was constant discussion in the field.

Even Yu Chen was paying close attention.

At the same time, above the void.

The four big stars also paid attention.

Tianfu Star Lord's expression became tense.

Whether Tianfu Star can win the first place depends on Qin Feng.

"Finally it's Qin Feng's turn! Brother Tianfu, you have to be mentally prepared..." The Star Lord Shenfu deliberately put pressure on him.

The Tianfu Star Lord said coldly, "Just watch it carefully! Why so much nonsense!


Shen Fuxing's main cadre laughed, showing the look of watching a good show.

Meanwhile, the square below.

Qin Feng has strode up to the altar.

Everyone in the audience was nervous and looking forward to it.

In the air, Star Master Ziwei looked at him silently, with a complicated mood.

As the master of Ziwei Xing, she naturally hopes that Ziwei Xing can achieve good results.

But inexplicably, she also hoped that Qin Feng could overwhelm Yu Chen.

"Are you ready?"

Ziwei Star Lord's voice sounded in the air, it was a little gentle, not as indifferent to other players.

"Xingzun, you can start!"

Qin Feng smiled and looked at Star Master Ziwei, with a sunny smile on his face, full of confidence.

At this moment, his smile was so gorgeous, it turned all living beings upside down, and people couldn't help but light up.

Even Star Master Ziwei secretly praised.

This flower-hearted radish is really impeccable in terms of appearance!

To say that he is a son like jade is unparalleled in the world, it is not an exaggeration at all...

It's a pity it's too fussy....

"Then let's get started!"

Star Master Ziwei put away his distracting thoughts, and flicked his fingers to shoot a golden light.

50,000 merits are poured into the altar!


The altar is activated!

Thousands of golden lights flock to Qin Feng....

"The test has begun!

The audience opened their eyes, and the air was tense.

Star Master Ziwei held her breath even more.

She was all nervous for Qin Feng.

In an instant, ten thousand golden lights converged on Qin Feng.

Qin Feng smiled slightly, waiting for his Pillar of Luck to activate...

But at this moment, a system prompt sounded in his mind.

"Ding! Remind the host! If you find the merit value of no owner, do you want to absorb it?"

Qin Feng's eyes lit up.

Hey! There is merit!

Isn't that exactly what he needs most right now!


Qin Feng made a choice without hesitation.

"Ding! Absorbing the merits of no master successfully.... The host has obtained 50,000 merit points, and the current accumulated merit value is 780,000..."

"It's still possible!

Qin Feng was delighted.

The merit value is 780,000, and the goal of 800,000 is just short of it.

After collecting 800,000 merits, he can upgrade the golden wheel of merits to the eleventh level, and the thirteen petals of the flower of the primordial spirit will also make great progress.

"Hey! This is...

Surprise sounded in the air.

Star Master Ziwei looked at Qin Feng in surprise.

There was an uproar in the audience.

As soon as the ten thousand golden rays of light converged on Qin Feng, it was like a mud cow entering the sea, disappearing, and no response was received.

This phenomenon is completely different from other players!

Even if the other players have no luck, a layer of white light will appear all over their bodies.

But Qin Feng didn't respond.

Am I doing something wrong?

Star Master Ziwei doubts herself.

The audience also whispered.

"What's going on? Why didn't the Emperor Qin's test have any aura response? Could it be that Ziwei Xingzun made a mistake?

"Impossible? What kind of character is Ziwei Xingzun? How could she miss her?"

"Could it be that Emperor Qin has no luck?"

"Uh~! Probably not, right? Emperor Qin is so good, how could he be unlucky?

The crowd muttered.

Everyone was puzzled.


In the void, the Four Star Venerables also looked at each other.

They didn't understand what was going on.

The phenomenon on Qin Feng was obviously different from other players.

Is it really Da Xingzun's mistake?

At this time, Star Master Ziwei earnestly pinched a seal, and once again ejected a golden light of merit, and another 50,000 merits were injected.

This time, she was worried about her mistakes and did it very seriously.


The altar is activated again!

Thousands of golden lights converge to Qin Feng's body...

Qin Feng couldn't hold back and absorbed it again.

His merit value has skyrocketed again, reaching 830,000, and he can be promoted to the golden wheel of merit...

The players in the field were shocked.

"No way! Qin Huang has no luck!


Countless players shook their heads and sighed.

Some who regard Qin as an idol player are even more distressed.

If there is no response for the first time, it may be a mistake by the star master of Ziwei.

But the second time, everyone could see that Star Master Ziwei was very serious, and it was definitely not a mistake.

There is only one result, that is, Qin Feng has no luck, so there may be no response.

This answer disappointed many players.

In particular, the players of Tianfu Star were disappointed.

They find it difficult to accept such a result.

How could such a powerful Lord Qin be unlucky?

Is there something wrong?

On the contrary, the players of Ziweixing cheered.

Yu Chen is even more proud

He is a shining star after all!

Even if Emperor Qin's potential reaches the level of a high-grade star master, and he has no luck protection, it would be good for him to be promoted to a low-grade star master at best.

According to the future, Qin Huang and Yao Chen were comparable.

And I will be high above, above these two people, and become the well-deserved first person in this session!

The more Yu Chen thought about it, the more proud he became.

In the void, the Tianfu Star Lord was a little dumbfounded.

Qin Feng has no luck!

how so?

"Haha!! Brother Tianfu, the old man told you not to be too happy. See? Qin Feng doesn't even have a green luck. I'm afraid his future achievements will not be as good as Yu Chen!

The Lord of the Stars of Shenfu smiled schadenfreudely.

The Tianfu Star Master was displeased, and he still maintained: "Even so! That's better than your god helper!"

Meanwhile, over the square.

Star Lord Ziwei was a little dumbfounded.

She could be sure that this time she made no mistakes.

Then why Qin Feng didn't respond?

Could it be that Qin Feng has no luck?

This is impossible!

This guy is his own destiny.

Recalling the picture of the future, he galloped so cheerfully and passionately on himself, clearly because of his high cultivation level, how could he have no luck?

Where did this go wrong?!

How could her man be mediocre!

Even if this man, she is unwilling to surrender, that shouldn't be the case....

At this moment, Star Master Ziwei was a little flustered and a little unwilling...

Before she knew it, she was worried about Qin Feng.

She hopes Qin Feng's future will be better....

At this moment, Qin Feng felt amused when he heard the discussions and exclamations around him.

These people are really self-righteous.

However, he should also show his luck.

830,000 merit points are enough!

Xuan Xi once told him a secret.

Entering the core area of ​​Ziwei Holy Land, there will be some special opportunities.

One of the most important opportunities is to test the attack power.

Therefore, he desperately hopes that the Golden Wheel of Merit will be upgraded to the eleventh level.

Now, this goal has been achieved.

"Xingzun, I'm special, you can test my luck if you try again..."

Qin Feng smiled and looked at Star Master Ziwei.

There was an uproar all around.

Isn't Qin Huang unlucky?

Is he still dying?

In the crowd, Concubine Yu frowned: "Brother Chen, what is Emperor Qin doing? Is he struggling to the death? 35

Yu Chen sneered disdainfully: "I think he's taking his own humiliation! Ziwei Xingzun has already tested him twice, so he's done his best!"

At the same time, in the void.

The star master of the god helper also shook his head slightly: "Brother Tianfu, it seems that Qin Feng is not reconciled! It's just that he made such an unreasonable request, aren't you afraid that Daxingzun will be angry? You should come forward! Zun is not happy! 35

At this moment, everyone in the field looked at Ziwei Xingzun.

Everyone thought that Qin Feng made such a request because he was not reconciled to the result.

Many people are worried about Qin Feng.

Star Master Ziwei will spend 50,000 merits to test once, so if you want to test it, you can test it.

I'm afraid that Star Master Ziwei will be angry.

But the next second, everyone was stunned.

In the air, Star Master Ziwei nodded slightly: "Well~! Let's come again! 35

She readily agreed.

I saw her flick her finger, and a golden light poured in.

The altar is activated again!

Shine a thousand golden lights!

In the next second, the golden light converged on Qin Feng.


A clear cry!

Qin Feng's whole body lit up with dazzling white light!

In the next second, a red beam of light shot up from the top of his head!

That is the most advanced red luck!

In an instant, the sky shook!

The purple ray shines through the sky~ Eyes!

Billions of auspiciousness are rolling in~!

Heaven and earth rejoice!

The world shakes!

Countless golden flowers, gems, pearls, and jade lotuses fell from the auspicious aura...

Among the clouds, golden dragons, colorful phoenixes, unicorns and other auspicious beasts walk among them...

Immortal music is vague, the sound of the sky is brilliant, the auspiciousness is incomparable...

I saw Qin Feng bathing in the auspiciousness of the morning, full of supreme dignity and incomparable solemnity...

This scene shocked the whole audience and made people feel the heart of worship.

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