Global Powers: I Control All Elements

Chapter 607 Rewards of the Star Lord Lagerstroemia (Subscription)

But he said that Qin Feng stepped into the star gate, and the sky was spinning for a while, and all around were swirling stars, making it difficult to distinguish up, down, left and right...

After a full quarter of an hour, Qin Feng was down-to-earth, his eyes lit up, and he had arrived at a new place...

In front of him are the Tianfu Star Lord and Xuan Xi, surrounded by a wide square, with a formation at his feet.

Below this stage, stood several staff members in uniform.

At this moment, several staff members were alarmed.

As soon as they saw the Tianfu Star Lord, they stepped forward to pay their respects in fear.

"I have seen Tianfu Xingzun!""

"Free gift!

"Thank you Xingzun!"

At this time, the star master of Tianfu turned back: "Xuanxi, you bring Qin Feng and the others to settle in first, and I'll go see Ziwei Xingzun~!

Leaving this sentence, the Tianfu Star Lord disappeared out of thin air.

After the Tianfu Star Lord left, Xuan Xi's voice transmission sounded in Qin Feng's ears.

"Qin Feng, Xingzun is going to Star Master Ziwei to ask for a favor for you!"

"Uh, what's the benefit?" Qin Feng asked through voice transmission.


Xuan Xi's voice transmission: "Last time, you achieved the only special promotion in the Star Alliance. Star Zun reported it to the Ziwei Star Master. The Ziwei Star Master appreciated it very much and promised you a reward verbally.

"And this selection, you performed very well, Xingzun can't wait to report, and also wants Star Master Ziwei to fulfill his promise."

Hearing this, Qin Feng smiled, not expecting such a good thing.

I don't know what Star Master Ziwei will reward.

While the two were chatting, the other players also appeared one after another.

After all three hundred people had arrived, a staff member respectfully approached.

"Master Xuanxi, please bring your people from Tianfu to settle in!"5

"it is good!

At the moment, everyone left with the staff member.

After a while, the group arrived at the reception.

There are four halls in the reception area, namely the East Hall, the South Hall, the West Hall, and the North Hall.

According to the previous rules, Jumen star players are stationed in the east hall, Shenfu star players are stationed in the west hall, and Earthquan stars are stationed in the north hall.

The last South Hall was prepared for Tianfu Star.

As soon as the group arrived at the reception, nearly a thousand spiritual senses came from the east, south, and north halls, and scanned towards Qin Feng and others.

Among them, the three spiritual senses are the most powerful, and they are clearly the low-grade star master-level gods.

"With so many divine senses, it seems that the people from Jumen Star, Shenfu Star, and Diquan Star have all arrived.

"Hehe!! They are probing us! 35

The players of Tianfu Star were whispering, and their expressions became tense.

When they came to Ziweixing, they became rivals with other Polestar players.

In this case, they naturally cannot be underestimated by their opponents, and they must show confidence and strength.

Soon, everyone found that nearly a thousand spiritual senses stayed on Qin Feng for a long time.

At the same time, various whispers sounded in the three temples.

"Haha! The strength of this batch of players from Tianfu Star is not very good!"

"Yeah! Look at that boy in white, who is only in the late stage of the God Emperor. Even the late stage of the God Emperor can be selected. It seems that Tianfu Star has no talents."

"Don't tell me, that boy in white is so handsome!

"You women are really brainless, what else can such a little white face do except look good?

"That's right! In this world, strength is still the most respected. Looking at the current situation, Tianfu Star is ranked this time, I am afraid that even the weakest Earth Power Star is not as good as it, and it will be at the bottom!"

"Hehe! I really want to know, how did that god emperor sneak in in the late stage?"

"Haha!! I'm curious too! 35

"You'd better say a few words less. Maybe he came in through the back door, with a backer behind him.

"Oh! You're right! If you don't have a backer, how can you be selected with the cultivation of this kid in the late stage of the god emperor?"

Those who talk constantly, some are gloating, some are sneering, and some are watching a good show.

The good thing is that those people really didn't take Tianfuxing people in their eyes.

Their discussions all reached the ears of the Tianfu Star players.

The corners of the Tianfu players' mouths twitched, and strange expressions appeared on their faces.

These evil pens dare to underestimate the Emperor Qin.

When the time comes, there are their good-looking ones!

Thinking of this, they felt funny again.

Star Lord Xuanxi seemed to think this was very funny, he blinked at Qin Feng, and then pursed his lips and smiled.

At that moment, Qin Feng's eyes lit up without a sense of style.

This sister is so beautiful!

At this moment, the space fluctuated.

Three low-grade star masters appeared in the sky.

This is the leader of the other three Polestars.

"Xuanxi star master, you Tianfu stars are the last to arrive! 99

The three star masters said with a smile.

"The three are early!" Xuan Xi greeted with a smile.

"Xuan Xi, let's hold a meeting to discuss the situation this time, how about it?

Three star masters invited.

"Okay!" Xuan Xi readily agreed, "Qin Feng, you will move in with the staff first, and I will be back later. 55

At the moment, Xuan Xi left with the three star masters.

Qin Feng and others followed the staff and settled in the South Hall.

The South Hall is very large, and each player has an independent courtyard.

After everything was arranged properly, the players of Tianfu Star began to familiarize themselves with their residences.

Soon, a news spread.

The people of the four polar stars have all arrived.

The people from the giant star in the east hall gathered the players of the four major stars and held a resource exchange meeting.

This was held on an ad hoc basis.

The address is the East Hall, and the time is today.

This time, it was a gathering of the elites of the Four Pole Stars, and there were many treasures inside.

Chu Chu, Bao Bao, Feng Di, Yu Qilin and others were very curious and went to participate.

They want to help Qin Feng find treasures.

Qin Feng originally wanted to participate.

But at this moment, Tianfu Star Lord summoned him.

A quarter of an hour later, in a living room, Qin Feng saw the Tianfu Star Lord.

"Xingzun, are you looking for me?" Qin Feng asked politely.

"Yeah!" Tianfu Star Lord stroked his beard and looked at Qin Feng with a smile.

"The old man just met with the Star Master Ziwei and told her about you. The Star Master Ziwei highly appreciates you.

"She originally wanted to summon you, but she was busy and couldn't find time. In order to motivate you, she asked the old man to send you a reward!

While speaking, the Tianfu Star Lord waved his hand, and a golden wheel of merit and virtue appeared in his palm, exuding a triple halo.

For a time, the auspicious atmosphere is full of auspiciousness, and the sun is shining!

That is the golden wheel of triple merit!

Qin Feng was pleasantly surprised.

"Hey!", the Tianfu Star Lord sighed softly.

"This three-layer golden wheel of merit is comparable to a master Yuanwu, and it is indeed a good thing. But one person can only refine one golden wheel of merit. You have already refined the seventh-level golden wheel, and this one cannot be refined. To you, it looks like a jerk."

Speaking of this, the Tianfu Star Master felt a little regretful.

Qin Feng also suddenly realized that he couldn't help laughing.

If it is someone else, there is no way to refine the two golden wheels of merit, and they can only give away the extra golden wheels.

But it was different for Qin Feng.

He can devour the golden wheel of merit and directly convert it into merit value, thereby improving his golden wheel grade.

In other words, this triple golden wheel of merit is a great tonic for him.

No one else can do this at all.

"Qin Feng, if you don't want this triple golden wheel of merit, the old man will give you another master-level Yuanwu. What do you think?"

·0 Seeking flowers...

The Tianfu Star Master took great care of Qin Feng.

"Don't bother! Xingzun, I want this triple golden wheel of merit!"


The Tianfu Star Lord waved his hand, and the golden wheel flew over.

Qin Feng put away happily.

"Qin Feng, this old man will now tell you about the opportunity of the Holy Land."

"Xingzun, you said!" Qin Feng was very interested in the Holy Land.


"You must also know that this Ziwei Holy Land only opens once in a million years. It is also your luck that you young people can meet the Holy Land by chance at this time!

The Tianfu Star Lord's tone was full of envy.

"I wonder if you have heard that the Holy Land is divided into three areas, the outer area, the inner area, and the core area!"

"I heard!" Qin Feng answered truthfully.

Tianfu Star Lord nodded: "Then you should know that the benefits of the inner and core areas are much greater than those of the outer areas."

"And there is no limit on the number of people in the outer area. Only 120 people can enter the inner area at a time, and only 12 people can enter the core area. This rule is not set by the Lord of Ziwei, but the automatic generation of the Holy Land.""

Qin Feng nodded slightly to show his understanding.

Twelve is the number of perfection, and this place of retreat for the master of the ancient universe should coincide with some cosmic principles.


The Tianfu Star Master continued: "In short, only 132 people can enter the inner area, but there are 1,700 players in the Five Pole Stars. This quota is very limited, so before entering the Holy Land, the Five Pole Stars will hold a quota allocation meeting. "

"At that time, there will be a ranking of the five major stars. The higher the ranking, the more places you will get. For example, the first-ranked pole star can use 5 core places and 50 inner places.""

"What about other rankings?", Qin Feng was curious.

"Second place, 3 core places, 30 inner circles. Third place, 2 cores, 20 inner circles; fourth and fifth places are 1 core, 10 inner circles."

Qin Feng was surprised: "The fourth and fifth places are not much different, and the first place has the greatest benefits!

The star master of Tianfu sighed: "Yeah! The first place is basically prepared for Ziwei Xing, and every assessment is basically the first Ziwei Xing. Ziwei Xingzun will be somewhat biased, and the reward for this first place is set a little higher.

Qin Feng nodded in understanding.

This is also human nature.

If it were him, maybe he would do the same.

"Xingzun, is there more than one allocation of such places? What was the ranking of our Tianfu Stars last time?", Qin Feng suddenly asked.

The Tianfu Star Lord smiled bitterly: "Our Tianfu Star was fourth last time. But what's the difference between this fourth and fifth?"

"Actually, the Holy Land opened once every million years like this. The Five Great Pole Stars have participated dozens of times. Our Tianfu Star's best result was the third place, and the rest were hovering in the fourth and fifth place!

Speaking of which, the Tianfu Star Master was a little embarrassed.

"Er..." Qin Feng was a little confused.

Tianfuxing was so miserable.

"Hey!" Tianfu Star Master sighed, "Perhaps it's because our Tianfu Stars haven't behaved very well in these years, and it is inevitable that we will be mocked by other Polestars secretly, so this old man wants to raise his eyebrows this time.


"Qin Feng, if you can help Tianfu Star win the second place this time, the old man will give you extra rewards, can you do it...

The Tianfu Star Lord looked at Qin Feng expectantly.

"Uh? Why don't you go for the first place?"

Tianfu Star Lord smiled bitterly: "It's too difficult to win the first place!"


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