Global Powers: I Control All Elements

Chapter 596 take the top 7 (Happy New Year!)


The mirror is clear! The aura is released!

The countless starlights in the mirror form a vortex, like a spinning galaxy.

This divine mirror is called Taixu Mirror, and it is the primordial force of the Taixu star master.

At this time, the voice of the Star Master Taixu sounded in the field.

"The second game will be played in the virtual mirror!"

"In this process, no matter what means you use, as long as you can reach the finish line, it means the game is complete! 35

"And the length of time it takes you to reach the end is related to the level of your points, so the less time, the higher the points!""

"The game is officially on!"

As soon as the voice fell, a vortex of light holes appeared on the divine mirror.

Players scrambled to enter the hole of light.

"Let's go!

Qin Feng gave an order, and the group followed the flow of people and stepped into the light cave.

Not far away, Lord Shenze looked at Qin Feng's back and smiled coldly.

He wanted to know how many points Qin Feng could get this time without the help of the rules?

"Brother Shenze, what is there to pay attention to that kid. This time, it would be good for him to be in the top 100!"9

The voice of the ruler of Ming Ming sounded aside.

The master of Tiankun also smiled and said, "Brother Fei Ming is right! Brother Shenze, your opponent this time is me and brother Fei Ming, not Emperor Qin. Not much to say, take the next step!""

As soon as the voice fell, he stepped into the air and rushed towards Taixu Jing.

Lord Shenze smiled slightly and followed.

But on the other side, Qin Feng stepped over the hole of light.

In the next second, he landed on both feet and entered the Taixu Mirror.

He looked around and found himself standing on a small platform with no one else around.

In front of him, is a folded and twisted passage.

The passage is filled with strange energy, and there are strips of white light marks that appear and disappear in every corner of the passage.

Those white light marks, some of which are space cracking blades, can cut the flesh and soul, and are extremely powerful.

Some are dimensional 200 entrances, which will inhale people and trap them in a closed space.

If you want to come out, you can only break the space barrier.

But this will waste a lot of time.

So, those white light marks can't get close.

But the point is, those white light marks appear randomly.

One second it might appear here, the next it disappears, and it appears somewhere else out of thin air.

In short, this twisted passage is in danger.

At the end of the passage, there is a white light hole, which is the exit.

The exit is the destination!

"It seems that each player is in an independent space!

Qin Feng waited for a while, but did not see the second person arrive.

He waved his hand quickly, the surrounding space fluctuated, and six figures appeared in front of him, it was Zi Xing, Feng Di and other six people.

"Qin Feng! 35

"elder brother!""

The girls were a little surprised.

When they saw Qin Feng, they knew that the results of this competition would not be bad.

This is completely subconscious behavior.

Zi Xing looked worried.

"Qin Feng, this passage seems very dangerous!"

She pressed those white light marks.

The mighty aura emanating from some light marks can easily strangle a mid-rank master.

Although there is no death, injuries are unavoidable.

"Yeah! I also think it's very dangerous!" Yu Qilin was also a little worried.

Qin Feng nodded: "It is indeed a little dangerous! Those white light marks are haunting, you don't know when they will appear around, people can't avoid it. 35

"In my opinion, this test is not only about time, space, and speed, but also about luck. If you have good luck and don't encounter a white light mark once, the speed is naturally terrifying! 35

As soon as these words fell, everyone nodded.

Chu Chu was even more delighted: "Brother, compared to luck, who can compare to you? Even the star master of Tianfu can't compare."

Qin Feng laughed (baeh): "You are the only girl who talks a lot!"

"Hee hee! Chu Chu stuck out her pink tongue.


Today, she is in a very good mood.

Those appraisers were very concerned about Qin Feng, and some people even said that she was also her brother's woman.

When she heard it, she was inexplicably happy.

Thinking about it, she and her brother are not related by blood, so why does her brother never regard himself as a woman, and always treat him as a little girl.

Qin Feng didn't know what Chu Chu was thinking about.

He urged: "Everyone, let's get started!

Everyone quickly took out the participation token and activated the timer.

This assessment is based on the length of time as the scoring standard.

If the timer is not activated, the score will be invalid.

Qin Feng also activated the token.

In the next second, he took the six Zixing people into the small universe.

Chaos Transformation!

The combat power has been increased to 10,500 Beijing!

Star War Armor Possessed!

The combat power has skyrocketed to 14,000 Beijing!

The five stars are combined!

The combat power has skyrocketed to 16,000 Beijing!

With a dodge, Qin Feng entered the twisted passage.

"Brother, the flow of time in this channel has been slowed down by a hundred times! 35

Chu Chu and others quickly sensed the abnormality.

Qin Feng pinches the seal formula, the Promise Seal starts!

The time force fields of Qin Feng, Chu Chu, Yu Qilin, Feng Di, Bao Bao, and Bai Qi are superimposed, and 110 times the time force field is distributed in the Wuji barrier.

In an instant, he canceled the time delay in the channel, and also increased the time acceleration by 10 times.

Then, he flew towards the end of the passage.

In this passage, there is no way to teleport, and you can only rely on your own speed to fly to the end of the passage.

Qin Feng has a combat power of 16,000 Beijing, and under the addition of 10 times the time force field, it is comparable to the movement speed of 160,000 Beijing combat power.

This speed exceeds that of most high-grade Dzogchen masters.

In addition, the Promise Divine Seal is extremely sensitive to space.

Along the way, those elusive white light marks were all sensed by him in advance and avoided early.

There is no shortage of air transport components.

I saw Qin Feng turned into a light and shadow, as fast as a flash of lightning, rushing towards the end, all the way unobstructed...

At the same time, various other events are also happening in other channels.

A half-step juggernaut flies through the tunnel at full speed,

However, the 110-fold time delay reduced his speed by a hundred times, and the speed was as slow as the initial stage of the God Emperor.


On the other passage, a mid-rank master who is good at time ability is flying rapidly in the passage with pride.

But at this moment, a dozen white light marks appeared strangely in front of him, cutting him into a dozen pieces in an instant.

In the next second, another white light trace appeared, swallowing the minced meat.

In the field, only one head was suspended.

The middle-ranking ruler was stunned.

The next second, he howled.

If flesh and blood is lost, his cultivation will be detrimental.

But he wanted to retrieve the lost body, but found that all the white light marks had disappeared.

He couldn't feel the body going there at all...

In the other passage, Shenze dominates the flyers who are calm and relaxed.

His combat power is 120,000 Jing, and the time force field is also strong.

Even if there is a delay in the passage, his speed is comparable to that of a mid-rank master.

In addition, his spatial ability is also strong, and it is not difficult to avoid those sudden white light marks.

Even if he didn't avoid it, he could still hold on.

It seems that the first place this time is none other than myself!

Time flies!

In a blink of an eye, six minutes passed.

Qin Feng's speed in the passage was frighteningly fast, and he did not encounter any white light marks along the way, and his luck was invincible.

It was at this moment that he saw the exit ahead.

Qin Feng dodged and passed through the light hole.

Ha ha!!

Exam completed!

As soon as Qin Feng's feet landed, he found himself in the hall of a temple.



He quickly took out the competition token.

The token was automatically activated, and a message appeared on it.

"Contestant Qin Huang, completed the assessment, the cumulative time was 6 minutes and 17 seconds, and the points evaluation was 1.03 million points, ranking first this time."

"So many points!

Qin Feng was pleasantly surprised.

He didn't have time to think about it, and waved again.

Purple Star, Jade Qilin, Chu Chu, Bao Bao, Feng Di, and Bai Qi all appeared.

The six immediately took out the token.

"Wow! Brother, my time is 6 minutes and 19 seconds, with 1.01 million points, ranking second!"

"Dad, I also scored 1.01 million! Tied for second!"

"I am also 1.01 million points! 35

"Me too!"

The six Chu Chu people actually scored 1.01 million points.

The six were extremely ecstatic.

Zi Xing said excitedly: "We all scored 1.01 million points this time. That's one plus the last game. We'll be in the top ten!"

"Hey! It seems so!

"Haha!! We not only entered the top ten in the second level, but also entered the top ten in terms of overall results. There are a lot of rewards in these two waves!

Zi Xing and the others were ecstatic again.

"Let's go out!" Qin Feng put away the starry sky armor.


The next second, everyone activated the token, and they all came out of the Taixu mirror.

Time flies fast!

In a blink of an eye, another twenty minutes passed.

Another figure entered the hall.

The person who came was Shen Ze.

When he saw that there was no one in the hall, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.


He was the first to arrive.

At the moment, he took out his competition token without haste.

The token is automatically activated and a message appears.

"Contestant Shenze, completed the assessment, the cumulative time was 30 minutes and 43 seconds, and the points evaluation was 210,000 points, ranking eighth this time."


I'm only eighth!

Lord Shenze was dumbfounded.

But before he could think about it, a light and shadow rushed into the hall.

The person who came was the ruler of Tian Kun.

"Haha!! Brother Kamazawa, you are really amazing! I didn't expect you to win the first place! Little brother is convinced! 35

Lord Tiankun laughed heartily.

Shen Ze looked at him strangely: "Look at your grades!"

"Haha!! Is this still worth watching? It must be the second place. However, the second place is not bad.

Master Tiankun took out the token while smiling.

But the next second, his smile stiffened.


How did you get ninth?!

He was cold for a long time, then quickly looked at Shen Ze: "Brother Shen Ze, what's your number? 99


"Uh... Who are the top seven?

"I didn't see it! There was no one here when I came in."

As soon as these words fell, another figure entered the hall.

The comer is the master of Mingming.

"As expected, both of them are faster than me! Shame! Shame! It seems that I can only get third!

Zhi Ming dominated with a smile on his face, as if he was very satisfied with the third place.

But Shen Ze and Tian Peng both showed strange expressions.

At this time, Fei Ming took out the token slowly.

But the next second, he was stunned!

Why is he only tenth?!

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