Global Powers: I Control All Elements

Chapter 589 The Magical Uses of Karma Divine Seal (Subscribe)

Qin Feng took a look and found that the six or seven hundred people were all God Emperor Great Perfection, not a single God Emperor level.

He is the only God Emperor-level contestant.

And his score is also the highest in the crowd

These survivors come down to three levels, which is 130 points.

Only Qin Feng scored 145 points.

The extra 15 points is the superimposition of the results of the God-Emperor-level assessment.

This is the advantage of low cultivation.

At this moment, the voice of the Universal Star Lord resounded in the air again.

"Congratulations to all of you who have passed the Divine Emperor Great Circle Exam! I will give you ten minutes to repair your injuries, and ten minutes later, you will be promoted to the third and semi-master level! 39

As soon as these words fell, some of those players began to take medicine, and some began to heal their injuries.

Most of them were injured.

Only a few were left intact.

In a blink of an eye, the ten-minute repair was over.

There is a white light in the field!

Everyone was promoted to the third floor

At the same time, the fourth floor of Zhentian Tower.

This is the low-grade dominated area.

The surrounding environment is similar to the previous floors.

Blue sky, white clouds, grassland...

It's just that there are very few players here, only 217 players together.

That is to say, there are only 217 low-ranking masters.

At this moment, on a flat ground in the grassland.

Yu Qilin, Chu Chu, Bao Bao, Feng Di, and Bai Qi came together.

"Aunt, when will we start the assessment here?", Qin Baobao looked excited.

She couldn't wait.

Chu Chu hugged her dotingly: "Baby, you will have to wait a while. When the third-level assessment is over, it will return to us! At that time, your father will also be promoted.

"Dad will be with me too! That's great!"

The baby hugged Chu Chu and acted coquettishly.

Chu Chu couldn't help kissing her little face, which was fragrant and tender.

The two hugged and laughed.

At this moment, there was a sound of breaking air in the distance.

Everyone turned their heads and saw 10 Lingxi flying over.

"Hey! Isn't Zixing with you? Lingxi fell from the sky.

Yu Qilin and others frowned.

They didn't like this woman well.

The baby raised his face: "Aunt Zixing is the master of the middle class! Of course she is not here anymore.

"What?! Dominate the middle grade?!

Lingxi's delicate body was shocked.

The news made her uncomfortable.

You must know that she and Zi Xing have always been at the same level of cultivation, and they are both inferior to dominate the Great Perfection.

But now, Zi Xing has surpassed her.

This purple star is really annoying!

Yu Qilin saw Lingxi's careful thoughts.

She said coldly: "Master Lingxi, don't always compare yourself to Sister Zixing, you are not as good as her!

"That's right!" Chu Chu agreed.

Feng Di and Bao Bao also looked at her strangely.

Lingxi was hostile to all the women, her face became gloomy, and she was very annoyed.

"Zixing's cultivation base is higher than me, what do you have to be proud of. Speaking of which, you are not as good as me. In a while, I will see what results you can get in the test!""

Leaving those words behind, Lingxi walked away angrily.

She didn't go far.

These women are so annoying.

She wanted to see what grades these women could achieve.

Among these women, except for the jade unicorn, the inferior ones dominate the Great Perfection.

Others are not as good as her, and their grades are definitely not as good as hers.

At the same time, the assessment of the third-layer half-step master has all ended.

Qin Feng was looking at the information in the token.

"The contestant (Qin Huang) has passed the first level of the half-step dominance level, and obtained points: 100 points. Accumulated points: 245 points."

"The contestant (Qin Huang) passed the second level of the half-step dominance level and gained points: 170 points. Accumulated points: 415 points.

"The contestant (Qin Huang) passed the third level of the half-step dominance level, and gained points: 300 points. Accumulated points: 715 points.

"Not bad!", Qin Feng's mouth curled slightly.

He looked up and looked around, there were only 17 half-step masters left in the field.

These 17 talents scored 570 points.

Qin Feng's advantages gradually unfolded.

"Congratulations to the 18 of you who passed the half-step Dominion level test, ten minutes later, you will be promoted to the fourth level!"

The voice of the universe star rang again.

Everyone took the time to recover from their injuries.

time flies.

In a blink of an eye, ten minutes passed.

Immediately promoted!

At the same time, the fourth floor space.

Those inferior masters are chatting.

In the corner, Lingxi has been secretly paying attention to Yu Qilin and the others, she is waiting to see a joke.

At this moment, the entire space fluctuated, white lights lit up, and there were eighteen more people in the field.

"These people are half-step masters!

"Hehe! They are promotions!"

"Who is that guy in the black cape?"

The crowd murmured.

Soon, everyone's eyes were focused on Qin Feng.

He is so special!

The other ascendants are all half-step masters of the Great Perfection cultivation base, but Qin Feng is wearing the cloak of divine concealment, which makes it impossible to see his appearance and cultivation base.

It's hard not to get noticed!

There were curious and disdainful people in the crowd.

Lingxi also looked over curiously.

The next second, she raised the corners of her mouth in disdain: "Fake a ghost! Isn't it a half-step master!""

She is always proud of herself, and always looks down on people who are inferior to her.

On the other side, Yu Qilin recognized Qin Feng at a glance, and they all smiled knowingly.

It was at this moment that the sky shook and divine might descended.

"The test is about to begin!

The crowd whispered!

The players showed their solemn expressions one after another, and the atmosphere in the field became tense.

The half-step masters who have just been promoted are even more frightened.

That Lingxi glanced at those people with disdain, secretly thinking that a half-step master is a half-step master, and even this kind of coercion could not bear.

Thinking of this, she looked at Yu Qilin and the others, and finally her eyes fell on Emperor Feng.

Among these people, Emperor Feng was the weakest, with a combat power of only 1.5 million trillion, and should be the first to be eliminated.

It was then that the test finally began.

Ka~! Ka~! Ka~!

Two hundred and thirty-five divine thunders came at the same time!


The sky is shining brightly!

Countless spaces were shattered~!

"not good!"

"So strong!

The crowd exclaimed constantly, all kinds of brilliance bloomed, and all the means were used.

Lingxi was slightly moved.

The power of the Divine Thunder in this first level is comparable to that of a low-ranking ruler with a combat power of 1.5 million terabytes!

She didn't dare to care about her, and hurriedly used her defensive skills.

On the other side, Qin Feng's expression was calm, and he didn't do any defense at all, letting the divine thunder fall.

When several low-ranking masters not far away saw this detail, they thought Qin Feng had given up on himself.

However, they take it for granted.

A half-step master, how could it be possible to withstand such a powerful attack, it is natural to give up.

In the next second, the thunder will fall!

Kacha~! Kacha~!

Ah~! Ah~!

Dozens of screams in a row!

The newly promoted half-step masters were all bombarded!

There were also sixty-four low-rank masters who were also bombarded.

All these people are eliminated.

In a blink of an eye, there were 154 people left in the field!

The surviving people were all excited and looked at the information on the token one by one.

"Haha!! The first level has 500 points! 35

"That's a high score!"

"Yeah! By the way, those low-ranking masters who were eliminated just now have 0 points! Their grades are even worse than some god emperors.

"Haha!! Those who are eliminated can't even pass the first level, which means that they are weak in the same rank. Letting them enter Chaos Star Territory is to let them die. I think this test standard is very reasonable!"

At this moment, everyone was talking excitedly.

Everyone has 500 points and is in a good mood.

Qin Feng was also checking his grades.

"The contestant (Qin Huang) passed the first level of the low-rank dominance level, and obtained points: 500 points. Accumulated points: 1215 points.

Qin Feng smiled.

His points are not only the highest, but also 715 points more than others.

This advantage is growing.

"Hey! Look! Isn't the guy in the black cape a half-step master who has just been promoted? He actually survived!

With this reminder, the players all looked at Qin Feng and were stunned.

It is so!

Even Lingxi was surprised!

This guy in the black cape is really special!

At this moment, everyone looked at Qin Feng with a strange look.

"It's really not easy for a half-step master to be able to do so much!

"Yes! However, he can only be so far!

Many people whispered.

It was at this moment that the second wave of divine thunder arrived!

The situation changes!

Shockingly moving!

Ka~! Ka~! Ka~!

One hundred and fifty-four divine thunders descended!

The power of each attack is comparable to a full blow of 2.5 million terabytes of combat power!

Like a blow to the world!

Lingxi smiled.

Such a terrifying attack, the Jade Qilin side is afraid that few people can withstand it, especially the woman in the red dress.

Lingxi glanced at Fengdi.

At this moment, a devastating blow came down.

Lightning devoured everyone!

The earth turned into a thunder pool!

Electric light walks!

Can't see the figure!

Only the shrill screams came and went one after another in the thunder pool.

In the crowd, Yu Qilin easily resisted the blow of 183.

Immediately, she looked at Emperor Feng with a worried look on her face.

Among them, Emperor Feng is the weakest.

I don't know if Fengdi can resist a blow.

In fact, at the moment when Divine Thunder fell, Emperor Feng opened the Karma Divine Seal.

God of cause and effect!

The cycle of cause and effect, the stars move!

Damage transfer!

The damage of all attacks on Fengdi was quietly transferred to another target.

That target is Qin Feng's phantom avatar.

At this moment, Qin Feng's little universe.

The phantom avatar's entire body of lightning flowed away, easily resisting the blow.

If Fengdi is the cause, he is the effect.

This damage transfer is one of the magical effects of the Karma Seal.

Wait for all the lightning to disappear.

Heaven and Earth have returned to clarity!

There were only fifty-seven people left in the field.

"Hold on!

Lingxi gasped for breath, her heart rejoicing.

The score for the second level is 900 points!


How are those women?

She thought of the jade unicorns and hurriedly looked over.

Seeing this, she was dumbfounded.

I saw the jade unicorn and several people intact.

Even the Emperor Feng, whom she was least optimistic about, was intact.

how can that be?

Isn't the woman in the red dress with a combat power of 1.5 million trillion?

How could she resist the full blow of 2.5 million terabytes of combat power?!

Lingxi can't believe it!

At this moment, there was a murmur in the crowd.

"Look! The half-step master of the black cloak is still there!"

Lingxi was startled and quickly turned to look.

I saw Qin Feng standing there intact.

Lingxi was dumbfounded!

At this moment, the audience was dumbfounded, looking at Qin Feng in astonishment.

Is this guy really just a half-step master?!

PS: I beg you all to automatically book, all of them! Please ask for a monthly pass!! Thank you!!!

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