Global Powers: I Control All Elements

Chapter 574 unequal gambling (for subscription)

Zi Xing frowned: "Please speak with respect! He is my man! I only have the right to be disciplined by him, and there is no reason for me to discipline him!

As soon as these words fell, the whole audience was fried!


This young man is actually a man dominated by the devil?

My goodness!

This Tianfu star is a famous beauty.

It was rumored that even the high-ranking ruler could not look down on her, but she actually took a fancy to a little god emperor.

And this god emperor is only in the middle stage of god emperor.

This is too self-deprecating!

Everyone was dumbfounded!

The fog masters are all gone.

The misty emperor is even more open-mouthed.

He is very arrogant on weekdays.

But seeing Zi Xing, even if Zi Xing was beautiful and beautiful, he didn't dare to take a second look.

After all, Zixing is the master of the middle grade, and it is high above.

Unexpectedly, such a middle-ranking ruler would be soaked in by a small god emperor.

This made him both envious and jealous!

Not only him, but all the god emperors in the audience were envious, many of whom were envious.

Those rulers are even more unhappy.

What's so great about this little god emperor, why did he get the heart of the Demon Lord?

What made everyone even more depressed was that the Demon Lord was willing to be disciplined by him.

The Lord of the Foggy Sun almost couldn't react.

After a while, he sneered and shook his head: "Haha!! Master of Demon Heaven, Master of Xingfeng is so infatuated with you, and he has been rejected by you many times! emperor."

"It seems that it's not that your vision is too high, but your vision is not good!"

Zi Xing was annoyed: "Please show some respect! That's my private matter! Luo

"Oh! I'm too lazy to care about these things, I just want to get justice for my son. Lord of the devil, how do you explain what happened today?"

From the beginning to the end of the foggy day, Qin Feng did not look directly at Qin Feng.

A small god emperor, he couldn't look down on him at all.

Only this purple star made him fear for one or two.

If it wasn't for Zi Xing to come forward, he would have slapped the white-clothed boy to death long ago, and what was he doing with so much nonsense.

But at this moment, an extremely terrifying Tianwei descended from the sky and instantly enveloped the audience.

The terrifying coercion has reached the level of high-grade domination.

Everyone's faces changed slightly, and they looked up, and saw a middle-aged man in white falling from the sky.

"It's the wind that dominates!"

"My God! The Windward Masters are here! 35

"Yeah! He is ranked 39th on the Tianfu Top 100 list! 35

The visitor is the city lord of the Windward City, the Lord of the Wind.

Yingfeng City is one of the only three first-level main cities in Tianfu Star.

Seeing the appearance of the Lord of the Wind, everyone was moved.

In the crowd, the white-haired old man who presided over the auction breathed a sigh of relief.

It turned out that the windward master was called by him secretly.

He didn't want someone to spoil the auction.

"I have seen Windward Master!

The Lord of Foggy Sun and Zixing bowed respectfully.

In the face of high-ranking masters, neither of them dared to be big.

The combat power of the high-ranking rulers is 20,000-100,000 Jing, and they can be afraid of their physical collapse with one palm.

Although after talking about the master, it is difficult to be killed.

But it is not difficult for the top-rank master to seal them, and then spend some time refining to kill them.

"Master of the foggy day, you forcibly broke into the auction site to break the rules of my Wanbao auction house?

When these words came out, everyone was shocked.

Unexpectedly, the backer behind this Wanbao auction house is actually dominated by the wind.

The Lord of the Foggy Sun was shocked: "This is a misunderstanding! Wu did not mean to destroy the auction, but wanted to get justice for my son. I suspect that my son fell into a coma twice in a row and was manipulated by the Lord of the Devil? 35

Zi Xing sneered: "Do you have evidence?"

"This..." The Lord of Foggy Sun couldn't say it.

Qin Feng's secret technique was invisible and invisible, and there was no trace of the attack at all, so he naturally couldn't show any evidence.

The Lord of the Wind glanced at both sides coldly.

"This deity doesn't care about any festivals between you! In this auction, no one is allowed to fight. If you want to fight, then go outside and fight. Or wait for the auction to end, you are private!

The Lord of the Foggy Sun is a person who bullies the soft and fears the hard.

He nodded hurriedly: "Brother Yingfeng is right! Then I'll ask the two of them for an explanation when the auction ends.

After he finished speaking, he gave Qin Feng and Zi Xing a cold look.

The corners of Qin Feng's mouth were slightly upturned, and a sneer flashed across his eyes.

Seeing that the two sides had calmed down, Yingfeng Master looked at the white-haired old man on the summit platform and signaled him to continue.

The white-haired old man cleared his throat.

"Cough~! Everyone, now the auction of Zhongtianjing continues!"

"Hey! Zhongtianjing!", Lord Foggy Sun opened his eyes wide in surprise.

This treasure is also extremely useful to him!

He is now at the pinnacle of the Great Perfection of the middle grade, and if he has the help of this Heavenly Crystal, he has a certain chance of breaking through to the half-step high-grade master!

Thinking of this, his eyes were hot.

"Everyone, the bid for box 7 was 270 trillion! Is there anything higher?

"This lord made 300 trillion! 35

Foggy Day dominates direct bids.

As soon as the price came out, the audience was stunned.

The owner of Box No. 8 was dumbfounded, she didn't have that much money to follow.

At such a price, no one can afford it!

Zi Xing also frowned.

The sum of her and Qin Feng's money is only 290 trillion.

It seems that Tianjing has no relationship with them!

Qin Feng felt somewhat regretful.

"300 trillion for the first time! Is there still a hungry bidder?

The white-haired old man shouted excitedly.

The field was silent, no one followed.

Soon, the white-haired old man shouted three times in a row, but still no one answered.


A clear cry!

The chime is ringing!

"Congratulations to the foggy day master for taking pictures of Zhongtianjing! 55

"Master of the devil, let it go!"

The Lord of the Foggy Sun looked at Zixing proudly.

He intends to be angry with Zixing.

Zi Xingxiu frowned, and was very unhappy in her heart.

At this moment, Wu Tianzi rolled his eyes, and said a few words in the ear of the foggy day master.

After listening to the foggy day master, he quickly shook his head: "It's not worth it!"

Wu Tianzi was anxious and said in a low voice: "Father, the holy water of true spirit is really important to the child. Whether I can break through to the God Emperor before the selection of the God Emperor begins, it depends on it!""

It turned out that Son of Wu also planned to participate in the selection of God Emperor, but his cultivation was a little worse.

"This...the foggy day master hesitated.

Wu Tianzi continued to persuade: "Dad, with your strength, you are still afraid of them? That Demon Lord is obviously just breaking through to the middle-rank domination. With her cultivation level, can she withstand your blow?

"Is it wrong to have one strike? Should I change it to three strikes?" The Master of the Foggy Sun was still hesitant.

"Dad, if you change it to three strikes, you will scare people away.

Father and son have been constantly transmitting sound.

At this moment, the white-haired old man announced the end of the auction.

Many people started to distribute.

Qin Feng and Zi Xing were also ready to leave.

It's just that Zhong Tianjing was not photographed, and the two felt a little regretful in their hearts.

Seeing that Qin Feng and the two were about to leave, Wu Tianzi became even more anxious.

The Master of Foggy Sun stomped his feet and whispered: "Son, for you! Dad will take an adventure this time!

Wu Tianzi was overjoyed: "Dad, don't worry! With your strength, you will definitely win!

"Humph! It's easy to say if you win! If you lose, you have to lose a layer of skin!

Wu Tianzi smiled indifferently.

He didn't think his father would lose at all.

In fact, the Master of Foggy Sun didn't think he would lose.

It's just that Zhongtian Crystal is too precious, which makes him hesitate a little bit.

But once he made up his mind, his confidence came spontaneously.

"Master of the devil! Hold on!

The sound instantly spread throughout the audience.

Those who were about to leave stopped one after another.

A good show is coming!

Zi Xing and Qin Feng also stopped.

What should come always comes.

Zi Xing looked at the other party coldly: "Master of the foggy sun, what's the matter, let's go out and tell! In case you break this place, you have to compensate!""

With a punch at these words, the atmosphere of the scene was instantly tense.

Everyone held their breath.

Even the Windward Master watched intently.

I saw the Lord of the Foggy Sun in a low voice: "The Lord wants to have a gamble with you, and the gamble is over. No matter what kind of grievances and grievances you have before, all of them will be written off. I wonder if you dare?"

"How to bet??"

The Lord of the Foggy Sun explained: "We only bet one move! If you can catch the Lord's move without retreating 100 meters, you will win. If you retreat more than 100 meters, you will lose!"

"Of course, since it's a gambling fight, you'll have some luck. If you win, the Zhongtian Crystal I just took will belong to you! If you lose, the True Spirit Holy Water you took before will belong to me!

As soon as these words fell, the audience was in an uproar.

Even the windward master was moved!

Whether it is True Spirit Holy Water or Zhongtian Crystal, they are all treasures that are extremely cherished.

What a big gamble!

However, the market price of True Spirit Holy Water is around 50 trillion, and Zhongtian Crystal is 2 to 3 trillion.

In this gambling battle, it is obvious that the foggy day dominates the loss!

Everyone was puzzled.

However, they soon figured it out.

Obviously, the Lord of the Foggy Sun was worried that the Lord of the Devil would not dare to gamble, so he made such an unequal gambling fight to tempt him.

The Master of the Foggy Sun also fought hard for his son.

After all, Zixing is the city lord of Tianfuxing. Even if the two sides are fighting, the Lord of Wutian will hurt Zi Xing at the most, and he will not dare to seal her, let alone kill her.

At least on Tianfu Star, this cannot be done.

Wu Tianzi felt that this was the best way to relieve his anger.

The holy water he needed most was still gone.

Therefore, he came up with this ghost idea.

The foggy day master also hesitated for a long time before agreeing.

No matter what he thinks, he also feels that his strength is much stronger than his self-confidence, and his chances of winning are 99%.

Sure enough, Zi Xing and Qin Feng's eyes lit up after listening.

They were all excited.

"Excuse me, Lord of the Foggy Sun, must Zixing make a move? Can I make a move?"

Qin Feng asked suddenly.

Zi Xing was silent.

Qin Feng's strength is much stronger than her.

She naturally hoped that Qin Feng would come to fight.

Lord of the Foggy Day seemed to hear a joke.

He was worried that Zi Xing would not dare, this kid even took the initiative to ask.

A small god emperor, really does not know the heights of the sky.

This is the first time he has seen such an ignorant person!

Immediately, he smiled and said, "Yes! Either of you can make a shot! The rules are the same! The same is true for the lottery! Of course, only one of you can make a shot! 99

When I saw the foggy day, the master agreed.

Qin Feng and Zi Xing looked at each other with joy hidden in their eyes.

They originally thought that the Zhongtian Crystal was gone, but they didn't want the dark and bright!

Immediately, Zi Xing said: "It's okay to gamble! However, I said that there is no evidence, and I made a contract to prove it. If you lose, you will give us the Zhongtian Crystal! 39

The Master of Foggy Sun laughed: "Haha!! It's simple. My Zhongtian Crystal is still in the auction house, so I don't have to take it now. Everyone, in front of so many people, made a gambling contract, which will be notarized by Brother Yingfeng. !35

Zi Xing looked at Yingfeng Master: "Brother Yingfeng, would you like to be a notary?"

The Lord of the Wind is also interested: "Yes!"

The foggy sun dominates overjoyed: "Then let's sign a gambling contract!

"it is good!

Immediately, the two began to sign a gambling contract.

Fuck it~!

Such an unequal gamble is really about to begin!

People are amazed!

They stayed and watched.

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