Global Powers: I Control All Elements

Chapter 555 The Other Shore 13 Petals of Flowers (Subscription)

"Ding! The success of swallowing the Inheritance Divine Seal...Congratulations to the host for acquiring the Blood Venerable Inheritance (mid-grade Star Lord), the Blood Venerable Inheritance has awakened 80%, and acquired a large amount of the power of demon blood.... The cultivation base has increased to 91% in the second round of the realm. ......The combat power has broken through to 1.3 million trillion..."

"Ding! Congrats to the host for obtaining the blood venerable luck (lower orange level), and the luck has been raised to the upper red level by 5%..."

Remarks: When the luck is upgraded to the upper red level 100%, it will be promoted to the purple level of luck (God level)

"Ding! Congratulations on the improvement of the host's luck, Rui Qilin's inheritance has awakened 100%, and the cultivation base has increased to 99% in the late second round... The combat power has increased to 1.5 million trillion..."5

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for completely awakening the inheritance of Rui Qilin, the awakening of Rui Qilin's essence..."

"Ding! Congratulations to the host, your soul has been strengthened by Rui Qilin's essence.... The flower of the soul blooms again and the progress has increased to 57% (the flower blooms with thirteen petals). The combat power has increased to 1.55 trillion...

"Ding! Congratulations to the host, your body has been strengthened by Rui Qilin's essence.... The blooming progress of the flower on the other side has increased to 100% (the flower blooms thirteen petals)... The combat power has increased to 1.6 million trillion

"Ding! Congratulations to the host, your flower on the other side blooms again, with thirteen petals... The combat power has increased to 1.8 million trillion..."

At this moment, Qin Feng's head was put on the shelf, and the golden flower of the other side appeared, slowly blooming...

In the next second, the thirteen petals of the flower bloom, the rays of the sun are shining, the world is shocked...

Yu Qilin, Bai Qi and the others opened their eyes one after another.

Nine is the ultimate, twelve is the perfection!

The flower has 10 thirteen petals, which has never been seen in the universe, and is unheard of.

Bai Qi and Yu Qilin were both stunned!

The two of them are quite knowledgeable!

At this moment, heaven and earth congratulate...

Infinite auspiciousness descends from the sky!

Countless golden flowers, drooping beads, and gems descended...

Above the earth, countless golden lotuses and colorful clouds gush out...

At this moment, just outside the secret realm, auspicious auspiciousness suddenly appeared near Tianfu Star.

Many great masters were alarmed and looked up at the starry sky one by one.

At this moment, there was actually a colorful glow that enveloped the entire sky above Tianfu Star.

Even the supreme star master of Tianfu was shocked.

The Tianfu Star Lord is a kind-hearted old man.

At this moment, his eyes penetrated the retreat, and he looked up at the sky in amazement.

What happened to the auspicious omen that the heaven and earth suddenly descended?

Tianfu Star Lord is puzzled!

He couldn't guess.

But he was a little excited in his heart.

The auspiciousness of heaven descends in Tianfu, which indicates that luck has come to Tianfu stars.

I'm afraid that Tianfuxing will produce some peerless genius.

This genius will definitely be a big man in the future!

Thinking of this, the Tianfu Star Master became excited.

The five polar stars all have competition, and even compete with Demon Domain, Celestial Clan, and Ancient Clan.

Who doesn't want one or two rising stars to appear in their own territory!

At the same time, on the Tianfu Star, thousands of trillions of creatures have seen the colorful rays of light in the sky, exuding sacred light, supreme and noble...

Those elemental masters under their dominance have an inexplicable urge to kneel down and worship...

Thirteen petals!

first time in the universe

Even the instinctive will of the universe is celebrating...

At this moment, Qin Feng's small universe, on the mid-pole star.

Yu Qilin, Chu Chu, Bai Qi and others all gathered together and looked up at the sky.

In the sky, the scene outside emerged.

At this moment, several people were stunned.

"Wow! Thirteen petals bloom! Sister Yu'er, no one has done it before, right?"

Chu Chu asked curiously.

Yu Qilin recovered from the shock.

She took a deep breath and said, "I've never heard of it before, let alone anyone who has done it.

Bai Qi echoed: "That's right! I haven't heard of it! Your Majesty should be the only one in the universe!"

"Wow! Dad is amazing!"

Qin Baobao has a cute face, and in his big black eyes, full of admiration. ……..

After a while, all the visions of heaven and earth disappeared.

Qin Feng opened his eyes excitedly.

Knew it!

After the star master-level inheritance is completely awakened, there will be a burst of energy.

That essence is of great help to the strengthening of the body and soul.

This made the flower of his other shore open thirteen petals.

Next, what he has to do is to open the flower of soul with thirteen petals, and let the flower of primordial spirit also bloom with thirteen petals.

Let the three flowers gather on the top again, and become the only god emperor with thirteen petals and three flowers gathering on the top of this universe.

You must know that everyone else is a twelve-petaled three-flower gathering, even the high-grade star master is no exception.

"Dad, you are amazing!", the baby cheered.

Qin Feng smiled slightly and pinched a few seals in his hand. The blood sea below suddenly surged into the sky, and automatically surged up.

After getting the inheritance of the blood venerable, Qin Feng knew that this sea of ​​blood was actually a treasure of the star master, and it was created by the blood venerable's whole life.

It's just that under the erosion of tens of billions of years, the sea of ​​​​blood has fallen from the star master level treasure to the master level.

However, as long as he nourishes this sea of ​​blood, he will be able to recover to the star master level over time.

At the moment, Qin Feng even pinched the seal.



The sea of ​​blood is evacuated!

Only a dry seabed remains!

The next second, in the depths of Qin Feng's small universe, a vast sea of ​​blood appeared out of thin air and began to merge with the starry sky...

The aura on Qin Feng's body is also quietly changing, and there is a sense of slaughter...

"Ding! Congratulations to the host, the fusion of the endless sea of ​​blood (top-grade master-level item, which can be evolved) has been successful... The combat power has increased to 2 million trillion..."

"not bad!"

Qin Feng was delighted.

2 million terabytes of combat power, if you use Chaos to transform, Star Palace Battle Armor, the combat power directly doubles to 4 million terabytes.

Coupled with the combination of the four star-pole followers, his combat power in the strongest state can reach 4.4 million trillion.

With such strength, he dared to sweep the lower-ranking ruler.

As for encountering a mid-rank master, he should also have the ability to protect himself.

The low-grade domination battle strength is 100-300 million trillion.

The mid-level dominance is 10-30 million trillion.

The higher the cultivation base, the more difficult it is.

Qin Feng is not worried, he still has a bigger inheritance that he has not inherited.

That is the inheritance of the unicorn master.

"Hey! And this..."

At this time, Qin Feng looked at the seabed in surprise.

Where there is a different eye, it is the eye of the sky.

This eye is different, it can determine the sky, earth, people, time, space, and reincarnation.

This divine eye was obscured by the sea of ​​blood before, he didn't find it, and thought it was destroyed.

Just found out now, what a surprise!

As soon as Qin Feng waved his hand, he put away the eyes of the gods.

Afterwards, he sent Abi Yuantu double swords into the endless sea of ​​blood.

These two swords are closely related to the sea of ​​blood and can be nourished by the sea of ​​blood.

After a long time, the rank of the double swords will automatically return to the master-level Yuanwu level...

After doing all this, Qin Feng left.

A quarter of an hour later, Qin Feng returned to the square.

The square was still deserted and empty.

Qin Feng looked at the place where the fire unicorn was inherited.

Zixing hasn't come out yet.

She will inherit the inheritance soon, it is estimated that she will have to wait for a while. 170

"Qin Feng, now the Fire Qilin inheritance is left. As long as Sister Zixing completes the inheritance, the inheritance of the Qilin Lord will start!"

The voice of the jade unicorn resounded in his mind.

"Yeah!" Qin Feng looked expectantly.

Now this secret realm is all his own.

The inheritance of the unicorn master will definitely be his.

"Qin Feng, I have a hunch!""

"What's the hunch?"

"When you acquire the inheritance of the unicorn master, the world will be in chaos. The enemies who harmed the five spirits in those days should be restless!

Yu Qilin's tone was a little proud and a little excited.

The clan of five spirits is the five clans of Shenlong, Shenfeng, Qilin, Baihu, and Xuanwu, and they are also the masters of the five polar stars of the previous generation.

Qin Feng nodded slightly, feeling that Yu Qilin's words made sense.

When he obtained the inheritance of the Qilin Lord, the ancestors of the dragon and the Qilin were born one after another.

It's just that the world doesn't know that these two inheritors are Qin Feng alone.

Qin Feng suddenly thought, what would happen if he acquired all the inheritances of these five spiritual masters?

With the inheritance of the Lord of the Five Great Pole Stars, he might be able to break through to the god level!

"Dad, do we want to go to the place of inheritance of fire unicorns?", the baby's curiosity is the highest.

Qin Feng smiled slightly: "Don't disturb Zi Xing, she should be at a critical moment. There are no foreign enemies now, everyone should retreat, and try to awaken all the inheritances you have acquired!

Everyone complied.

After a while, only the phantom avatar was left guarding the square.

Qin Feng also entered the small universe and began to retreat while waiting for Zixing.

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