Global Powers: I Control All Elements

Chapter 549: 10 Billion Plans, Hidden 1 Trick (For Subscription)

"Ding! Congratulations to the host's great increase in luck, the inheritance of the ancestors has awakened 100% (top-grade star master)

At this moment, the sky and the earth changed color again.

The Ancestral Dragon Inheritance has finally fully awakened.

Qin Feng's whole body trembled violently, and the dragon's roar sounded in his body, as if he came from an ancient prehistoric, vast and uncertain, and the years are passing...

Immediately, Qin Feng's momentum was like a volcanic eruption, spurting upward...

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for completely awakening the Ancestral Dragon inheritance... Obtaining the power of the infinite dragon god... The cultivation base has increased to 76% in the late second round... The combat power has broken through to 930,000 trillion.""

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for completely awakening the inheritance of Zulong, the awakening of Zulong's essence... 99

"Ding! Congratulations to the host, your potential has been forcibly enhanced by the Ancestral Dragon's essence, breaking through the shackles of potential, and you can open the thirteenth ring talent - god-level talent, the current progress of opening the thirteenth ring qualification is 17%...... ""

Buzz~! Buzz~! Buzz~!..

Dozens of clear beeps in a row!

Twelve golden halos appeared in the back of Qin Feng's head in a row, and the golden "one seventy" was very bright, majestic and extremely noble.

Twelve golden rings!

It is the potential of the top-grade star master!

Rare in the world!

The last time he was tested in Tianmo City, his potential was twelve golden rings.


Another cry~!

The heaven and the earth trembled slightly, as if the heaven and the earth were frightened!

The Thirteenth Ring Appears!

It was a looming purple-gold halo!

The thirteenth ring talent!

God-level talent!

Qin Feng's current opening progress is 17%.

His talent belongs to the transitional state of high-grade star master to god-level.

When the opening progress is 100%, it is the culmination of god-level talent.

"Haha!! The talent has also improved!

Qin Feng is ecstatic!

Feeling very happy!

As far as he knows, the highest talent in this universe is the high-grade star master of the 12th ring.

He should be the only one who breaks through the shackles of qualifications!

"Ding! Congratulations to the host, your body has been strengthened by the ancestral dragon essence.... The blooming progress of the flower of the other shore has increased to 85% (the flower blooms with thirteen petals)... The combat power has increased to 970,000 trillion..."

"Ding! Congratulations, the host, your soul has been strengthened by the ancestral dragon essence.... The blooming progress of the soul flower has increased to 41% (the flower blooms with thirteen petals)... The combat power has been increased to 1 million trillion... "

Qin Feng opened his eyes with joy.

His body and soul were greatly strengthened.

The combat power has broken through to 1 million trillion, which is the threshold for low-grade domination!

Having said that, after the Ancestral Dragon Inheritance was completely awakened, a burst of essence was awakened.

The essence is extremely mysterious, and it has a strengthening effect on the potential, the body, and the soul.

He had read on some materials, it seems that only the inheritance of the star master can have the essence.

Unexpectedly, he was verified today.

Qin Feng is very satisfied with this harvest and is in a good mood.

At the same time, in the distant evening star field, inside a huge floating temple.

The Lord of Dusk was transformed into a thousand zhang, sitting on the tall pedestal, listening to the reports of his subordinates.

"Master Master, Yingguang and others went to the Earth Star Territory, and there has been no news for several months. The subordinates tried to contact, but there is no reply so far! The subordinates are going to send two great emperors to inquire!

A god emperor respectfully reported.

Dusk Master opened his eyes slightly: "Such a trivial matter! You can do it yourself, no need to report it!


The god emperor respectfully withdrew.

"Master Lord, there is the latest news from Tianfu Star that hundreds of thousands of people have been eliminated from the Ziyun Secret Realm. His Royal Highness Ye Tianzi is not among the eliminations!

Another god emperor came forward to report.

The Dusk Master finally opened his eyes and nodded slightly.

That's what he cares about.

With his son's talent and the help of his master's servants, how could he be eliminated.

After all, his son is also the destiny of the Lord of Pole Stars, and is the top existence in this universe.

Every time I think of this, the Lord of Twilight is extremely proud.

I have no regrets in this life to have such an excellent son!


Dusk Lord only thought of this.

Many god emperors and emperors below discussed it.

"God Emperor Gale, isn't your news superfluous! With the talent and strength of His Royal Highness Ye Tianzi, there is absolutely no possibility of being eliminated!

"That's it! What a talent, Your Highness! What a fortune! If you want me to see, the inheritance of the Ziyun Secret Realm this time will probably fall on Your Highness's head!""

"Haha!! That's of course! 35

In the crowd, there are a lot of flattery, and there are also a lot of people who really think it.

However, flattery or not.

These people were impressed by Ye Tianzi's talent and strength.

Dusk Lord looked at the scene in front of him, and his heart was very comfortable.

But at this moment, he seemed to sense something, and his face changed slightly.

In the main hall, everyone sensed that Dusk Lord's expression had changed, and they all looked over.

For a moment, the hall became much quieter.

Dusk Lord has no mind to pay attention to everyone.

He hurriedly took out Ye Tianzi's soul card from the storage ring.

When the soul card appeared, everyone was dumbfounded!

I saw that the soul card cracked from the middle and split into two.

Oh my God!

The night sky has fallen!

For a moment, the air in the audience froze, and it was terribly quiet!

Dusk Master suddenly bounced from his seat, his eyes widened.

how can that be?


This is impossible!

Isn't there a Hezong guarding Ye'er?

How could something go wrong at night!

At this moment, Dusk Lord was extremely sad and angry, and his face was hideous.

In the hall, everyone was afraid, and the atmosphere did not dare to breathe.

The son that Dusk Lord cares about most has fallen, and who dares to speak at this moment, it is no different from courting death!

"Go away!" The Dusk Lord roared.

The subordinates were so frightened that they retreated.0

In the blink of an eye, the entire hall was empty and terrifyingly silent.

At this moment, the space shook for a while.

A man in a blue shirt came from the void.

This man does not seem to stick to the fireworks of the world, and his temperament is extraordinary. ...

The Twilight Lord is grief-stricken.

He felt the fluctuations in the space, knew that someone was there, and was furious in his heart.

At this moment, there are still people who dare to disturb him.

He raised his head suddenly, and when he saw the man in the blue shirt, the anger on his face subsided instantly, and his face turned sad.


Twilight dominates whine.

"You don't need to say more! I already know! The man in the blue shirt approached indifferently.



Dusk Lord fell to his knees.

The whole temple trembled.

"I beg Shizun to avenge Ye'er!"

The man in the blue shirt lamented: "The plan of tens of billions has been broken today. The cause and effect of the Ancestral Dragon has not been solved, and the unicorn will be revived again! There are changes in this secret realm! 99

"Now it seems that the inheritance of the master of the unicorn cannot be obtained. Since this inheritance cannot be used by me, it cannot be obtained by others!

Dusk Lord's heart moved: "Master, you want to..."

"Kill all the creatures in the secret territory of Ziyun! In this way, there will be no heirs! 35

"But as soon as you approached Tianfu Star, you were stopped by the Tianfu Star Lord!

"I don't need to go in person! Ten billion years ago, the teacher left a means in the battle of Ziyun, and it should be of special use at this moment!

Dusk Lord was shocked.

Master is really unfathomable!

Immediately, he thought of something.

If the master has a way, he can kill all the examiners in the secret realm.

Then his son's great revenge will be avenged!

The one who killed his son must be the one alive.

"Master, Ye'er was guarded by Hezong, and he was killed. The person who killed him must be stronger than Hezong!"

"Hezong is also dead!"

"What?!" The Dusk Master was shocked 4.7, "Master, Hezong is a half-step master of the Great Perfection, how could he fall? 35

"It stands to reason that only the low-rank masters can kill the Hezong. But the Ziyun Secret Realm prohibits the masters from entering.

The man in the blue shirt said indifferently: "As long as you have a secret technique or weapon that restrains the power of reincarnation, there is a way to kill Hezong."

"The rule set by the unicorn master cannot be broken by the master. There should be no low-level master in the secret realm. As long as there is no master, the master will have a way to eliminate all living beings."

Dusk Lord suddenly said: "What if there is a cultivation base in the secret realm that is not the Lord, but the strength reaches the low-rank Lord?"

The man in the blue shirt pondered for a while.

Immediately, he sighed: "If such an existence really exists, the number of success or failure will be five or five. If it fails, the number of days will be counted!"

As soon as the voice fell, he waved his hand, raised an altar of heaven and earth, and started to activate the secret technique.

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