Global Powers: I Control All Elements

Chapter 546: Recognition of the Spirit of Inheritance (Subscription)

"Really? Then the emperor will try your jin liang!"

As soon as the voice fell, Qin Feng suddenly shot and slashed at the old man with a sword.

"It's up to you!

The old man looked disdainful.

He knew Qin Feng's strength.

Go it alone!

Definitely not your opponent!

But the next second, he realized that something was wrong.

I saw Qin Feng's sword slash out, the sky and the earth changed color instantly, and the whole sky suddenly darkened.

Immediately, a huge sword of ten thousand feet, wrapped in monstrous black flames, with the momentum of destroying the sky and destroying the earth, poured down...

Ka~! Ka~!~ Ka!

The monstrous Jianwei pressed the ground to crack in an instant, and even the Inheritance Temple was lowered by a few inches.

"how can that be?!"

The old man was shocked. .

At this moment, he sensed the momentum on Qin Feng's body, it was 450,000 trillion (chaotic transformation state)...

How is that possible?

He played against each other a few days ago, and Qin Feng's momentum was only 210,000 trillion.

What's even more terrifying is that the long sword in Qin Feng's hand is actually the half-master Yuanwu, and its power is extremely terrifying...

"not good!"

The old man is afraid!

In a hurry, he is about to use the move to turn the blow away.

He still has one soul slave left.

But at this moment, the endless covering oppressed down...

Before the attack arrives, the mighty sword comes first!

Boom~! Boom~! Boom~!

In an instant, more than a dozen subordinates of the god emperor level were oppressed by the invisible sword power and exploded, including his soul slave.

The old man's transfer of flowers and trees could not be used immediately.

He is grieved! Fearful!

Had to bite the bullet and meet that sword!


Heaven and Earth are shattering!

A sea of ​​fire!

In an instant, the old man turned into a man on fire, spewing blood and tumbling out.

A half-step master of the Great Perfection can't stop Qin Feng's blow!

Qin Feng stepped into the air with one step, followed closely, another sword.


Shockingly moving!

The temple trembles!

The bald-headed old man screamed in agony and was blown away again.

This time, his injury was more serious.

"Hey! This sword..."

Qin Feng's eyes suddenly lit up.

He was pleasantly surprised to discover that the Black Phoenix Divine Sword had its own unique reincarnation skyfire of the Phoenix Clan!

The Reincarnation Skyfire can regenerate and destroy people.

It has great restraint on the power of reincarnation.

Simply put, if the bald old man is split in half with other weapons, the old man can still be resurrected.

But if the black phoenix sword is used to split the old man in half, the old man will die.

This is simply a half-step master, or even a weapon for master!

Qin Feng was overjoyed and chased after him again.

He saw the hope of beheading the old man.

You must know that the half-step master is extremely difficult to kill, and even if his strength is twice his strength, he can only be seriously injured.

Those who can kill a half-step ruler can only do it with the strength above the ruler.

But Qin Feng now has hope.


Another bang!

The old man was split up again.

He suddenly had three deep sword wounds on his body that could not heal for a long time.

Qin Feng kept chasing after him and continued to torture and kill.......

The old man also realized that the fear in his heart is getting deeper and deeper...


At the same time, deep within the temple.

Inside the refining chamber.

Ye Tianzi is smelting materials.

Suddenly, the hall trembled.

He was startled.

This was clearly caused by a fight outside.

Could it be that Emperor Qin is here?

Ye Tianzi thought about it for a while and felt that it should be so.

"Ha! Qin Huang is not the opponent of Senior He. With Senior He there, he can't get in at all. By the way, if I inherit Rui Qilin's inheritance, and then struttingly appear in front of him, will he be mad to death? ~ "?"

As soon as this thought came out, Ye Tianzi laughed.

The image flashed in his mind.

Imagine yourself being inherited and bathed in the glory of glory.

And Qin Huang was lying on the ground in an embarrassment, so angry that he only vomited blood.

Thinking of this, he felt relieved.

"Haha! I hope Senior He doesn't beat him to death before I get the inheritance, that would be a little boring!

Ye Tianzi thought smugly, and began to refine the utensils in a happy mood.

The sound of fighting outside continued, and the temple trembled.

But in the ears of Ye Tianzi, that is wonderful music.

He could even imagine that Qin Huang had been beaten into a human shape by the bald old man...

Meanwhile, outside the temple.

The bald-headed old man had been slashed all over by Qin Feng, and he was extremely embarrassed.

"Emperor Qin, spare your life! Forgive your life!

The old man began to beg for mercy.

He has realized that if this goes on like this, he will die.

He thought about running away, but time and space were all controlled by Qin Feng.

His speed is not as fast as Qin Feng, he can't escape even if he wants to!

Qin Feng ignored the old man's plea for mercy and continued to attack.

At this moment, the space fluctuated, and the phantom clone arrived.

The avatar has helped Bai Qi win the inheritance of the phoenix master, and helped Chu Chu win the inheritance of the god slaying master.

Now, Bai Qi and Chu Chu are both integrating inheritance in the place that dominates inheritance.

The phantom avatar is here to help!

When the bald old man saw the phantom clone, it was like seeing a savior.

He hurriedly shouted to the clone: ​​"Your Excellency, help me! You and I will join hands to deal with Emperor Qin! The old man is willing to pay you!

"Haha! Old man, you are really in a hurry to go to the doctor!"

Qin Feng couldn't help laughing.

"What do you mean?", the old man was puzzled.

At this time, the phantom clone took off the hood, revealing a peerless handsome face, exactly the same as Qin Feng.

The old man was dumbfounded: "This... what's going on?"

Qin Feng smiled evilly: "Let me play with you as a clone!

"What?! Is he your doppelganger?

The old man was shocked.

Despair surged from the bottom of my heart.

Qin Feng waved his hand, and the Black Phoenix Divine Sword fell into the clone's hand.

The next second, he directly entered the inheritance temple.

The incorporeal clone killed the bald old man.

The fighting continued. . . .

Qin Feng easily passed the temple gate test.

After a while, he arrived at the main hall of the main hall and saw the spirit of inheritance.

At this moment, the spirit of inheritance looked at Qin Feng with a shocked expression.

"Medium Red Luck! This... This is terrible!

"Hey! You have the aura of the unicorn holy blood! You are a person recognized by the unicorn master! Good! Good! Good!"

The Spirit of Inheritance became more and more excited as he looked at it, and said goodbye three times in a row.

`Senior, I am here to participate in the inheritance assessment! I also hope that the seniors will reveal the content of the assessment!

Qin Feng's tone was respectful.

He still respects the elders of the Qilin family.

Not to mention that he has a deep relationship with the ancient five spirits, just looking at the face of the jade unicorn, he will respect the predecessors of the unicorn family.

Qin Feng's respectful attitude made the Spirit of Inheritance extremely satisfied.

Compared to the black-clothed youth in front, this white-clothed youth is simply too perfect.

This young man is far stronger than the black-clothed youth not only in talent, strength, and luck.

Even the attitude towards him is different.

The young man in black looked respectful to him on the surface, but there was a bit of arrogance in his tone.

Unlike the boy in white in front of him, he could feel that he was sincerely respectful.

"Young man, what's your name?" The Spirit of Inheritance asked with a smile.

"Qin Feng! 35

"Okay! Qin Feng, you have passed the inheritance test! If you want, you can accept my inheritance now!"

Qin Feng was taken aback.

It looks like he hasn't been tested yet!

"Uh... Senior, have I been assessed?

The Spirit of Inheritance smiled and said, "Haha!! Qin Feng, your luck is stronger than mine, what else can I choose?

"Besides, you have the aura of the unicorn holy blood on your body, which means that you are recognized by the unicorn master! Simply put, in the third weapon refining test, you must get the first place in a certain test area, and the refining (by Zhao's) The equipment talent is already top notch!"

Hearing this, Qin Feng thought about it in retrospect, and it really was the case.

The first drop of unicorn holy blood he got was in the refining test.

The Spirit of Inheritance said again: "Besides, I am extremely satisfied with you! If my expectations for the successor are 100 points, then you are 200 points, and you have greatly exceeded my expectations."

The Spirit of Inheritance is full of praise for Qin Feng, and the evaluation is very high.

"Senior has won the prize! 35

"Haha!! You don't have to be humble! If you want, you can accept the inheritance now. Excuse me, are you going to start now? 35

The spirit of inheritance said it very politely.

He looked at Qin Feng expectantly, for fear that Qin Feng would run away.

Such an excellent heir, if he really ran away, he would be sad.

Qin Feng smiled slightly: "Of course!

The Spirit of Inheritance is overjoyed: "Okay! Let's start now! 35

At the moment, the two started the inheritance ceremony.

On the other side, Ye Tianzi was still foolishly refining Yuan Wu. allow

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