Global Powers: I Control All Elements

Chapter 542 Catch All (For Subscription)


Still shocked!

Emperor Qin was only in the sea realm!

At this moment, the shock in the hearts of the half-step masters was stronger than anyone present.

They never thought that Qin Huang, who could be on an equal footing with them, was only in the Lunhai realm.

That night, the emperor also recovered from the confusion.

At this moment, his fragile self-esteem took a deep blow.

It surprised me that!

There are so many geniuses in this world!

If he hadn't seen it with his own eyes, he would never have believed it.

But why is this prodigy the one who hates him at first sight?

Am I born to be rivals with him?

This idea came together, and Ye Tianzi himself felt embarrassed.

He himself felt that he was not qualified to compare with Qin Feng.

The difference between the two is too great!

"Your Highness, didn't you say that Emperor Qin couldn't enter? He seems to have entered!"

The subordinate said this unconsciously.

As soon as these words came out, the subordinates felt remorse, lowered their heads and dared not look at Ye Tianzi.

Ye Tianzi's face turned red, very embarrassing!

This time it was really slapped in the face.

"Xiao Ye, there are people outside the world! There are gods outside the sky! I'm afraid this Emperor Qin's potential is higher than yours!""

The bald old man couldn't help but sigh.

What he said is also true.

Anyone with discernment can see that Ye Tianzi is not as good as Qin Feng.

But I don't know why, Ye Tianzi just feels uncomfortable.

The existence of Qin Feng made him inexplicably stuck in his throat.

At the moment, he said lukewarmly: "This Emperor Qin may have more talent than me, but he is too boring. He clearly has the strength to dominate half a step, and he has to challenge some god emperors' great perfection inheritance, and he does not have the demeanor of a master. what!

"I believe! There is no other half-step ruler in this world who would be as boring as him."

Ye Tianzi's remarks are completely nitpicking, without any reason.

But as soon as he finished speaking, the phantom clone got into another gate of inheritance.

The bald old man, the ancestor without heaven, and the great leader of the Demon Domain were stunned again.

Fuck it~!

The guy in the black cape is also from the Sea of ​​​​Linhai realm!

Ye Tianzi is stunned again!

He is also a phantom avatar who is a master of half-step master.

But even if there is one Emperor Qin who is better than him, how can there be another?

170 is so irritating!

Ye Tianzi's heart is depressed!

He has always claimed to be the proud son of heaven, but he does not want to receive repeated blows today.

After a while, several half-step masters came back to their senses and felt a little bit beaten.

The bald-headed old man seemed to have thought of something, looked back at Ye Tianzi, and hesitated.

Seeing this, Ye Tianzi couldn't help but ask, "Senior He, if you have something to say, speak up!"

The bald old man sighed: "Xiao Ye! Fortunately, you didn't go in just now, otherwise you would be in danger. The Qin Emperor and the guy in the black cape are much stronger than you. If you go in, I'm afraid you won't be able to come out! "

Hearing this, Ye Tianzi broke out in a cold sweat.

The bald old man added: "Speaking of which, these two are indeed better than you. It seems that this secret realm is Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon. We should keep a low profile..."

"Oh!" Ye Tianzi responded awkwardly, feeling very uncomfortable.

Even the seniors thought he was inferior to Emperor Qin.

Although it is true, who the hell can stand this kind of grievance.

On the other hand, Qin Feng found a special space after entering the gate of light.

All around is a sea of ​​lava and fire.

The temperature on the sea surface was extremely high, and the surrounding air was scorched and twisted.

And there is a huge altar in the center of the flame.

On the altar is a red light group suspended.

That is where the inheritance of this space lies.

At this moment, more than one hundred Lunhai Realm masters rushed to the altar one after the other.

Everyone wants to fight for that legacy.

With a wave of Qin Feng's hand, ten thousand swords of light shot out.

In an instant, more than a hundred Lunhai Realm experts turned into ashes.

The next second, he put away everyone's storage rings, stepped forward, and took a few steps to the altar in the middle of the sea of ​​​​fire.

The inheritance light ball in the altar has a sense.

A half-human half-demon-like inheritance spirit floated out from the inheritance light sphere.

It looked at Qin Feng with a proud face, and said coldly, "I was the Black Fire God Venerable of the Demon Realm before my death. Assessor, if you want to get my inheritance, you must accept my assessment first."

"However, before accepting the assessment, you need to kowtow nine times to the deity and swear allegiance to my Demon Domain..."

"Assessor! Come on! Quickly kowtow!"

"Kick your mother's head!

Qin Feng blasted the inheritance spirit with one punch, then grabbed the inheritance light ball, sealed it, and put it away.

From entering the door to capturing the inheritance, Qin Feng spent no more than 1 minute in the world.

After doing all this, he flashed and disappeared in place.

At the same time, in another inheritance space.

It was a snowy plain.

The snowflakes fluttering in the sky are like pieces of flying knives, drawing one after another knife light in the sky, cutting the space into cracks.

Nearly 100 masters of the Lunhai realm rushed to the center of the icefield with all their might.

That one has a huge ice palace.

The inheritance is in that palace.

Behind the crowd, a golden puppet followed.

Although the appraisers thought the puppet was weird, they didn't care when they saw that the puppet was not strong.

There are also many examiners who are disdainful of it.

But at this moment, the space around the golden puppet fluctuated, and Qin Feng appeared out of thin air.

As soon as he appeared, he attacked.

After a while, nearly a hundred examiners in front were all wiped out.

Afterwards, Qin Feng put away everyone's storage rings and rushed to the ice palace in front.

It turned out that he arranged for the puppets to enter different places of inheritance, just to reverse the summoning through space and appear beside the puppets.

This saves a lot of time.

Three minutes later, Qin Feng got the inheritance from the Ice Palace.

In the next second, he went to another space and appeared on Chu Chu's side

At the same time, in the square, people were talking a lot.

"You said the boy in white who just entered was Emperor Qin?!

"Yeah! It's him! He and I used to be a test area! 35

"Hey~! Oh my God! Qin Huang is only in the sea realm!

"No way! I heard that Emperor Qin once killed the ancestors of Wutian! 35

As soon as the words came out, the man regretted it.

As soon as he looked up, he saw that the ancestor Wutian looked badly.

The man turned pale with fright and dared not look.

At this moment, a few rounds of sea-level players came out of a certain inheritance gate.

"Hey! You guys came out so soon? Has the inheritance been obtained?

Someone asked curiously.

"How is it possible? These inheritance spaces are very large. Even if the god emperors are experts, they won't be able to win the inheritance within an hour or two. With our Lunhai-level cultivation base, it takes at least half a day to win the cultivation base."

"Then why did you come out so early?

"I chose the wrong inheritance! We belong to the water system, and this inheritance belongs to the earth system.

While speaking, the players entered through a door of light.

Seeing this scene, people realize.

It should be time consuming to acquire inheritance.

In the corner, Ye Tianzi saw this scene.

Suddenly he had a strange idea.

At the moment, he looked at the bald old man: "Senior, it seems that these inheritance spaces are relatively large, and the situation inside is very complicated. Do you think it is possible that Emperor Qin was trapped inside?

"If he is trapped inside, will he miss the best time to compete for the chance when the star master class is inherited? 55

The bald old man shook his head: "This is impossible! Emperor Qin has the strength to dominate half a step!

"That's right!

Ye Tianzi was a little depressed.

In his heart, he hoped that Qin Feng would be best (baeh) trapped inside.

Just like that, time passed minute by minute.

No one in the square knows what happened in the place of inheritance.

But in the next time, everyone in the square saw a strange scene.

First, the phantom clone went in for 3 minutes, then came out, and then went to another inheritance.

Then, Chu Chu, Bao Bao, and Yu Qilin also came out one after another and changed places.

Only Qin Feng never showed up after entering the first secret realm.

After 5 minutes, Qin Feng did not come out.

Nine minutes later, Qin Feng still did not come out.

"Is Emperor Qin really trapped here?"

Many people have this weird idea.

Ye Tianzi was even more excited.

They don't know.

The phantom avatar is a special avatar that cannot directly obtain inheritance.

His role is to go in and hunt down the examiners.

Then, transfer Qin Feng over.

Chuchu, baby and jade unicorn are equivalent to moving coordinates.

After Qin Feng captured an inheritance, he reversed the summons through the space and went to another inheritance space.

Therefore, he does not have to leave the inheritance space at all.

In a blink of an eye, ten minutes passed.

The phantom avatar, Chu Chu, Bao Bao, and Yu Qilin all came out.

Qin Feng still did not show up.

Everyone in the field showed a strange color.

Just then, the square trembled.

Five gates of light appeared at the same time.

Dominant-level inheritance appeared.

Bai Qi couldn't wait to walk towards the inheritance of the fire phoenix.

He cultivated in the fire element, and at the same time was the descendant of the divine phoenix. This inheritance of the fire phoenix master was very suitable for him.

More importantly, he wants to get the Fire Phoenix Sword, which is the certificate for him to enter the Yuanfeng inheritance.

And the phantom avatar entered the inheritance of Heifeng Domination, where there is the Heifeng sword, which is also the certificate to enter the inheritance of Yuanfeng.

The jade unicorn entered the inheritance place of the water unicorn saint.

Chu Chu entered the land where the God-Executioner dominates the inheritance.

The baby has entered the place where Mitian dominates the inheritance.

Those god emperors also entered one after another.

And the Emperor Xiaoyao led a group of people into the place where Mitian dominated the inheritance.

Until now, Qin Feng still did not show up.

This time, everyone in the field became more suspicious.

Is Qin Huang really trapped?

In the corner of the square, Ye Tianzi was inexplicably happy when he saw this scene.

Immediately, he whispered: "Together, senior, this master-level inheritance has been opened, and Emperor Qin has not yet come out of the first inheritance, isn't it unreasonable? 35

The bald old man also looked puzzled: "Yeah! This is too abnormal! According to common sense, with the strength of Qin Huang, it should have come out long ago."

Ye Tianzi was proud: "There are times when people are careless. Maybe, because of his strength, he capsized in the gutter. He was accidentally trapped in a certain place. With his strength, his life should be worry-free, just for a while. won't come out.

"It makes sense!" The bald old man nodded slightly, "If he is trapped, it will be very beneficial to us! However, we still have to wait and see."

At this moment, there are not many people left in the field.

Those Lunhai-level players who didn't dare to enter, seeing that Qin Feng did not come out for a long time, also thought that Qin Feng was trapped, and took the opportunity to enter the God Emperor-level inheritance.

Most of the god emperors entered the land of dominance-level inheritance.

At this moment, there were only one or two hundred people left in the square.

In the crowd, only Zi Xing was worried about Qin Feng.

She didn't know why Qin Feng didn't come out so late.

There's nothing wrong with that guy, right?

In the blink of an eye, another five minutes passed.

Qin Feng still did not show up.

Zi Xing was finally a little uneasy.

Ancestor Wutian and many god emperor examiners all showed schadenfreude.

Now the situation is becoming more and more obvious.

Qin Huang must have capsized in the gutter and was trapped in the inheritance space.

The heritage is also amazing!

Can actually trap a half-step master.

In the corner, everyone in the Demon Domain was whispering.

"Big leader. Qin Huang has not come out for so long, he must be trapped inside." The second leader said excitedly.

The big leader also showed a smile: "I'm not far from ten! I hope I can trap him for a while!

On the other side, Ye Tianzi was also talking to the bald old man.

"Senior, in another five minutes, the gate of the star-level inheritance will be opened, and Qin Huang has not appeared yet, he will miss the opportunity.

Ye Tianzi said gloatingly.

"Isn't it better!" The old man was also sullen, "By the way, in five minutes, the Rui Qilin inheritance will start. You must follow me closely! This time, whether your luck can be fully replenished, it will be up to you. Count on it! 35'

Speaking of this, the old man's face was solemn.

The real battle has yet to begin!

Ye Tianzi was also apprehensive.

Whether he can get the inheritance of Rui Qilin is extremely important to his future.

At the same time, somewhere in the place where the Great Perfection of the God Emperor was inherited.

Looking at the spirit of inheritance in the shape of a griffin in front of him, Qin Feng smashed it with a punch.

Then, he sealed the inheritance light group on the side and put it away!

All done!

Twenty God Emperor Great Perfection inheritance, all in hand.

Qin Feng is very satisfied with this harvest.

Then, he waved his hand, and the seven golden puppets summoned them back.

Putting away the puppet, he dodged and disappeared.

The next second, Qin Feng appeared in the new space.

Not far in front of him, is Qin Baobao.

He actually entered directly into the place where Mi Tian dominates the inheritance.

From beginning to end, he didn't have to show up in the outside world.

And at this moment, an interesting thing is happening in this place where Mitian dominates inheritance.

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