Global Powers: I Control All Elements

Chapter 537th Ancestor Who Was Stomped Out by Every1 (Subscription)

Meanwhile, inside the treasure house.

Qin Feng and the big leader were all waiting silently, neither of them talking, each with their own thoughts.

At this moment, the light and shadow of the entrance dimmed, and Zi Xing walked in.

Qin Feng's eyes lit up.

Before he could speak, the big leader asked firstly, "My friend, how many points do you have?

Zi Xing looked at him in surprise.

She didn't know what the purpose of this guy was.

"Miss Zixing, just say it straight! It doesn't matter!

Qin Feng pretended not to be familiar with Zi Xing.

Zi Xing understood and said casually: "More than ten thousand points! 35

The big leader frowned: "That's not enough! 99

"What's not enough?" Zi Xing wondered.

She inadvertently glanced at the resource light curtain, and was surprised to find that the true spirit holy water had been redeemed.

Now, only the Qi of Ruilin is left in the entire treasure house.

Just then, footsteps sounded behind her.

Zi Xing looked back and saw that the ancestor Wutian was wearing a starry sky armor and rushed in aggressively.

As soon as he came in, he saw Qin Feng, the phantom clone, and the great leader of the Demon Domain, and couldn't help but stand there.

These three guys have all kicked him out once, and they all have a grudge against him!

But how did the three get together.

If it is one-on-one, he is very confident that he can win, but if the three are together...

Ancestor Wutian was a little embarrassed, and his arrogant arrogance suddenly withered.

Originally, he was full of pride, thinking that if he put on the Starry Sky Battle Armor, he would be able to get his place back.

It backfired!

"Hey! This person is..."

Qin Feng and the big leader both looked at Patriarch Wutian with a puzzled look on their faces.

They all felt that this guy's breath was very familiar, but they had never seen it before.

At this moment, the appearance of Wutian's ancestor has changed, he is more than ten years younger, and he is wearing a starry sky armor, and his combat power has skyrocketed to 250,000 feet.

They didn't recognize it at a glance.

"He is the ancestor of Wutian!" Zi Xing reminded with a smile.

"It turned out to be you!" Qin Feng was taken aback.

No wonder he thought this guy was familiar.

At the same time, he was surprised.

How did this Heavenless Ancestor become so much stronger all of a sudden.

I'm afraid that the comprehensive strength is not under the phantom clone.

"Haha! It turns out that you are a member of the Starry Sky Family!"

The big leader looked at the Wutian ancestor with a gloomy face.

In his heart, 70% believed that the ancestor Wutian killed the three leaders.

He wanted to kill Wutian's ancestor and avenge the three leaders.

But now it looks like it's a bit of a hassle!

The old man's strength became stronger.

"It seems that you recognize the identity of the old man!" Ancestor Wutian greeted the big leader's gaze.

He is also angry with the big boss.

Last time, this guy didn't know why he was crazy, and he came up and gave himself a sword.

He still hasn't figured out why.

"Humph! You are wearing the starry sky armor of the zodiac Aries! If this leader can't recognize it, it will be called blind!""

"Since you recognize that I am a star family, then you should also know that my family and your Demon Realm are allies, and there is no conflict. Why did you take action against this old man before?" Ancestor Wutian asked.

The big leader was annoyed: "Why did this seat attack you, you should be clear! What are you pretending to be confused about?

Ancestor Wutian frowned: "What do you mean?"

Qin Feng hurriedly interjected: "What the big leader means is that your Starry Sky Clan has a tradition of betrayal. This ally is just a talk, it can't be true!

Now Qin Feng already knew that the Lord of the Starry Sky was the traitor of the Qilin family back then.

Many people know this.

But everyone is afraid of the Lord of the Starry Sky, and dare not talk nonsense.

The Starry Sky Clan is also very afraid.

After all, that's not a glorious thing.

Qin Feng suddenly mentioned it, deliberately sarcastic.

Ancestor Wutian was really angry.

"Emperor Qin, are you insulting my family?"

"What? You want to have a fight?"

Qin Feng smiled coldly.

He deliberately provoked, just to distract the attention of Wutian's ancestor and the big leader.

Lest the big leader learn the truth and ask about the three leaders.

After saying this, Qin Feng and the phantom clone got up at the same time.

Ancestor Wutian couldn't help but change his face slightly.

"Haha!! It's very lively here!"

At this moment, a hearty laughter sounded from the gate.

Everyone followed the sound and saw a bald old man walking in.

"Who are you?

The crowd frowned.

This treasure house is not accessible to anyone.

Ancestor Wutian was surprised.

He had some impressions of the old man.

The results of the old man's assessment all the way are not particularly conspicuous.

(baeh) According to his conjecture, it is the cultivation base of the Great Perfection of the God Emperor.

A god emperor who is in great perfection dares to take half a step to dominate the treasury, and he is not too timid!

At the moment, the ancestor Wutian said proudly: "Can you come in here?

"Haha!!", the bald old man laughed, "Who said the old man can't come?"

As soon as the voice fell, the old man's whole body soared.

In an instant, the sky was shaking, and the mighty and mighty, covering the audience.

This old man is actually a half-step master of the peak cultivation base, with a combat power of 300,000 trillion

Ancestor Wutian was suddenly dumbfounded!

Fuck it~!

This is a top player!

Immediately, he was depressed.

He just said another word, and it seems that he has offended another person.

The big leader was shocked.

This secret realm really is Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon!

There is one more person to dominate the half-step.

At present, this bald old man is the strongest.

However, as long as he finds Abi Sword and Sea of ​​Blood.

With Yuantu Abi's two swords combined, and with the help of the sea of ​​blood, he could still defeat the old man.

Thinking of this, the big leader's mood was slightly calmer, and there was still arrogance deep in his eyes.

There is a kind of arrogance in his bones, always thinking that he was born extraordinary.

Seeing this scene, Zi Xing frowned.

The more secret realm masters there are, the more intense the competition for inheritance will be!

Only Qin Feng looked calm.

Although this old man is strong, he and the clone are confident that they can restrain.

Although they couldn't kill the old man, there was no problem in repelling the old man.

So, he has no worries.

"Brother Wutian, is this old man qualified to come in now? 35

The bald old man sneered.

There was some sarcasm in that smile, and some dissatisfaction.

Ancestor Wutian laughed dryly, a little embarrassed.

"Hey! The Holy Spirit is gone!"

The bald old man noticed at a glance that the resource light curtain had changed.

Ancestor Wutian only discovered this reminder.

"Who paid for this True Spirit Holy Water?", the bald old man asked.

Qin Feng interrupted directly: "This friend, it's not about the real spirit holy water, but about the Qi of Ruiqi.

"Oh, how do you say that?"

The bald old man looked at Qin Feng with a somewhat high-spirited attitude.

Among the crowd, his cultivation base is the highest, and it is inevitable that he is arrogant.

Qin Feng said softly: "There are still seven minutes! The exchange time is over! Do you want this aura of Ruilin?

As soon as these words fell, the bald old man's eyes lit up.

For Ruilin's Qi, he is stronger than anyone else.

Zi Xing and Wutian Ancestor were also interested.

"Little brother, who doesn't want the Qi of Ruilin? But it costs 300,000 points, and it can't be redeemed at all!"

The bald old man was helpless.

The Wutian old man even sneered: "Jing said some nonsense! I don't have any points, what treasures do I want!

Qin Feng glanced at him and took these words to heart.

Afterwards, he smiled and said: "With one person's strength, our score is naturally not enough. What if everyone put the scores together? Maybe we can get 300,000 points!

The bald old man's eyes lit up: "This method is feasible!"

Zi Xing also agreed: "I also think this method is feasible.

The big leader on the side was silent.

Ancestor Wutian frowned, as if he had said something wrong again.

This Qin Huang's idea is not bad.

At this time, Qin Feng asked with a smile: "Since everyone thinks it's okay, then report the score and see if you can get it together!"

"Okay! The old man has more than 40,000 points!

"The little girl has more than 10,000 points!

Both the bald old man and Zi Xing reported their scores one after another.

Qin Feng and the big leader are both overjoyed.

These points are added, and 300,000 points can be a little more.

"Haha!! Two, the big boss has 210,000 points, and this friend from the south adds 40,000 points. Everyone adds up, 300,000 points is enough!

The bald old man was overjoyed: "This is just right! By the way, the points are enough, the treasure can be exchanged, but how can there be only one treasure?"

Qin Feng said with a smile: "Treasures are exchanged! Everyone fights together, whoever grabs it is whoever gets it!

Hearing this, the bald old man secretly rejoiced.

He is the highest.

If you rely on snatch to belong, you will be most beneficial!

At the moment, he agreed without thinking: "This method is very good!

"I don't think it's good!", the big leader objected.

Everyone looked at him.

This guy has the most points.

If he doesn't agree, it really can't be done.

Qin Feng asked calmly: "Big Chief, what do you think is the best way to do it?

The big leader replied: "I have the most points. You asked me to join you and argue for ownership. This is very unfair to this leader. How do I feel that I have become a victim?"

"I am unwilling to do this! Why don't I pay for your points?"

Qin Feng smiled: "Sorry! Points are not for sale!

The phantom clone quickly echoed: "I don't sell it either!""

"That's right! We don't sell it!"

The bald old man and Zi Xing took their stand.

The big leader sneered: "Since that's the case!

"Big boss, there are still 5 minutes left in the exchange! It's really going to be a hit and two, we only lost 10,000 or 20,000 points, and you lost 210,000 points. Don't the big boss give yourself a chance? Or do you have no confidence in yourself? ""

Qin Feng's every word is heartbreaking.

The more the big chief listened, the less he felt.

Naturally, he didn't want the 210,000 points he had earned so hard to be wiped out.

After hesitating for a while, he reluctantly sighed: "Hey! That's all! How can this leader be taken advantage of once. However, I have a request. Give me all your points.

"I'll go to the platform to exchange! And you all stand fifty meters away. When the time comes, as soon as the treasure comes out, everyone will fight for it. Whoever grabs it will be the one."

Hearing this, Qin Feng and others looked at each other face to face.

The big boss's request is to make himself the closest to the treasure, and naturally have some advantages when grabbing.

Qin Feng and the others looked at each other and agreed.

The big boss has the most points, and it is not too much to make such a request.

At this point, everyone reached a consensus, and they all breathed a sigh of relief.

The next second, everyone looked at Qin Feng.

Unconsciously, he became the leader of the matter.

Immediately, Qin Feng said: "Since everyone has no objection, let's sign a contract to abide by the agreement, and then transfer the points! I will set this contract!

"it is good!

Everyone nodded.

Ancestor Wutian also agreed: "Well! It's safest to sign a contract first!"

Qin Feng looked at him with a half-smile but not a smile: "Ancestor Wutian, the lowest of us has to contribute more than 10,000 points, I wonder how many points you will contribute? 99

This made the ancestor Wutian a little embarrassed.

He hesitantly said: "The old man still has more than 700 points! However, no matter how small a mosquito is, it is still meat!"

Qin Feng sneered: "Without your more than 700 points, we can still collect 300,000 points. Are you taking too much advantage of being involved like this?"

Ancestor Wutian blushed.

Speaking of which, he took advantage of it a bit.

Qin Feng's reminder made everyone frown, feeling a little unhappy in their hearts.

What's more, the big leader doesn't have a cold for Wutian's ancestors.

As soon as the bald old man came in, he was questioned by Wutian Ancestor, and he felt a little unhappy in his heart.

Ancestor Wutian saw that everyone had a strange expression.

He suddenly felt a sense of being excluded. ,

Immediately, he said shamelessly: "The so-called seers have a share! If you don't take the old man to play, don't blame the old man for making trouble!"5

Qin Feng looked around: "Everyone, have you heard? What are we waiting for? Let's do it!"

As soon as the words fell, Qin Feng, the phantom clone, Zixing, the big leader, and the bald old man shot at the Wutian ancestor at the same time.

Boom~! Boom~! Boom~! Boom~! Boom~!

Five bangs in a row!

Ancestor Wutian screamed and vomited blood, and was blasted out of the gate of light.

PS: Jianghu emergency, the author wants to apply for a recommendation this week, the number of subscribers may be small, please help and support!!

Thank you so much!!!!

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