Global Powers: I Control All Elements

Chapter 522 1 Sword Ashes Destroys Hundred Sentient Beings (Subscribe)

As soon as Qin Feng appeared, the audience fell silent.

Many examiners showed awe.

He's an Eastside celebrity now.

Even in the other three examination areas, his name is well-known.

"Emperor Qin finally showed up! You said he would enter that treasure trove this time?"

"Why don't you ask? He must have entered the treasure house of the god emperor. Who doesn't know that Emperor Qin has the strength of the late god emperor?!"

"But I heard people say that Qin Feng hasn't cultivated to the God Emperor level, and he may only be in the second round!

"Isn't that impossible? Can the second-round realm have the strength of the late God Emperor?"

The crowd was shocked.

Many people can't believe it.

Others feel lucky.

Even if Emperor Qin was from the Second Wheel Realm, it wouldn't hurt their interests.

Because they are one-round realm, they can enter the one-round realm treasure house, but Qin Huang can't enter!

Thinking of this, those people felt a little more at ease.

In the corner, the Nine-headed Lion Saint silently looked at Qin Feng.

At this moment, the voice transmission of the black-hearted ancestor sounded in his ears.

"Sage Lion, what kind of cultivation is this Emperor Qin? Why do some people say that he is from the Second Wheel Realm?"5

"Heh! This sage thinks it's a false story! How can a second-rounder have the strength of the late emperor of the gods?""

The Nine-Headed Lion Sage returned with a voice transmission, his tone full of disdain.

Ancestor Hei Xin was a little worried: "It's hard to say! This Emperor Qin is very mysterious!"

Nine-headed Lion Sage sneered: "Anyway, this Sage doesn't believe that he is only a second-rounder, and at least he should have the early stage of God Emperor.

Ancestor Hei Xin replied: "What kind of cultivation he is, we will know in a while. If he is really in the second-round realm, he should enter the second-round realm treasure house once...'

Nine-headed Lion Saint smiled and said, "That's right! Let's watch it! Let's see if he can enter the second-round treasure house!"

After these words fell, the sky above the hall shook.

"The Entrance to the Treasure Vault is about to open!

The expressions of the two were concerned.

In the main hall, the examiners of the one-round realm were all nervous, one by one, waiting for the entrance to open 137.

As soon as the entrance opens, they rush in.

After all, there is only one hour of redemption time, and they must race against time.


A burst of chirping~!

In the center of the hall, the space shook.

A huge door of light appeared out of thin air.

The entrance to the one-round treasury was opened.

All the players in the round are excited and are about to enter,


In the blink of an eye, a white light rushed through the door.

So fast!

"Oh my God! It was Emperor Qin who entered just now!

There was an exclamation in the field.

When everyone looked back, Qin Huang really disappeared.

pat~! pat~!

In an instant, everyone's mouths opened wide, and their jaws dropped.

Oh my God!

Emperor Qin turned out to be only one round!

Fuck it~!

Nine-headed Lion Saint was dumbfounded.

The black-hearted ancestor was also stunned.

Those god emperors looked at each other face to face.

The Emperor Qin, who had always made them envious and jealous, turned out to be only one round.

This is too monstrous!

The first-round players who raised one foot and were about to enter, their movements froze one by one.

In an instant, the hall became silent, and even the sound of breathing could be heard.

After a while, the players' feet slowly dropped.

Some people took a step back calmly, daring not to take a half step closer to the door of light.

Qin Huang has already entered, they dare not enter!

They don't want to die!

You know, inside is allowed to kill each other.

Emperor Qin's strength can kill them in seconds.

More importantly, with so many points, Emperor Qin didn't care about killing people at all!

At the same time, Qin Feng entered a huge hall of the temple as soon as he penetrated the door of light.

The hall was empty, and he was the only one.

Obviously, he was the first to come in.

In front of the hall is a huge screen of light.

The resource exchange price is displayed on the light curtain.

Yuan Lingzhu, 1 point/piece, 50,000 pieces in stock.

Primordial Spirit Crystal, 10 points/piece, 10,000 pieces in stock.

Lotus of Yuanshen, 100 points/flower, 500 in stock.

These are the only resources in the One-round Boundary Treasure House.

Qin Feng stepped forward excitedly.

There is a Lingtai there.

There is a rune formation on the spiritual platform.

As long as the token is placed in the heart of the array and communicated with thoughts, it can be traded.

Qin Feng dodged a few steps before reaching the Lingtai and put down the Ziyun Order.

Primordial Spirit Pearl, Primordial Spirit Crystal, Primordial Spirit Lotus are all required.

In an instant, the warehouse was emptied.

Qin Feng was deducted 200,000 points, leaving more than 1.6 million points.

The next second, the sky is full of rays of light.

Tens of thousands of Yuan Lingzhu, Yuan Shen Jing, Yuan Shen lotus fell from the clouds, and the scene was very spectacular.

Swish~! Swish~! Swish~!

At the same time, light and shadow flashed at the entrance of the treasure house.

Dozens of figures rushed in.

Those players were shocked when they saw the spectacular scene in front of them.

So many resources!

Everyone's eyes were hot, and they all showed greed.


Qin Feng waved his hand and put them all into the storage ring.

Haha!! Everything is in hand!

He picked up his token comfortably.

At this time, more than 100 people have come in.

These people stared blankly at the light curtain behind Qin Feng.

That's shown above.

Yuan Lingzhu, has been exchanged.

Primordial Spirit Crystal, has been redeemed.

Lotus of Primordial Spirit, has been redeemed

Fuck it~!

The warehouse has been emptied!

Who is this boy in white?

He actually evacuated the warehouse of Yiyuanjing by himself!

These contestants were all examiners from the south, west, and north, and none of them knew Qin Feng.

Even the southern players didn't recognize it.

After all, the phantom avatar has always been wearing the cloak of Shenyin.

At the moment, when everyone saw that the resources were gone, they were angry and anxious.

More people are greedy.

One by one, the eyes that looked at Qin Feng became bad.

Swish~! Swish~! Swish~!

At the entrance, there are still players rushing to come, and the number of people has reached more than 200.

"What's the matter? How does the light curtain show that the resources have been redeemed?"

The people who came in later changed their color when they saw the data on the light screen.

"It's all that boy in white that has finished the exchange!"

In the crowd, many people looked at Qin Feng and sneered.

At this moment, Qin Feng has stepped off the platform and walked towards the crowd with a smile.

"Boy, stop!"

"Don't want to die! Just hand over all the resources!

"Also, the storage ring has to be handed over!"

For a time, the crowd clamored.

Excited and grim-faced.

"Dad (baeh), these people are so annoying!"

"Brother, kill them!"

Both the baby and Chu Chu are upset.

Qin Feng glanced at the audience.

After a while, there were almost 300 people.

That's still a lot of income!

Qin Feng was delighted.

"Boy, do you want to pay?!"

An old man shouted wildly at Qin Feng, relying on the crowd.


Qin Feng waved his hand, and hundreds of millions of sword lights were shot out.

In an instant, the sky and the earth were shattered, and the sky was torn apart!

The momentum of destroying the sky and the earth enveloped the audience, as if the catastrophe of the universe was coming!

"not good!

Everyone was terrified, and they were all shocked and pale.

At this moment, they realized that they had kicked the iron plate!

They messed with people they shouldn't!

At this moment, they regret it!

But it's too late!

They have no chance to beg for mercy!

Bang~! Bang~! Bang~!

In an instant, more than 300 people were bombarded to pieces, blood mist filled the sky, and a thick smell of blood filled the hall.

Qin Feng waved his hand, and more than 300 storage rings and many purple cloud orders flew over.

At this moment, four or five people came in at the entrance.

When those people saw the scene, there were bloodstains all over the ground, like a map of Shura.

There was also a boy in white, standing proudly in the middle of the sea of ​​​​corpses, like a god of death, his clothes fluttering.

"My God! This is..."

"Run! 35

The few people turned pale with fright and fled.

Qin Feng smiled and didn't care.

This time, I have harvested more than 300 storage rings, and there must be a lot of resources and treasures in it!

These guys also have a lot of Yuanshen Crystals and Yuanshen Lotus in their storage rings.

After all, after they got the treasure, they didn't have enough time to refine it.

Qin Feng also didn't have time to take stock of the ring.

He stayed where he was and transferred the points on those tokens to himself.

At the same time, the western test area.

At the entrance of the one-round treasure house, the two contestants stood there blankly, trembling with fear.

Several players who were about to enter saw this place and couldn't help but be curious.

"You two, what's the matter with you? I think you two just entered, why did you run back in less than a second! 95

"Yes! How did you come back?"

Everyone was curious and looked at the two of them, and even the god emperors looked over curiously.

The two stared blankly at the crowd.

After a long time, one of them shivered: "Everyone, don't go in yet! There is a young man in white, who specializes in killing people. He seems to have killed hundreds of people by himself! Going in is death!

When these words came out, everyone was shocked.

Not far away, the ancestor Wutian raised his eyebrows when he heard this.

Isn't the boy in white the Emperor Qin?


This is impossible!

Emperor Qin's strength surpassed that of God Emperor Great Perfection!

It is impossible for him to enter the one-round treasure house.

At this moment, a similar scene took place in the northern and southern districts.

For a time, no one dared to enter the one-round treasure house.

At the same time, in the one-round treasure house.

Qin Feng opened the infinite barrier.

He quickly completed the transfer of Ziyunling's points.

All transfers are completed, a total of more than 50,000 points, and then minus the homicide deduction of more than 30,000 points, a net profit of 20,000 points.

He now has more than 1.62 million points.

"No one should dare to come in!"

Qin Feng didn't care either.

He waved his hand, and more than 500 lotus of primordial spirit appeared.

He opened his mouth and took a breath, swallowing it all.

At the same time, he turned the nine-turn golden body to decide the eighth and ninth turns...

After a while, his whole body was golden and generous, and a series of talismans appeared, and then hidden into his internal organs, his bones, his marrow...

His physical aura keeps skyrocketing...

"Ding! Congratulations to the host, the 8th rank of the 9th Golden Body Art has been completed.... The physical strength has been greatly improved.... The combat power has increased to 62,000 trillion... 18% away from the next bloom of the flower on the other side...

"Ding! Congratulations to the host, the 8th rank of the 9-turn Golden Body Judgment has been completed.... The physical strength has been greatly improved.... The combat power has been increased to 65,000 trillion... 31% away from the next bloom of the flower of the other shore...

"Finally it's all done!

Qin Feng was delighted.

The next second, he revoked the infinite barrier.

Twenty times as long as the force field disappeared.

He stayed in the barrier for more than ten minutes, and the outside world passed for less than a minute.

Qin Feng knew that there would definitely be a war in the future.

Especially the Treasure House of the Dominion level, so the place where the strength can be improved should be improved as soon as possible.

After doing all this, Qin Feng walked out of the treasure house in a happy mood.

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