Global Powers: I Control All Elements

Chapter 509 Promotion to the Great Emperor of the Universe (Subscription)

"Ding! Congratulations to the host, the Vientiane True Intent Divine Seal (no superior) has been successfully condensed... The combat power has been greatly improved...

"Ding! Vientiane True Intent Divine Seal (Host) and Endless True Intent Divine Seal (Jade Unicorn) are automatically merging..."

"Ding! The fusion is successful! Congratulations to the host for condensing the supreme divine seal - the divine seal of heaven.... The combat power has been greatly improved!

Divine Seal of Heaven.

Inner manifestations: (to the host universe), acting for the heavens, in charge of the calamity, managing the birth and death of the heavens and the earth, controlling the wind, rain, thunder and lightning, meteorites and volcanoes, natural disasters and human disasters, the devil's samadhi, the natural karma, the birth and death of the soul, etc.

External performance: (to the outer universe), absorb 50% of the energy of all attacks, and convert its energy into various stars in the inner universe, such as stars, planets, galaxies, nebulae, etc.

To put it simply, Qin Feng has the imprint of the God of Heaven, and any attack on him will only have half the effect.

When a powerhouse with 20,000 gigabytes of combat power attacks Qin Feng, it only exerts the effect of 10,000 gigabytes of combat power.

What's more terrifying is that the attack energy absorbed by Qin Feng is not dissolved, but becomes part of Qin Feng's small universe, which will make Qin Feng's strength continue to improve.

To put it simply, Qin Feng will become stronger with more battles!

And the stronger the opponent, the greater the benefit he gets.

Of course, the premise is that the opponent's attack cannot collapse his universe.

Hearing this information, Qin Feng was excited.

This Heavenly Dao Divine Seal is simply the strongest defensive Divine Seal!

With this "one-three-seven" seal of the God of Heaven, he would dare to fight the Great Perfection God Emperor now, let alone wait for him to complete the foundation of the universe.

That's right!

Heaven is the guardian of the order of heaven and earth!

"Ding! Congratulations to the host, your Water Star Extreme Follower (Jade Qilin) ​​has obtained the highest divine seal - the Heavenly Dao divine seal, and the combat power has increased to 500 trillion..."

Qin Feng was relieved.

The jade unicorn has the divine seal of the Heavenly Dao, and will also become the most difficult existence to kill among the four major followers.

Of course, the Heavenly Dao Divine Seal of the Jade Unicorn is still somewhat different from his.

Yu Qilin can only transfer half of the attacks from the outside world into his small universe, and her strength will not increase.

And Qin Feng can not only weaken the attack, but also increase his strength.

"It's time to complete the foundation building!

Inside the secret room, Qin Feng looked at himself with satisfaction, then slowly got up and stepped out.

In the next second, he reached the void of the small universe and turned into a giant of hundreds of millions of feet.

On the four polar stars, Yu Qilin, Bao Bao, Chu Chu, and Bai Qi all felt it, and they flew out of the palace one after another, looking up from the sky.

They knew that Qin Feng was going to build the foundation of the universe!

Qin Feng looked around, and there was chaos everywhere.

This is a Hongmeng universe that has not yet been opened up!

Qin Feng raised his hand!

Open day!

The God of Heaven's Seal is activated!

The six sword lights slashed to the heaven and the earth!

East, West, South, North, Up, Down!

Boom~! Boom~! Boom~!

Six bangs in a row!

The world is shaking!


Another bang!

The Qi of Hongmeng in the four directions rolls away in the direction of Liuhe, and the divine power is magnificent and mighty...

The universe is rapidly expanding!

In a blink of an eye, it expands 30 times.... 50 times... 90 times... 100 times... 300 times...

The expansion is getting faster and faster!

The primordial aura around him is also getting thinner and thinner.

Chu Chu and the four were surprised to find that the five polar stars under their feet were also rapidly getting bigger...

The whole universe is getting bigger at an extremely fast rate...

500 times….700 times…..1000 times…..1500 times…

This universe is expanding faster and faster, extremely terrifying...

The aura of Hongmeng was diluted thinner and thinner, and gradually it became difficult to see with the naked eye...

Qin Feng also felt that his body was starting to get a little tired.

In a way, this universe is part of his body.

Obviously, the Qi of Hongmeng is not enough, and the size of the universe will be limited.

He waved his hand quickly, and more than 400 lotus of primordial spirit appeared.

He opened his mouth to inhale and swallowed it all.

The Qi of Hongmeng around him increased rapidly, and the expansion speed of the small universe increased again...


"These are not enough!"

Qin Feng waved his hand, and about two hundred three flowers appeared.

These are the three flowers in the early and middle stages of the God Emperor who was beheaded by him...

He swallowed...

The microcosm continues to expand...


"not enough!"

Qin Feng waved his hand, and five divine origin beads of the Great Perfection of the God Emperor appeared...

He swallowed again....

The small universe is skyrocketing again...

8000 times... 9000 times... 10,000 times...

In the blink of an eye, the small universe expanded more than ten thousand times.

The five polar stars also became a hundred times larger.

In the universe, the Qi of Hongmeng has become too thin to be sensed, and the small universe has finally expanded to its limit...

At this time, Qin Feng raised his hand again!


The Promise Divine Seal is activated!

Heaven and earth are combined with yin and yang, and the five elements run on their own!

The law of heaven and earth is laid!

The energy of the nine systems adjusts to each other.

For a long time, Qin Feng absorbed the energy of the Nine Elements and turned it into the Qi of Chaos to strengthen himself.

In fact, the energy of the nine elements he absorbed was unbalanced.

At this moment, with the help of Wuji Divine Seal, his nine-element energy is automatically adjusting.

The excessively strong energy of certain systems has been precipitated and turned into thousands of stars, planets, and nebulae...

This small universe has begun to become more diverse, its energy is becoming more and more balanced, and its stability is rapidly improving...

After a while, everything settled down!

The firmness of this small universe is actually a hundred times stronger than that of Kaitian.

This is the Promise Divine Seal—fixing all laws, stabilizing the world!

At this time, Qin Feng held the seal again.


The Heavenly Dao Divine Seal is activated!

Some stars and planets began to combine into galaxies.

Meteor impact!

volcanic eruptions!

Comet Appears!

Wind and thunder reappear on many planets!

The same is true on the four polar stars of earth, fire and water. The wind and thunder reappear, the torrential rain pours, and the volcanic eruptions continue. . . .

For a long time, oceans and atmospheres appeared on countless planets...

The same is true for the four polar stars!

Mountains, rivers, seas, volcanic glaciers, wind, thunder and torrential rain, everything, no longer as barren as before, very monotonous...

At this time, Qin Feng pinched another seal.

good fortune!

The God of Creation is on!

Those rivers, lakes, seas, mountains and low-lying places, some bacteria, microorganisms, plants, etc., all kinds of life are being born and brewing...

On the four polar stars, signs of something began to appear, more green and angry.

Chu Chu and the four were delighted.

Finally there are signs of life!

They are not alone!

In addition to these four polar stars, in the depths of this small universe, there are also some planets that show signs of life.

Of course, most of them are lower life species.

But in the next second, Chu Chu and others found something different.

In addition to those low-level beings, they also sensed that some high-level beings were also conceived.

Some are in planetary bodies, some are nurtured in stars, some are held in nebulae, some are in oceans, and some are hidden in thunder and lightning...

List all kinds, about 3,000 many!

Without exception, these advanced life forms are all embryonic bodies, and they have not been fully conceived yet...

Chu Chu and Bao Bao keenly sensed that one of the three thousand fetuses possessed the aura of the dragon clan, which was very powerful.

Bai Qi also sensed that one of the three thousand embryos had the breath of the Phoenix clan.

The jade unicorn also senses the breath of a unicorn.0

The four became curious about the three thousand fetuses, and communicated with each other through voice transmission.

Soon everyone came to a consensus.

Maybe Qin Feng has the blood of the dragon and the phoenix in his body, so such a carcass will be produced in this universe.

The appearance of the other three thousand fetuses should also be related to Qin Feng's blood.

After Yu Qilin heard this, a strange look appeared on his face.

Qin Feng does have dragon and phoenix blood in his body, but he does not have Qilin blood!

How can there be a Qilin breath in the three thousand embryos created by Qin Feng?

Could it be that Qin Feng made himself too much, and it was stained with the Qilin's aura...

Yu Qilin suddenly came up with this strange idea, and his face was pretty red...

At this time, in the void.

Qin Feng opened his eyes, showing joy.

The Divine Seal of Creation was completed, and the originally dead little universe finally had some vitality. . . .

Qin Feng was also pleasantly surprised to find that his luck seemed to have improved a lot.

This air luck improvement comes from the three thousand mysterious carcasses.

This is another wonderful use of the God of Creation!

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for completing the foundation of the universe and being promoted to the emperor of the universe. At present, the middle stage of the emperor of the realm (73%)... The combat power is 10,000 trillion..."

"Haha!! Finally reached the realm of the emperor!

Qin Feng is very happy!

This time, not only did he break through to the realm of the great emperor, but he also broke through to 73% of the middle stage of the great emperor.

With his current combat power of 10,000 trillion, plus the four supreme divine seals, he is considered a strong man among the Great Perfection God Emperors.

In the next second, Qin Feng turned into an ordinary person and fell back to the Mid-Pole Star.

At this time, he found that the five polar stars had become a hundred times larger, more spectacular and more stable than before.


"elder brother!"

Four figures appeared in a row, and the four of them came happily.

"Congratulations to Your Majesty's great progress in cultivation! Bai Qi looked excited.


Qin Feng smiled without saying a word.

"Qin Feng, what's the matter with those more than 3,000 carcasses? I feel that they are very unusual...", Yu Qilin asked.

She was very curious if the unicorn-like body was created after Qin Feng and hers.

"I don't know either! Of course, their appearance must have something to do with me." Qin Feng was also puzzled.

"Brother, although those three thousand guys are embryos, I feel that their roots are not shallow... 4.7. What should we do?

Qin Feng thought for a while and said, "These peculiar creatures were born in Kaitian, and they can't be created again after Kaitian, and they cannot be copied.

"Let's call them congenital! As for what to do with them, let's go with the flow!

Qin Feng can sense that he has a wonderful connection with the three thousand embryos.

These inborn beings have a natural affinity and loyalty to him.

At the moment, the four Chu Chu nodded in succession.

Afterwards, after everyone chatted, they went to retreat happily.

Qin Feng broke through, and they were no longer afraid of the great consummation of those god emperors, and they were truly happy.

After the crowd dispersed, Qin Feng took out a monster inner pill.

This is the inner core of the purple cloud sea monster, the middle stage of the god emperor.

An inner alchemy is equivalent to a lotus of primordial spirit, which is of great use to Qin Feng's cultivation.

However, Qin Feng was very interested in the talisman script contained in the inner alchemy.

He vaguely felt that this inner alchemy was not simple.

In the second test of the secret realm, these monsters are arranged to play, and after death, they will leave an inner alchemy, and the rest, even the fur, will be recovered by the secret realm.

This should be of great use.

Thinking of this, Qin Feng's figure flashed and disappeared in place.

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