Global Powers: I Control All Elements

Chapter 507Unique Reward Items (Subscribe)

When Chu Chu and the others left, Qin Feng also turned and left.

The god emperor-level monsters in this southern region were basically killed.

He is now targeting those below the Great Emperor level.

As for the monsters above the emperor level, they will be handed over to Chu Chu.

At the same time, in the southern examination area, in a historic site.

Ancestor Hurricane looked at Ziyun Ling in amazement.

The first place, Emperor Qin, scored 560,000 points.

Second place, Lufa Tiandi, 1800 points.

Third place, Hurricane Ancestor, 400 points...

"Tsk tsk!! 560,000 points! This Emperor Qin is incredible!

He witnessed Qin Feng win the first game with his own eyes.

Now, Qin Feng has won the first place in the second round.

Don't think this test is easy.

With his speed and strength far exceeding that of his peers, as well as his extraordinary beast hunting secret technique, he managed to get 400 points.

With only 400 points, he took third place.

This shows the difficulty of this assessment.

The fact is also true, the current hundreds of thousands of examiners are still 0 points.

They really can't find the monster.

Even if you are lucky enough to see it, you will not be able to grab those powerful ones.

Speaking of which, those who are powerful enough to kill low-level monsters are obviously not scoring points, but they still kill them and leave them alone.

The competition is so brutal!

Thinking about it like this, Qin Feng's 560,000 points are terrifying!

"And this Lufa Tiandi, he actually scored 1800 points, it's not easy!"

Ancestor Hurricane sighed.

This Lufa Heavenly Emperor gave him a very mysterious feeling.

Never heard of this man's name before.

"By the way, why did the top five Chuchu, Qin Baobao, Bai Qi, and Yu Qilin still score 0 points in the last match? Didn't they go with Qin Huang? Why are they so mediocre this time! Could it be that the four of them can't do it?

Ancestor Hurricane was wondering when the information on the Ziyun Order was refreshed.

The jade unicorn, which still had a score of 0, jumped a bit.

Third place, Bai Qi, 400 points...

"Good guy! I'm catching up!" Ancestor Hurricane's eyelids jumped.

He thought about what happened to the four of them,

This Bai Qi was immediately tied with his own score of 137.

According to the rules, the scores are the same, and the younger ones are ranked first.

Ancestor Hurricane suddenly became the fourth place.

This made him a little depressed.

But this little depression has not been resolved, and the information on the token changed again.

Third place, Chu Chu, 800 points...

"At this time..." Elder Hurricane frowned.

Chuchu's points came up, and he dropped to fifth again.

But at this moment, the token changes here.

Third place, Qin Baobao, 1200 points

Ancestor Hurricane:

Depressed! Ancestor Hurricane dropped to sixth place.

But all this did not end, the name of Yu Qilin came out again.

The second place, Jade Kirin, scored 2100 points.

Directly squeezed Lufa Tiandi down.

Ancestor Hurricane opened his mouth wide.

He dropped to seventh place all at once.

This result is worse than the first one!

Speaking of which, the Lufa Heavenly Emperor was seventh in the first game, second only to himself.

Of course, it's not over.

Time flies.

After the four Jade Qilins rushed to the south, under the guidance of Chu Chu's Good Fortune Divine Seal, they launched a frantic killing.

Their efficiency is extremely high, and their points are soaring rapidly.

In just ten minutes, Bai Qi surpassed Emperor Lufa and became the fifth.

Yu Qilin, Qin Baobao and Chu Chu won the second, third and fourth respectively.

The southern assessors were stunned.

The top five are them again!

Next, Qin Feng and five people harvested wildly.

Especially Qin Feng this time, he will not let go of all the players below the first round.

And the number of monsters is more than one round.

As a result, the death rate of the southern monsters increased dozens of times.

In a blink of an eye, two hours passed, and all the monsters in the south were slaughtered.

The second test is over!

This is a bit faster than the east.

The ranking of the second examination appeared.

Qin Feng's five people took the top five (baeh) unsurprisingly, and got rich rewards.

After doing all this, Qin Feng immediately recalled the five Chu Chu people and returned to the eastern examination area.

At this moment, in the eastern test area, on the original safe area square.

The five Qin Feng gathered together.

Everyone had a look of joy on their faces.

The rewards for the second test are even more generous than the first!

"Dad, this is about to end! I sensed that there were only more than 400 monsters alive!

The baby displayed the divine seal of good fortune and sensed the location of the monster in the test area.

"Let's just wait for them here!"

"it is good!"

Qin Feng's five points are already enough, and he is too lazy to run around for hundreds of monsters.

Everyone sits in the square, meditating and adjusting their breath.

Qin Feng took the opportunity to realize the true meaning of Vientiane.

Before I knew it, half an hour passed.

I don't know if it was because of the excessive killing.

This time, Qin Feng realized that it was very smooth, and the true meaning of Vientiane increased to 99.93%, which was just a little bit away from condensing the divine seal.

It was at this moment that the air above the battlefield shook.

The voice of the secret realm sounded out of thin air.

"The monsters have all been beheaded! This assessment is over!

This word spread throughout the entire examination room.

Every corner was quiet.

Countless appraisers looked up at the sky, and most of them showed disappointment, because they were still 0 points!

"The ranking of the assessment has been determined! Now the rewards will be distributed!

"Tenth place, Black Heart Ancestor, reward 6 lotus of Primordial Spirit...

"The ninth place, the nine-headed lion saint, will reward 10 lotus of primordial spirit...

"Hey! The reward this time seems to be twice that of the previous one!"

"Yeah! Last time, the tenth place was rewarded with 3 lotus of Yuanshen, and the ninth place was 5!""

The appraisers quickly discovered the clues.

People are more envious.

In a corner of the examination room, both the Heavenly Splitting God Emperor and the Suiyue God Emperor looked depressed.

They are the ninth and tenth place in the last game.

This time, they didn't even make it into the top ten.

In the air, the voice of the secret realm continued to echo.

"The eighth place, God Emperor Huaguang, reward 15 lotus of Yuanshen"

"Seventh place, God Emperor Tianguang, reward 20 lotus of primordial spirit"

"The sixth place, the God Emperor of Free and Easy, will be rewarded with a time, space, and reincarnation crystal, and 20 lotus of the primordial spirit."

"The fifth place, Bai Qi, will be rewarded with 3 crystals of time, space and reincarnation, and 20 lotus of primordial spirit"

"The fourth place, Chu Chu, will be rewarded with 5 crystals of time, space and reincarnation, and 20 lotus of primordial spirit"

"The third place, Qin Baobao, 1 group of Yuqing Qi, rewarded with 5 crystals of time, space and reincarnation, and 20 lotus of primordial spirit"

When I got to the reward for the third place, I heard the air of Yuqing, and the whole examination room exclaimed in surprise, and the envy came one after another.

Qin Feng and the others were calm.

Among the five of them, only Bai Qi could use the Qi of Yuqing, and no one else needed it.

Of course, for Qin Feng, the more Yuqing Qi, the better.

He can take it back to Yueer, Luo Li, Nishan, Liu Yan and the others to use.

"Second place, Jade Qilin, 2 groups of Yuqing Qi, reward time, space, 5 reincarnation crystals, 30 lotus of primordial spirit"

"My God! The second place will be rewarded with two groups of Yuqing Qi!

"Tsk tsk!! It would be great if this was given to me!

"The second prize is so good! I wonder what the first prize will be?"

The exam room was lively again.

At this moment, the secret realm announced the first prize.

"First place, Emperor Qin, 1 group of the Qi of the Supreme Purity, rewarded with 5 crystals of time, space, and reincarnation, and 40 lotus of the primordial spirit..."

"My God! It's the spirit of the supernatural!"

"Tsk tsk!! How can there be such a precious reward! 35

The whole place was a blast!

The Qi of Shangqing is higher than the Qi of Yuqing.

It can help the low-grade dominate potential to upgrade to the middle-grade.

At this moment, all the God Emperor Great Perfection experts were jealous, and there was greed deep in their eyes.

The highest potential among them is the low-ranking master.

This supernatural energy is of great use to them!

Somewhere in the examination room, the Nine Moon God Emperor and the Splitting Heaven God Emperor looked at each other.

"Brother Splitting Heaven, the spirit of the Qing Dynasty is in the hands of Emperor Qin, and we must be ruthless next time!"

"It's natural!"

Both nodded silently.

On the other side, the Nine-headed Lion Saint looked up at the sky and swallowed.

His potential is inferior to dominate.

If he can get that group of supernatural energy, his potential can go further.

Thinking of this, he turned his head to look at the beautiful snake queen beside him.

"Scorpion, if you have a chance, go and get close to Emperor Qin! I think it's time for us to do it!

"Oh! The Queen of Snakes and Scorpions responded in a low voice, her eyes rolling.

She knew what the Nine-headed Lion Saint meant.

She also wanted to meet that handsome boy.

Thinking of this, she couldn't help but fold her legs together, feeling strange in her heart.

At this moment, ten beams of light fell in the sky, each falling on the top of the top ten.

Each beam of light has a corresponding ranking reward.

In the examination room, countless people looked up and envied him.

Everyone can also see that there are five beams of light that are together, and they are all concentrated in the same direction.

That's also the reward for 1st to 5th place!

The Qin Emperor's five people are really mysterious!

At the same time, Qin Feng and the others quietly put away the reward.

This is the second reward they got, no surprise.

They had received the same reward in the south half an hour earlier.

At this time, the sky shook, and the voice of the secret realm sounded again.

"Rewards have been distributed! Now start the assessment elimination mechanism, two assessments, the total points are still below 0 points, clear and exit the secret realm...

With this announcement, there were shouts of disappointment from all corners of the examination room.

"No! I don't want to be eliminated!"

"Give me another chance! I'm very good!"

"No! I'm a freak! I'm a genius! Don't knock me out!

The next second, the secret realm shook.

One after another figure turned into white light, kicked out of the secret realm directly, and lost the qualification to continue the challenge.

In the blink of an eye, hundreds of thousands of examiners in the entire examination room were expelled.

There were more than 13,000 people left in the field.

Even the followers of the God Emperor Xiaoyao were only left with more than 200 people, and the rest were all expelled.

The elimination rate in this game is very high!

Qin Feng was not surprised that only 11,000 people were eliminated in the southern region, more than the eastern region.

At this time, the voice of the secret realm sounded again.

"Remind all examiners: this secret realm only has four groups of supernatural spirits, and they have been awarded to the first place in the second round of each examination area.""

"In the third assessment, the only group of Taiqing Qi in this secret realm will be rewarded in a special way, all assessors, please work hard!""

As soon as this reminder was announced, the crowd boiled again.

It turns out that there are only four groups of supernatural energy!

Seems like the rewards are all over now!

They didn't know that Qin Feng had already obtained two of the four groups of supernatural energy.

What shocked them even more was that there was a cloud of pure air in the secret realm.

The Qi of Taiqing can make the mastering potential of the middle grade be upgraded to the top grade.

The preciousness is indescribable.

The entire secret realm is just that.

It's just that everyone can't figure it out. There's only one group of the Qi of Taiqing, and there are four in the test area. How should this be rewarded?

ps: Thank you for your continued support!! Happy New Year's Day to everyone!!!

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