Global Powers: I Control All Elements

Chapter 494: The Seal of Creation (1 More)

At the same time, another sea area.

Qin Feng stood in the fog, surrounded by vitality like a surging tsunami, rushing towards him.

In a radius of thousands of miles, a huge vortex of vitality was formed.

Boom~! Boom~! Boom~!

The aura whirls!

This is all caused by the madness of the baby absorbing vitality in the universe within the body.

This huge movement alarmed many explorers, but no one dared to approach.


Another sky-shattering earthquake came from Qin Feng's body, and the vortex of vitality around him came to an abrupt end!

"Ding! Congratulations to the host, your Earth Star Extreme Follower (Baby Qin) has broken through to the initial stage of the Great Emperor (Foundation)... The combat power has increased to 240 trillion..

"Ding! Everlasting True Meaning God Seal (Host) and Life True Meaning God Seal (Baby Qin) are automatically merging...""

"Ding! The fusion is successful...Congratulations to the host for obtaining the Supreme True Intent Divine Seal - the Divine Seal of Creation...The combat power has skyrocketed to 1600 trillion....

"Ding! Your Earth Star Extreme Follower (Baby Qin) has obtained the Divine Seal of Supreme True Intent - the Divine Seal of Creation... The combat power has skyrocketed to 300 trillion...

"Baby finally broke through!"

Qin Feng was delighted.

This little guy deserves to be a top-ranking player with the potential to dominate. This breakthrough is 300 trillion combat power, which is much stronger than Chu Chu and Bai Qi.

If cultivated properly, there is a chance to raise the potential of this little guy to a low-grade star master.

"Dad! I broke through!", the baby's cute voice sounded in Qin Feng's mind.

Qin Feng was overjoyed, he hadn't seen baby "One Two Three" for a long time.

With a thought, he disappeared out of thin air, leaving only a small spot of light the size of the eye of a pin.

Qin Feng has entered his own little universe.

That little light spot is his small universe, and it is also the manifestation in this big universe. If you don't look carefully, it is extremely difficult to detect, giving people a feeling of one world in one grain of sand.

He has not yet cultivated to the star master realm, and the universe in his body cannot detach from this universe.

If you cultivate to the star master realm, even the light spot will not exist.

However, he said that as soon as Qin Feng entered the small universe, the phantom avatar who was guarding the side opened his mouth and sucked, swallowing the small light spot into his body for protection.

In the next second, he flew towards the center of the Purple Cloud Sea.

Today is the fifth day of the spiritual explosion. According to the time, there are still three or four hours to end, and the secret realm is about to open.

The entrance to the secret realm is the center of the Purple Cloud Sea.

At this moment, not many people dare to approach the center of the Purple Cloud Sea.

Now is the peak period of murder and treasure hunt, rushing into the center of Ziyun Sea, it is easy to encounter other people and be hunted and killed.

The phantom avatar can be described as a daring art master who dares to break in alone.

Of course, the phantom avatars really have nothing to fear except the great consummation of the god emperor.

What's more, the phantom clone itself is an immortal body.

As long as Qin Feng doesn't die, he can keep resurrecting.

It is Qin Feng's plan to take the initiative to approach the center of the Purple Cloud Sea.

In that case, as soon as the entrance to the secret realm is opened, he will be able to get there first, and the benefits will be served first.

At the same time, Qin Feng's small universe, on the polar star, inside the palace.

Baby has not seen Qin Feng for a long time.

At this moment, she was tired of being in Qin Feng's arms, holding Qin Feng's neck and acting like a spoiled child.

"Dad, is Ling Bang outside fun? The baby also wants to go out to play!"

"That spiritual explosion is about to end, don't go out and run around. We will enter the secret realm in a while.

"Oh! Dad, you have been out these days, have you found any delicious fruit?"

"Little guy, I know you are greedy, here~! This is for you! 35

Qin Feng took out a storage ring with a smile.

There are thousands of storage rings he has acquired during this time, and there are countless treasures in them, and there is no shortage of spiritual fruits.

"Wow! There are so many fruits! Dad, the baby likes you so much! ~ Bo!"

The baby gave Qin Feng a big kiss on the face.

That little mouth is tender and fragrant.

Qin Feng pinched the little guy's face dotingly.

The little guy took out a red spirit fruit with a happy face and took a big bite.

At this moment, footsteps sounded outside the hall.

Chu Chu walked in.

"Auntie!" The baby broke free from Qin Feng's arms and ran towards Chu Chu.


Chu Chu picked up the baby and was very happy.

"Auntie, you are so beautiful!

"Oh~! Has my baby grown up? They are all concerned about whether they are beautiful or not!" Chu Chu teased dotingly.

"Baby is saying that aunt is getting better and better! Dad, don't you think so?

King Qin smiled and nodded: "It is indeed getting better and better!""

Chu Chu is indeed the bigger and more beautiful, whether it is appearance or figure, it tends to be perfect.

Seeing his brother say that he is good-looking, Chu Chu was inexplicably elated.

"Brother, hasn't the secret realm been opened yet?

"Come on! It's only two or three hours away! You've made a lot of progress these days!

Qin Feng looked at Chu Chu with relief.

The time force field of this small universe reaches 25 times.

One day has passed in the outside world, and Chu Chu has been practicing here for 25 days.

After these twenty-five days, Chu Chu refined the space divine crystal and awakened the eighth sense.

Afterwards, she refined dozens of Primordial Spirit Crystals, and her cultivation base broke through to the middle stage of the Great Emperor, and her combat power soared to 300 trillion, the same as that of a baby.

"Brother, which Primordial Spirit Crystals are there, and my cultivation has improved very quickly!" Chu Chu said happily.

Qin Feng smiled and said: "In your current state, before you reach the God Emperor, there is no bottleneck in your cultivation, and breakthroughs are naturally quick. However, you still have to work hard to improve your strength, and the risks in the secret realm are very high."5

"Brother, I understand! I'll go to retreat in a while, racing against time!"

"Dad, I want to practice with my aunt!"

"Baby is so cute!

This big and small relationship is extremely intimate.

Qin Feng smiled slightly and took out a storage ring.

"Baby, this is for you! There are some Primordial Spirit Crystals in this ring, which can speed up your cultivation!

"Thank you dad!"

At this moment, this small cosmic space suddenly trembled.

Everyone was shocked and looked in the direction of the vibration.

That's from Mars.

In the next second, Qin Feng showed joy.

His eyes suddenly penetrated the palace of Huoji Xing and saw Bai Qi.

In this universe, he is God, omnipotent.

At this moment, he saw Bai Qi floating in the air with a look of joy, looking at himself.

This guy finally awakened the power of the eighth sense of time, broke through to the second round, and the combat power also skyrocketed to 300 trillion.

"Brother, did Bai Qi break through?" Chu Chu asked curiously.

"Yeah!" Qin Feng nodded in relief.

It was at this moment that Bai Qi's time force field spread out and instantly enveloped the entire small universe.

After a while, the time force field is superimposed successfully!

The time force field of this universe has been increased by 30 times!

A day has passed outside, and a month has passed here.

Sensing the change, Qin Feng and Chu Chu both showed joy.

However, Qin Feng thought of a problem.

Bai Qi's aptitude is worse than Chu Chu and Bao Bao.

The baby has just broken through to the early stage of the emperor, and has 300 trillion combat power.

When Chu Chu broke through to the middle stage of the Great Emperor, it was 300 trillion battle power.

Bai Qi broke through to the early stage of the second round, and only reached 300 trillion combat power.

This is the difference!

It seems that he should help Bai Qi improve his qualifications.

Thinking of this, Qin Feng said hello and left.

In the next second, he appeared in the Mercury Pole Palace.

In the room, Yu Qilin was overjoyed when he saw Qin Feng.

She walked over affectionately.

"Master, you finally came to see your little slave girl!" Yu Qilin stuck in Qin Feng's arms and acted like a spoiled child.

Qin Feng's big hand slid across her graceful curve.

Yu Qilin winked like silk, looked at Qin Feng boldly, and the meaning in his eyes was obvious.

Qin Feng smiled and let go: "It's too late! You know my time!

The jade unicorn blushed.

This bad guy lasts for more than ten hours each time, which is too fierce.

"Is the secret realm going to open?"


"Then the little slave girl won't waste the master's time!

"Wait until this time is over..."

Qin Feng pinched her face dotingly.

"Hey~! You have condensed the divine seal of true meaning!" Qin Feng was shocked.

He didn't notice just now.

Only now I found out that the jade unicorn has condensed the imprint of endless true meaning (no superior). O

You must know that the jade unicorn is still a great consummation, not even the nine stars.

Of course, she is also deliberately suppressing her cultivation base and polishing her own foundation.

Yu Qilin smiled and said: "I was the master of the middle grade in my previous life. This endless true meaning is too familiar to me in my previous life. Now I just review it, and it will be easy to come back to it. 39

While speaking, the jade unicorn waved again, and the surrounding space fluctuated accordingly.

Qin Feng was surprised again.

This jade unicorn has awakened even the seventh sense, and has already mastered the power of space.

It is indeed the reincarnation of the master.

In fact, the jade unicorn has recovered most of the memories of the previous life.

Her potential is affected by the physical body of this world, and for the time being, it is the potential of a god emperor.

But her perception and vision are of the dominant level.

Like this kind of real meaning and seventh sense, all rely on understanding, which is too simple for her.

"Yu'er, I have a question for you!" Qin Feng sat down on the sofa.

"Your Majesty, say it!", Yu Qilin sat obediently on Qin Feng's lap.

Qin Feng naturally wrapped his arms around her waist and asked, "Do you know the star masters of the five major stars in the outside world, who has mastered the divine seal of creation?

To say who has the most profound common sense in this space, it is none other than the jade unicorn who once dominated.

"I think about it... that's right! It should be the star master of Ziwei of the Mid-Pole Star!"

"It was him!

Qin Feng was thoughtful.

Among the five major stars in the outside world, the strongest star master is Ziwei Star Master!

Just now, when the baby broke through, Qin Feng also obtained the divine seal of creation, and he discovered a lot of mysteries, which shocked himself.

Good Fortune Divine Seal, Gong Shen Good Fortune, Zhong Xiu is amazing!

It is neither like the god of opening the sky, which has the ultimate attack, nor is it like the god of infinite, which can define a world.

But it has incredible magical effects, can be towering and miraculous, and is very fortunate.

At the moment of obtaining the God of Fortune Seal, Qin Feng immediately thought of the God Fortune Stele.

Before, he didn't understand what the God of Creation Stele was for, but now he does.

And Jade Qilin said that Star Master Ziwei also mastered the Divine Seal of Creation, so everything was figured out.

If it was him, he would also build countless monuments of good fortune, which is amazing!

At this time, Yu Qilin said again: "That Ziwei star master is amazing! After he became the star master, he only mastered one divine seal of creation, and his strength is very common among the star masters. But I don't know what happened, his strength later Slowly getting stronger and stronger, even the talent is improving, and finally became the strongest, no one knows how he did it.

Qin Feng smiled slightly.

He knew what was going on.

The power of Star Master Ziwei depends on the divine seal of creation, which involves another mystery of the universe.

There should be very few people in this world who know!

Even if the jade unicorn was the ruler in the past life, he didn't know it.

4.7 Fortunately, Qin Feng has also mastered the divine seal of creation.

"By the way, how is your cosmos foundation building progress?" Yu Qilin asked with concern.

She is very concerned about the progress of her man's cultivation.

"The cosmos has been transformed into a harem, and the divine seal of the four major polar stars is only missing the Mercury polar star..."

Yu Qilin smiled tenderly: "My divine seals are all condensed, just waiting for you!

Qin Feng smiled without saying a word.

He has realized 91% of the true meaning of Vientiane, and is very close to condensing the divine seal.

The foundation of the universe is just around the corner.

At this moment, Qin Feng seemed to sense something and raised his head slightly.

The phantom avatar is equivalent to an extension of his body.

Everything that the phantom avatar sees, he can see at the same time.

This means that he has always had two perspectives.

"Qin Feng, what's wrong?" Yu Qilin sensed Qin Feng's change.

"The secret realm should be opened!

Qin Feng waved his hand, and a light curtain appeared in front of him.

In that light curtain is the scene in the Purple Cloud Sea.

At this moment, the sea of ​​​​clouds boiled, and countless spiritual mists quickly retracted into the sea of ​​​​purple clouds.

There was also a huge roar on the bottom of the sea.

The sky and the earth shook, and the sound of the waves was rolling, as if something woke up on the bottom of the sea.

The secret entrance is finally open!

Qin Feng dodged and left the palace.

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