Global Powers: I Control All Elements

Chapter 475: The Demon Lord (1 More)

Qin Feng was puzzled: "What does this have to do with the transaction?"

Zi Xing smiled tenderly: "You haven't slept with the Goddess Emperor, have you? As long as you agree to a request, this girl will let you taste the Goddess Emperor..."

The seduction was very blatant, Qin Feng was stunned for a moment, and then he was speechless.

The jade unicorn outside was dumbfounded.

What does this purple star mean?

Let yourself see how she seduces her man?

In fact, the purpose of Purple Star is very simple.

She just wanted to prove to Jade Qilin that Qin Feng was a man who covets beauty, so that Jade Qilin should not make decisions lightly.

"What do you think?" Zi Xing smiled.

"What is your request?" Qin Feng asked curiously.

This made Zi Xing proud, and it seems that this guy is going to take the bait.

She is very confident in her beauty.

"My conditions are very simple! You let Yu Qilin stay with me for a few days. After a few days, I will not stop her what she wants to do. As long as you agree to this, I will let you experience the taste of a goddess emperor... "

Zixing's eyes are like silk.

Qin Feng smiled and shook his head: "Sorry! I can't agree to this!"

Zi Xing was stunned: "Why don't you agree? Doing so will only benefit you, not loss! 55

"Whether Yu Qilin is willing to stay with you for a few days, you should ask her, not me. 35

"Oh, but she listens to you very much now. Otherwise, you can persuade me a little. In return, this girl can sacrifice herself first..."

Zi Xing vaguely felt that the plan was about to fail, and hurriedly seized the last chance.


Qin Feng heard those words and looked at her, his eyes wandering on her delicate facial features and perfect curves.

Zi Xing let Qin Feng look at him, his eyes were like silk, and he was very enchanting.

She couldn't believe it, Qin Feng would be indifferent if she was sent to the door in vain.

After all, his beauty ranks in the top three in Tianfu Star.

It's not easy for many men to look at her, let alone get close.

She never doubted her own charm.

Zi Xing looked confident and waited for Qin Feng to take the bait.

She wants Yu Qilin to see clearly that this young man is no different from other men, even more caressing than other men, and is not worthy of entrustment.

"How are you thinking? As long as you agree, you can taste the taste of the Goddess Emperor tonight, don't you want...~"."

Zi Xing's smile became more charming.

"Sorry! Jade unicorn is my woman, and if you ask me to do this, you will betray my own woman! I can't agree to your business!

"Uh!", Zi Xing was a little surprised.

The guy didn't agree.

It stands to reason that he is one point more beautiful than the jade unicorn, and his figure is also superb.

This guy doesn't care?

"You don't think about it anymore?", Zi Xing was not reconciled.

"No! Farewell!", Qin Feng was too lazy to talk nonsense.

He felt that the woman was a little crazy.

"Hey! You really don't think about it?" Zi Xing felt frustrated.

This situation is completely beyond her expectations!

Could it be that the first time he hooked up with a man, he was about to fail.

Qin Feng ignored her and continued to walk out.

"Hey~! Don't go so fast! Isn't this girl beautiful? She has a bad figure?"

Zi Xing grabbed the last straw.

Qin Feng finally stopped, turned around, and looked over.

Zixing's eyes showed anticipation.

Qin Feng glanced at her graceful figure and smiled slightly: "Sorry! I'm not interested in you! 35

"What... what?!

Zi Xing was struck by five thunders.

She never thought it would be such an answer.

The young man actually said that he was not interested in himself.

Did you hear it right?!


Qin Feng pushed open the box door.

The jade unicorn stood pretty at the door, his eyes were smiling like crescent moons.

Qin Feng's performance just now made her very happy.

In terms of appearance, she thinks Zi Xing is a little more beautiful.

But Qin Feng was unmoved.

Obviously, Qin Feng is not the kind of man Zi Xing said, who only loves beauty.

"Master!" Yu Qilin looked at Qin Feng affectionately.

She suddenly found that she had regained the memory of her previous life, but it was even more difficult for her to extricate herself from the man in front of her.

"We go home!

Qin Feng embraced Yu Qilin's willow waist dotingly, and kissed her lightly on her smooth forehead.

This sweet and greasy scene made Zi Xing look jealous.

"Let's go! 35

Qin Feng grabbed the jade unicorn and wanted to leave.


Zi Xing's icy voice sounded behind the two.

"Sister Zixing, what are you doing?"

Yu Qilin's face changed slightly.

She was afraid that Zi Xing would become angry.

By now, she already knew Zi Xing's cultivation.

Zi Xing wants to do it, Qin Feng is afraid that he will be killed in seconds.

She doesn't want her lover to be hurt

"Humph! This is for you!"

Zi Xing threw it casually, and a piece of ink jade flew to the jade unicorn.

"This is unicorn jade, dedicated to the water unicorn lineage. If you use it to refine it, it will awaken more of your previous life abilities, and at least restore your aptitude to the level of a god emperor!

Yu Qilin looked at her gratefully: `Sister Zixing! Thank you very much! 35

After a while, Qin Feng and Yu Qilin left.

When the two walked away, Zi Xing smashed the table into pieces with one palm.

"Hmph! I don't even look down on the old lady! Am I worse than the jade unicorn?"

Zi Xing was inexplicably a little crazy.

What kind of person is she?

She has always looked down on others, but this time she was despised by others!

This makes her unacceptable!

Is this Qin Feng blind?

"Is this kid lying on purpose? No! The old lady must find out the truth! 35

Zi Xing was so angry that he picked up the jug and took a big mouthful.

Women care more about their appearance and charm than men. …

A quarter of an hour later, Elder Rui, one of the five elders of the Demon City.

Frightened, he entered the city lord's palace.

At this moment, in the main hall.

Elder Rui looked at the female city lord in front of him, the ruler of the devil.

Sovereign and (good) God Emperor Great Perfection are very different in realm, but their strengths are vastly different.

At this moment, the Demon Lord seems to be sulking, and his beautiful face is full of sullen expressions.

This made Elder Rui uneasy.

If Qin Feng and Yu Qilin were here, they would be surprised to find out.

This Demon Lord and Zi Xing are almost identical in appearance. The difference is that one has black hair, the other has purple hair, the other is the master of cultivation, and the other is the god emperor's perfect cultivation.

Of course, the temperament of the Demon Lord seems to be more stable.

"Lord City Lord, why are you summoning your subordinates?" Elder Rui asked nervously.

"Go help this city master check a servant! 9

"City Lord, who are you looking for? 35

"Qin Feng!

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