Global Powers: I Control All Elements

The 1 thousand 135 chapters of the bet are in hand, and you will make a lot of m1y! (Seeking full or

"Look! Those three people who took the Qihua Barrier Breaking Pill all vomited blood..."

"Yeah! The faces of the three of them are so bad!"

"Hey! Their cultivation base has also dropped. This one is not good, and the original realm can't be preserved..."

At this moment, there was a lot of discussion in the crowd.

Many people cast a sympathetic look at the three people who took Qihua Barrier Breaking Pill.

The faces of the three of them were also extremely ugly, and their hearts were cold.

They originally thought that this time they took a big advantage, but they didn't expect such a mess.

Knowing that Qihua Barrier Breaking Pill is such a waste material, they have long chosen the Primordial Primordial Pill.

At this moment, the three of them were beyond remorse...

"Tsk tsk!! These three guys are really unlucky!

"Yeah! I didn't expect the Qihua Barrier Breaking Pill to be so bad. Not only would it not be effective, but it would also hurt people a lot, and even the original realm could not be guaranteed!"

There were some murmurs in the crowd...

When the old man under the moon heard this, his face turned red with anger, and he almost vomited blood on the spot...

No matter what his Qihua Barrier Breaking Pill is, he still has a one-third success rate, and he shouldn't have such a performance today...

"Trash! Trash! Trash! You are all trash!

The old man under the moon was so angry that he yelled at the three people who tried the 543 medicine.

The three of them wanted to cry without tears, and they felt even more regretful in their hearts...

At the same time, on the other side, the three of Xian Wushan had exhausted their pill energy and opened their eyes from the meditation with ecstatic expressions...

Afterwards, they hurriedly walked towards Qin Feng in the eyes of everyone's incomparable envy...

"Thank you Lord Qin Feng for giving the medicine, so that Wushan can get this great opportunity!

"The kindness of the little girl to the adults! I am grateful!"

Xian Wushan and Xian Yue both expressed their gratitude to Qin Feng excitedly.

Qin Feng said expressionlessly: "You don't have to be grateful to the deity! The deity is looking at the face of your domain master!

Being coldly scolded by these words, Xian Wushan and the two smiled bitterly, feeling both ashamed and embarrassed in their hearts.

Before, they were suspicious of Qin Feng's medicine pill.

If Xianling hadn't forced them to try, I'm afraid they wouldn't do it.

Now, they look so stupid!

If it wasn't for the Domain Master to come forward, they would have lost their chance today.

Thinking of this, the two bowed embarrassingly, and then retreated behind Xian Ling with guilt on their faces...

At this time, the old man in Antarctica was leaning on crutches and said with great excitement, "Thank you, Mr. Qin Feng! The adults are the new parents of Xiao Laoer! In the future, if there is a chance, Xiao (baeh) Laoer will definitely repay! 35

Qin Feng smiled kindly and said, "You don't have to be like this! It's all a matter of fate, and you should have the luck today. 35

"Your lord is humble! If it wasn't for the help of your Primordial Spirit Pill, there would have been Xiao Lao'er's breakthrough today! Everyone knows that Lao'er's aptitude is poor.

"And the effect of the adult's magic pill is far beyond the quality of the lower realm of eternity, I'm afraid it is comparable to the quality of the realm of eternity, this can make the little old man with such poor qualifications, and he can break through successfully!"

The Antarctic old man's words are pearly, and his gratitude comes from the bottom of his heart.

When everyone around heard this, they nodded.

"The Antarctic old man is right! The effect of the Primordial Divine Pill is comparable to that of the Divine Pill in the realm of eternity, and the effect is far stronger than that of the Qihua Barrier Breaking Pill! 35

"Yeah! Even the aptitude of the Antarctic old man is so poor that he can break through after taking the Primordial Primordial Pill. We are even better."

"Hey~! If I knew this earlier, when Master Qin Feng asked someone to test the medicine, I should go out and try it!"

"Oh! I... I originally wanted to go, but I was hesitant and missed this great opportunity..."

At this moment, those top players of the first realm all beat their chests and feet, regretting endlessly...

When Hongjun saw this scene, he felt amused.

There is no regret medicine in this world, you can only blame them for being stupid!

"Old man under the moon, now the result is out. I won this competition, you should cash your bet!

At this time, Qin Feng looked at the old man under the moon in a leisurely manner.

He is not worried that the old man under the moon will go back.

Unless this guy is not afraid of contract backlash.

"Humph! The old man won't owe you a bet!

"Okay! According to the contract. From the end of the test, within the first day, you need to hand over more than 1,000 drops of Jiutian Yulu, and you need to make up the rest before the end of the test!

"Humph!" The old man under the moon's face was extremely gloomy.

As soon as he waved his hand, he took out several jade bottles from his storage ring, which were all filled with Nine Heavens Jade Dew.

That is his inventory over the years, not only the reward of this assessment.

"Xi Shen, Zhentian, take out all the Nine Heavens Jade Dew on your body..."


The Prince Xishen and the Holy Ancestor Guixu both looked bitter and reluctantly took out several jade bottles.

That is the inventory that they have accumulated for hundreds of trillions of years.

After all, Jiutian Jade Dew is not only found in the secret place, it can also be collected in some places outside the Jiutian Territory.

The old man under the moon took stock of the jade dew in the jade bottles, but it was still far from enough.

"Sixth Daoist friend, I wonder if you have some Nine Heavens Jade Dew on your body. Can you give it to this old man first. Later, I will use the equivalent resources to compensate the Daoist friend..."

The old man under the moon looked at the ancestor of the six roots.

"Good talk! Good talk!

Old Ancestor Liugen readily took out a few jade bottles.

After the old man under the moon took it, he took a short inventory and threw all the jade bottles to Qin Feng...

"Boy, there are a total of 4,320 drops of Jiutian Yulu in these bottles! This old man will give it to you first! The bet you owe will be collected by this old man before the end of this assessment!"

Qin Feng got those bottles and took a little inventory, and it turned out to be 4320 drops.

"That's right! It's 4320 drops! Thank you so much! Haha!!

He laughed and put away the bottles.

This time the harvest was very good and made him feel good.

Everyone around looked envious.

"Humph! Don't be complacent! Wait and see! Let's go! 35

The old man under the moon dropped these harsh words, turned around and left.

Crown Prince Xishen and Saint Ancestor Guixu followed in despair...

At this moment, the three of them suddenly saw the embarrassed bearded man in the crowd, who was sneaking his head down, as if he was about to slip away...

"You stop for the old man! 35


The bearded man trembled and turned back with a wry smile.

At this moment, he was a little afraid to face the old man under the moon.

"Predecessors! You... what are your orders?

"Is your name Hu Lin?"

"Yes, it is!

"Okay! The old man remembers you! In the next assessment, I hope you don't fall into the hands of the old man. As long as there is a chance, the old man will take your life! 35


The bearded man's face changed greatly.

"Predecessor...Senior! What did the junior do wrong? Why did you do this to me?!


The old man Yuezi sneered and walked away directly, ignoring him.

"Hu Lin, if you hadn't repeatedly persuaded my father to gamble, my father would have lost so much! Just wait and die!

Prince Xishen dropped these cruel words and walked away.

The bearded man seemed to be hit by five thunders, his whole body swayed slightly, and he almost collapsed to the ground.

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