Good morning, Lord.

All the subordinates saluted Fang Xiao.

Fang Xiao waved his hand, motioning for them to take a seat, and then asked aloud: Xu Zhui, after breakfast later, you go to the training camp and bring 300 soldiers with you to the east gate for assembly.

Let Li Xiaosan stay in the territory with the remaining soldiers and do a good job of guarding and vigilance.

That's right, Fang Xiao plans to take action against the orcs in the Qingyue Mountains discovered last night.

At present, the expansion of my territory has just been completed, and I just need the population to supplement it and expand productivity.

The orcs in the Qingyue Mountains are an excellent choice.

And this afternoon, all the people brought previously will be settled, which is also a good time to expand the population.

Fang Xiao did not plan to pass through the cottages in Qinghui Village again, because it would be very, very difficult to walk from there.

Obviously, this is also the reason why the orc tribes did not interact with the copycat villages in Qinghui Village.

Those orc tribes were located on the west side of the Qingyue Mountains. There was a path bordering the wasteland to the west, which was much easier to walk. Therefore, he planned to follow the bordering path directly along the wasteland and invade.

Yes, Lord Jin! After Xu Zhui heard Fang Xiao's instructions, he immediately responded respectfully.

After everyone chatted for a while, they saw the maids carrying the meals to the restaurant nearby and placing the meals on the dining table.

Fang Xiao stood up and walked towards the restaurant next to him: Let's go eat first.

After everyone came to the restaurant and had breakfast, the maids began to clear away the dishes, and Fang Xiao led all his subordinates towards the outside of the lord's mansion.

Xu Zhui rushed to the training camp by himself, while Fang Xiao took the others to the east gate to wait.

Not long after, Xu Chui came to the east gate with many soldiers.

At this time, many soldiers had already installed black ox swords.

Fang Xiao had previously ordered Huang Yunjie to arrange for people to go to the smelting station regularly to pick up the forged weapons, and then arrange them directly to the training camp to distribute them to the soldiers. It seemed that he did a good job.

Come with me! Fang Xiao sat on the golden bear, pulled out his thunder knife, and waved it forward.

Fang Xiaoyixiong took the lead, followed by soldiers in neat formation, rushing towards the northeast.

Fang Xiao's primary target is the red fox orc tribe. To get there, he needs to go northeast along the wasteland, reach a mountain peak, and then shuttle through the mountains and forests.

Now all the soldiers under Fang Xiao's command were of rare strength, and they were traveling quite fast.

The more difficult mountain roads are not difficult for everyone.

Arriving at the foot of the mountain where the red fox orc tribe was located, Xu Chui raised his head and looked at the buildings on the mountainside with excitement in his eyes: Lord, is that our goal this time?

Yes, everyone speed up and take it down in one fell swoop. Fang Xiao nodded slightly, and then rode the golden bear to speed up.

Last night, Fang Xiao controlled the machine bird to explore here. At that time, he discovered that the guard soldiers of the orc tribe here were only at the elite level.

Judging from this, the strength of these orc tribes should be similar to that of Qinghui Village.

Even if there are exceptions, at most it is the leader's epic strength.

Now Fang Xiao and Xu Zhui are both at epic level, and they are really not weak at all.

Soon, Fang Xiao led people all the way to the door of the red fox orc tribe.

The arrival of Fang Xiao and others immediately attracted the attention of the guards of the red fox orc tribe, who immediately picked up their weapons and aimed them at Fang Xiao and others.

Several guards ran down the defensive stone wall, apparently to inform others.

At this time, a soldier on the stone wall shouted at Fang Xiao and others: Who are you? What are you doing here?

Xu Zhui grinned: Of course I'm going to beat you, otherwise hundreds of us would come over to eat at your house?

Hearing Xu Chui's words, the guards on the stone wall couldn't help but became furious, and then the archer profession above immediately shot arrows at Xu Chui.

However, these are just elite-level archers. How can they threaten Xu Zhui, who has epic-level strength?

Xu Chui didn't even need to take action. Zhang Ying on the side unsheathed his sword and swung the Qingyun Sword in his hand. Suddenly a series of sword shadows appeared, knocking away all the arrows fired at him.

Brother, yes, he's quite handsome. Xu Chui grinned at Zhang Ying.

Zhang Ying smiled modestly: Thank you.

Fang Xiao sat on the golden bear and never spoke, because he knew that there was no point in talking nonsense to these soldiers.

He was waiting for the leader of the opposing tribe to appear.

After a while, a tall young man with red fox ears appeared on the stone wall with a group of red fox orcs.

Fang Xiao saw the other party's whole picture clearly, and the information panel also appeared in front of him.

[Leader of Chipingyun Tribe: Hu Wuying]

[Occupation: Burning Flame Gunner]

[Strength: Epic 3-star]

[Skills: Flame Spear Shadow (epic level 3 stars), Burning Flame Stab (epic level 3 stars)]

Fang Xiao couldn't help but raise his eyebrows when he saw it. He didn't expect that the leader of the Chipingyun tribe was much stronger than Zhao Wuyang.

At this time, Hu Wuying had already spoken: The guy riding the yellow-furred bear, are you their leader?

Fang Xiao glanced at him and then smiled: How about I give you two choices?

Hmph, what are the two choices? I'm not even interested in hearing them. Hu Wuying snorted coldly, and then scolded Fang Xiao: Looking at your battle, I know that you are not a good person. You have nothing to say. If you have the ability, just attack in, and your subordinates will see the truth.

If you can't get in, go back to where you came from. Don't be embarrassed here.

Hearing Hu Wuying's words, Fang Xiao narrowed his eyes subconsciously, and then raised his arms: Okay, I will satisfy you. Everyone, follow my orders and attack! Take this place!

Originally, Fang Xiao came with so many soldiers and wanted to use pressure to try to persuade them to surrender. However, looking at the other party's demeanor, it was obvious that he was out of luck.

Then there is no need to waste your breath, just shoot it down.

Even in one-on-one situations, Fang Xiao could not defeat his opponent, let alone having Xu Zhui, an epic-level subordinate next to him.

Hearing Fang Xiao's words, the soldiers behind him immediately took action and rushed towards the gate of Chipingyun tribe one by one.

Fang Xiao also slapped the golden bear under him and followed closely, ready to charge at any time.

The gate of Chipingyun tribe is much larger than that of Qinghui Village, and the wood looks much thicker.

However, under the attack of many soldiers with rare strength, a large number of cracks and marks soon appeared on the door. It shook continuously and it was obvious that it could not hold up for long.

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