Global Lord: One more god-level talent every month

Chapter 91 Rare level for all members

The most important thing is that Fang Xiao is also responsible for three meals.

What does Fang Xiao eat every day?

Meat is definitely included in every meal, and there are often various delicacies as side dishes.

It can be said that without entering the lord's mansion, the residents would not dare to imagine such a meal.

The benefits provided by Fang Xiao are definitely quite high.

After all, he is the one who takes care of his daily life in the Lord's Mansion, so Fang Xiao will naturally not treat him harshly.

Once this condition is announced, countless people will rush to get the job.

At this time, after listening to Fang Xiao's words, Huang Yunjie was stunned for a moment, and then hesitated: Is it a bit high? After all, they also have three meals at the lord's mansion.

Fang Xiao took a bite of the meat and said, It doesn't matter. If the salary is higher, they can work harder. After all, they are the ones responsible for the daily life of the Lord's Mansion.

Yes, Lord, I will announce the conditions later, look for candidates, and ensure that they can come to work tomorrow morning.

Fang Xiao nodded slightly: Well, Yunjie, just take care of it.

After eating, everyone left with Huang Yunjie to choose their future residence.

Fang Xiao thought for a while and rushed towards the mint.

After arriving all the way to the Mint, because it was getting very late, the Mint was already closed.

Fang Xiao stretched out his arm and knocked lightly on the door. Soon, Xiao Cheng's voice came from inside the mint: Who? Is something wrong?

It's me, open the door. I have some things to arrange for you. Fang Xiao responded directly.

Soon, footsteps sounded in the mint.

Footsteps approached the door, and the door was quickly opened, revealing Xiao Cheng's figure.

After Xiao Cheng saw Fang Xiao, he immediately bowed respectfully to Fang Xiao, and then asked with some confusion: Lord, I wonder if you have anything to arrange for me?

Fang Xiao didn't say much, and directly took out the machine bird from the lord's warehouse, and then told Xiao Cheng: I will need you to do the coinage work in the future.

So, starting from today, you no longer have to stay in the mint of the territory. I will take you to a temporary base in a silver mine.

When you get there, work with the coiner over there.

After hearing Fang Xiao's words, Xiao Cheng was slightly stunned, but naturally he did not dare to disobey Fang Xiao's instructions.

So he immediately responded respectfully and said, Yes, Lord.

Fang Xiao nodded slightly, then came to the mechanism bird, and then motioned for Xiao Cheng to come up as well.

After being prepared, Fang Xiao directly controlled the machine bird and flew towards the sky.

After the machine bird flew into the sky, Fang Xiao controlled it and flew all the way east.

The machine bird's flight speed was quite fast, and it didn't take much time to reach Qinghui Village all the way.

When Fang Xiao found Wu Xiong, Wu Xiong was still awake. After seeing Fang Xiao arriving, he couldn't help but be quite surprised: Lord, why are you here at this time?

Fang Xiao stretched out his hand, patted Xiao Cheng's shoulder next to him, and then said aloud: The territory is very busy, and I don't have much time during the day, so I took advantage of my free time at night to bring him here to carry out the work here. Coinage work.”

Takeo, just make some arrangements for him.

After hearing Fang Xiao's words, Takeo immediately nodded: Okay, Lord, just leave it to me.

Fang Xiao glanced at the silver mine, and then asked aloud: Is there anything unusual here recently?

Upon hearing this, Takeo immediately shook his head: Reporting to the lord, nothing unusual was found here, everything is safe.

Fang Xiao pondered for a moment: By the way, have the earth elves in the east come over and sent people to contact them?

When Zhao Wuyang ruled Qinghui Village before, he often traded and contacted with the earth elf forces in the east.

Therefore, Fang Xiao felt that if he did not take the initiative to contact the other party, the other party might take the initiative to send people to contact him.

Upon hearing Fang Xiao's inquiry, Wu Xiong immediately shook his head: Reporting to the lord, there is nothing unusual in the east, and no one came from the earth elves.

Is that so? Fang Xiao nodded slightly: You can take the time to send soldiers over tomorrow and take the initiative to contact them. Remember to be friendly.

I'll come over tomorrow night. See if you can get someone from the earth elves to come and talk to me then. I have some deals I want to talk to them about.

Fang Xiao has not given up his desire to become a villain now. It would be a pity to leave such a powerful force like the Earth Elves unused.

Of course, if the prices of various items from the Earth Elves are higher than those from the trading house, then forget it.

Anyway, there is nothing to lose by contacting such a non-hostile force.

Yes, Lord, I will make arrangements tomorrow. Takeo immediately responded respectfully.

Fang Xiao said nothing more and took Wu Xiong to collect the silver coins produced by the mint. Then he rode the machine bird towards Pingxing Village.

After arriving at Pingxing Village, Fang Xiao quickly met Zhu Wen.

Lord, late at night, is there something important? Zhu Wen stood respectfully next to Fang Xiao and asked.

Fang Xiao said as he walked: Go and bring the 17 elite soldiers under your command. I will transfer them to rare-level professions, so that your safety here will be higher.

By the way, you only have the profession of Shadow Assassin right now, so why don't you switch to one as well?

After finishing his words, Fang Xiao took out a 1-star Black Bull Soldier transfer order.

Zhu Wen's eyes lit up when he heard this, and he immediately saluted: Thank you, Lord.

Soon, after completing the job transfer for Zhu Wen, he went to gather the soldiers.

Not long after, all 17 elite soldiers gathered.

Fang Xiao came to them and said immediately: Now, all the soldiers in the territory have become rare-level professional beings, and I will naturally not forget you who are guarding the copper mine.

So, late at night, I came here specially to change jobs for you.

After Fang Xiao finished speaking, the 17 soldiers suddenly looked in disbelief.

However, they knew that Fang Xiao would not lie to them, and they quickly saluted Fang Xiao excitedly: Thank you Lord, it is our honor to serve you!

Fang Xiao took out the transfer order and looked at these soldiers whose loyalty was soaring, with a smile on his face: Come, line up, I will transfer your jobs personally.

Looking at these soldiers with moved faces, Fang Xiao quickly transferred all of them to different positions. At this point, Fang Xiao no longer had elite soldiers under his command.

Rare level for all members.

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