Global Lord: One more god-level talent every month

Chapter 88 Preparations for Territory Upgrade

When Fang Xiao saw the newly revealed drawing clearly, he couldn't help but swallow slightly.

[5-star village-level lord’s mansion blueprint: a blueprint containing mysterious power. 】

[Introduction: Due to the blessing of mysterious power, you only need to gather materials in the lord's warehouse, and then use the drawings to directly complete the building requirements. 】

Finally, it came out!

Fang Xiao couldn't help but swallowed, and couldn't help but have a cheerful smile on his face.

Since all the trophies of all the previous groups were collected by him, he knew the trophies well.

Originally, he thought that the blueprint of the 5-star village-level lord's mansion would not be released this afternoon, and he would need to continue painting it tomorrow.

Unexpectedly, Xu Zhui gave him a surprise in the end.

He turned his eyes to Xu Chui and couldn't help but look more and more pleasing to his eyes.

If Xu Zhui was not a fighting maniac, he would have followed his advice and gone to the edge of the forest to gather instead of continuing to kill monsters here, so naturally this drawing would not be revealed today.

Haha, let's go. Fang Xiao laughed heartily, then gestured to Xu Zhui, and took the lead in riding the golden bear towards the edge of the forest.

After leading Xu Zhui to the edge of the forest, Fang Xiao immediately saw the other men.

After they saw Fang Xiao, they immediately walked over and saluted Fang Xiao.

Fang Xiao waved his hand, indicating that they didn't need to be polite, and then took the lead and rushed towards the territory.

He can't wait to rush back to his territory and upgrade his lord's mansion.

Judging from the situation during the time he came here, five-star should be the highest, which means that if he upgrades again, he should be upgraded from the village level to the next major level.

Fang Xiao wanted to see what the next big level would be, how much the territory would expand, and what changes would happen to the lord's mansion.

On the way, he counted up what he had gained this afternoon.

This afternoon, several groups plus Fang Xiao hunted a total of 331 black cattle.

And all the soldiers who have been transferred to the Black Oxen Soldiers have all reached the upper limit of the Black Oxen Soldiers' career, which is a rare level of 3 stars, by virtue of fighting.

A total of 272 1-star Black Ox Soldier job transfer orders and 22 2-star Black Ox Soldier job transfer orders were revealed.

In other words, after returning, Fang Xiao can transfer 316 soldiers into black bull soldiers.

Fang Xiao currently has a total of 360 subordinates without characteristics in his territory.

Li Xiaosan, who was transferred to the rare-level spearman, and the other five rare-level subordinates who had no characteristics, plus the 68 soldiers who were newly transferred to the black bull soldiers, after excluding these, there are still 286 elite-level soldiers.

In other words, if all the remaining elite-level soldiers in the territory were transferred into rare-level professional black bull soldiers, there would still be 30 1-star black bull soldier transfer orders left.

This is the snowball advantage of Fang Xiao's god-level talent.

In addition, there are 17 elite soldiers on Zhuwen's side. When sending the coin master to Qinghui Village at night, you can stop by Zhuwen's place.

At that time, the 17 elite soldiers there will also be transferred to black bull soldiers.

In this way, all the soldiers under Fang Xiao's command are all rare-level.

In the end, there are still 13 1-star Black Ox Soldier job transfer orders left.

In addition to the Black Ox Soldier job transfer order, 90 copies of the Black Ox Sword design scroll were released, and the trading house had nothing to say about all of them.

It is worth mentioning that this thing is very popular now and is very easy to sell.

It should be that everyone has begun to demand rare-level weapon design scrolls.

Let’s not mention how many talents there are in terms of explosion rate. Fang Xiao doesn’t dare to say that he is the only one with the god level, but he certainly doesn’t have many.

At least when Fang Xiao looked at the world channel, no one said that he had obtained a god-level talent.

Of course, it might be that there was too much information and he inevitably missed a lot of information, or it might be that people with god-level talents tend to keep a low profile.

But in any case, as the top lord talent, it is rare and expensive, so Fang Xiao feels that this thing will definitely not be so easy to obtain.

What he can get here is completely beyond the normal category. It seems that there is some kind of bug in him. So far, Fang Xiao has not figured out what is going on.

Therefore, design scrolls for rare weapons are often sold out.

600 a piece, 90 pieces, you can get 54,000 gold coins. It can only be said that this god-level explosive rate talent comes in money too fast.

In addition, a total of 25 mysterious treasure chests were revealed, which is not bad.

In addition, a blueprint of a 1-star smelting plant was also revealed.

But there is no need to use this now.

Fang Xiao currently has a one-star smelting station that already has full bonuses. The two extra blacksmiths working there can no longer provide bonuses, but they can get full bonuses.

If you build another one, you can only transfer the two extra blacksmiths there. Then the two blacksmiths transferred will not get the full level bonus.

Therefore, you can build a second smelting house after you have accumulated 20 blacksmiths.

Fang Xiao had seen the inside of the 1-star smelting facility.

Although 10 blacksmiths is the upper limit of the bonus, up to 20 blacksmiths can work inside, so there is no need to worry about wasting resources.

In addition, there are wheat seeds that have been infected by mysterious power.

The amount that exploded this time, plus the amount from the previous warehouse, totaled 8,155 kilograms.

He no longer has to worry about not having enough wheat to grow in the future.

Fang Xiao was very satisfied with the harvest of this hunt.

I will change the professions of all the soldiers later, so that I will no longer have to go to the eastern wasteland to hunt elite monsters.

After all, the explosion rate of the mysterious treasure chest of low-level monsters is really low.

After returning all the way to the territory, Fang Xiao took the lead in returning to the lord's mansion.

He couldn't wait to upgrade the lord's mansion.

He had already bought the materials needed to upgrade the lord's mansion on the road. For him now, it was just a drizzle.

At this time, Qian Ling and Wang Mang were already waiting at the door of the lord's mansion.

After seeing Fang Xiao, the two people immediately came over and saluted Fang Xiao: Welcome to you, Lord. The trophies have been placed in the yard.

Fang Xiao nodded to the two of them, temporarily suppressed his desire to escalate immediately, and walked towards the yard.

The loot still needs to be restrained, otherwise it will be funny if the loot is covered by the upgrade.

Soon, Fang Xiao came to the courtyard and started to make statistics.

There is 1 peach core infected by mysterious power, 9 mysterious treasure chests, and 512 kilograms of wheat seeds infected by mysterious power.

As for other elite-level items, they are all listed for sale at trading houses for money.

After finishing his work, Fang Xiao immediately led everyone out of the yard and outside, and then took out the drawing of the 5-star village-level lord's mansion.

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