This morning, a total of 76 black cattle were slaughtered. Among them, the black cattle soldier's job transfer order revealed a total of 52 1-star and 8 2-star.

In other words, after returning, I can give job transfer orders to a full 68 elite soldiers, which is not bad.

A total of 19 Black Ox Sword design scrolls were revealed, and naturally all of them were listed for sale by trading houses.

600 each, and when all are sold, more than 10,000 gold coins will arrive in the account.

There are 7 mysterious treasure chests in total, which is pretty good.

Including the mysterious treasure chest that has not yet been opened after killing Zhao Wuyang, there are 8.

When we go back at noon, we can see how Bai Qing and the others have harvested. If there are a lot of mysterious treasure boxes, we can open them together to see if anything good can come out.

It stands to reason that Fang Xiao's current territory is at the 5-star village level, and the mysterious treasure chest should be able to open up to epic 5-star items.

As a result, there is only one epic 4-star Thunder Knife available now.

Moreover, Fang Xiao opened a lot of mysterious treasure chests. Unless others also have god-level explosive talent, they will definitely not be able to get so many mysterious treasure chests.

From this point of view, Fang Xiao's luck is not particularly good.

Finally, there are wheat seeds infected by mysterious power.

It is worth mentioning that after capturing Qinghui Village, Fang Xiao discovered a large number of wheat seeds that had been infected by mysterious forces in the warehouse of Qinghui Village.

But there is no such thing in other cottages.

It should be that Qinghui Village gathered all the wheat seeds after conquering other mountain villages.

Afterwards, a batch of wheat seeds were distributed to the residents of the territory, plus what was harvested by Heimao Niu this morning, and Fang Xiao checked it out.

There are currently 4122 kilograms in the lord's warehouse.

After the statistics were completed, Fang Xiao led the people back to the territory.

When they returned to the lord's mansion, Bai and Qing were already waiting at the door of the mansion.

Fang Xiao led everyone into the yard and soon saw a large amount of trophies in the yard.

Fang Xiao immediately started to make statistics.

There is nothing much to say about the design scrolls of the White Mantis Sword and the Black Sheep Sword. They are directly listed for sale at the trading house at a low price.

This thing is getting harder and harder to sell now.

Obviously, as each lord develops, there is less and less demand for elite-level weapon design scrolls.

It is estimated that after a while, the elite-level weapon design scrolls will have no choice but to rot in their hands.

In addition, the job transfer order for the Black Sheep Swordsman and the White Mantis Swordsman...

Fang Xiao felt that there was no need to accumulate anymore.

He can now generate a large number of job transfer orders for rare-level professions, and he can completely convert all of his elite soldiers into rare-level professions.

Originally, these two things were reserved for new recruits to use when recruiting troops in the future, but now that Fang Xiao has the ability to directly produce a large number of rare-level career transfer orders, these two things are really of no use.

In particular, military professions can actually snowball.

For example, after Fang Xiao transferred a large number of elite-level soldiers under his command to rare-level jobs, there was no need for them to go to the eastern wasteland to hunt elite-level monsters.

Instead, you can go directly to the Ring Spirit Forest to the west and south and start hunting rare monsters directly. In this way, there will be more and more rare class transfer orders.

So, after thinking for a moment, Fang Xiao directly put the two elite-level job transfer orders, together with the inventory in the warehouse, on the trading bank.

Fang Xiao had seen these two job transfer orders listed for sale many times when he scanned the trading house before. He knew at what price they were sold at and at which price they could not be sold.

Regarding the price, Fang Xiao has a mental estimate.

Currently, there is still a huge market for elite-level job transfer orders.

According to the normal selling price, the unit price of a 1-star Black Sheep Swordsman is 100, and the unit price of a 2-star Black Sheep Swordsman is 200.

The unit price of the 1-star White Mantis Swordsman is 150, and the unit price of the 2-star Swordsman is 300.

If Fang Xiao sells all the gold coins in his hands, he will get more than 40,000 gold coins, close to 50,000, which can be said to be a small fortune.

After the sale was completed, Fang Xiao began to count the mysterious treasure boxes.

There are 15 in total.

Adding the 8 in Fang Xiao's hand, there are 23.

It is worth mentioning that based on the job transfer orders of the three people's White Mantis Swordsman and Black Sheep Swordsman, one can roughly see the number of monsters killed.

In this way, there are only 15 mysterious treasure chests. It can be seen that the stronger the monster, the higher the explosion rate of the mysterious treasure chest.

After you open the treasure chest and finish your meal, you can go to the training camp and give the soldiers the black bull soldier transfer orders to use.

In the afternoon, Bai Qing was not allowed to go hunting in the eastern wilderness. Instead, he was asked to take these soldiers who had been transferred to black cattle soldiers to hunt black cattle with him.

In the end, the wheat seeds infected by the mysterious power totaled 812 kilograms, and including those in the warehouse, there were 4,934 kilograms.

After collecting the statistics of these trophies, Fang Xiao was ready to start unpacking.

He was quite looking forward to the 23 mysterious treasure chests.

Taking a deep breath, Fang Xiao opened the first mysterious treasure box.

‘You have obtained [1-Star Silkworm House Blueprint]. ’

Looking at the extra drawing in his lord's warehouse, Fang Xiao couldn't help but be slightly stunned.

Well, it seems to be okay. A blueprint came out of the first mysterious treasure box, which can be considered a good start.

After having lunch later, you can use this one-star silkworm house blueprint to build the third silkworm house in your territory.

Then Fang Xiao opened the second mysterious treasure box.

‘You have obtained [Lazuli × 20]’

Fang Xiao's mouth twitched, and he continued to open the third mysterious treasure box silently.

‘You have obtained [wheat seeds infected by mysterious power × 200]’

Then the fourth one was again a wheat seed infected by mysterious power. This time it was not as good as the previous one, only 100.

The fifth one is gold coins × 200, and the sixth one is gold coins × 100.

The further he opened, the tighter Fang Xiao's brows furrowed.

The 7th mysterious treasure chest is opened.

‘You have obtained [1-star Lord’s Square Blueprint]’

After hearing this prompt, Fang Xiao couldn't help but feel slightly shaken. Then he immediately took out the newly obtained drawing from the lord's warehouse and began to examine it.

[1 Star Lord Square Drawing]

[Materials required for construction: gold coins × 10,000, stones × 10,000, white jade × 1,000. 】

[Area: 10 acres]

[Introduction: A majestic square with a statue of a lord, giving the people of the territory a strong sense of belonging and admiration. Every time the loyalty and happiness of the people of the territory increase, an additional 10% improvement effect will be obtained. (Unique blueprint building, only one can be built in each territory.)]

Fang Xiao couldn't help but his eyes lit up slightly.

This drawing really surprised Fang Xiao.

Moreover, its architectural effect and the lord's characteristic [prestige] complement each other.

Fang Xiao immediately went to the trading house to check the price of white jade. He found that white jade was quite expensive, with the unit price being five gold coins.

In this case, it would be quite expensive to build this Lord's Square.

However, Fang Xiao soon made up his mind and later went to find a suitable location to build.

The effect of this building is very commendable, and with the addition of such a Lord's Square, my territory will undoubtedly be several levels higher.

His family background is very rich, and he has a god-level explosive talent. It is really not difficult to make money.

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