Mo Yun, let's go back to the territory. Fang Xiao waved to Mo Yun, who was not far away, and walked towards the machine bird.

Yes, Lord. Mo Yun nodded immediately and followed Fang Xiao to the machine bird.

Then he controlled the machine bird and rushed back towards the territory.

The machine bird was very fast, and it didn't take long to get back to its territory.

Fang Xiao thought for a moment and then called Xu Chui over: Mo Yun, take Xu Chui to find those people and ask Xu Chui to take them back to the territory.

After bringing it back to the territory, I will leave it to Yun Jie to arrange it.

Fang Xiao pointed to a two-story building next to him: After Jiang Li arrives, let him, Ao Xin, and Shi An live in Wang Mang's small building.

Also, let him wait for me in the yard tomorrow morning.

Yes, Lord Lord. Xu Zhui and Mo Yun responded immediately.

Fang Xiao didn't bother to say anything more and walked directly back to the house to get ready to rest.

As a lord, he has people available to him, so naturally he doesn't need to do everything himself.

Today, we captured Yuefeng Village, 40 miles to the north. The north is no longer threatening for the time being.

As for the Ringling Forest to the east and south, it won't be too late to explore it after the people in Yuefeng Village make arrangements.

After all, Fang Xiao is still short of a five-star village-level lord's mansion drawing, and needs to brush the black cattle for a while. There is no need to change areas to brush monsters for the time being.

There is actually nothing to worry about when exploring the Ring Spirit Forest. The Ring Spirit Forest is the territory of the tree elves.

The tree elves love peace and never attack other creatures unless other creatures attack them first.

Fang Xiao was just exploring the ring spirit forest, not attacking the tree elves from the air.

Therefore, there is no need to worry about this.

Lying on the bed, Fang Xiao opened the World Channel and planned to check if there was any interesting or useful information.

Soon, several pieces of information caught his attention.

C Yours, who knows how to develop the territory on the small island?? Although my current territory does not cover the entire island, the land is enough for the time being, but according to this trend, sooner or later it will not be enough. I I’m already starting to get anxious. Do you think it’s reliable to be a pirate? Turn your territory into an island lair and go out to plunder whenever you have nothing to do?”

Who knows, my family, my territory is in the forest, and I have two elf girls as my confidants at the beginning. I am so excited. Which man can resist this? So I want to have a kiss with two elf girls, but who will it be? I can imagine that even if I didn't succeed, my loyalty was directly reduced to the bottom. The two elf girls escaped from the territory and disappeared without a trace. I really cried to death. These two have the characteristics in my territory. Woo hoo, As a lord, don’t I even have this privilege? How can I take down these NPCs completely?

Oh, who knows? I fell in love with one of my first personal guards, but it turned out that he fell in love with the tailor in my territory. I poisoned the tailor to death, and he actually assassinated me. Fortunately, he was killed by another personal guard. Wei stopped me. Now that he has escaped from the territory, I am really afraid that he will come back and take my head again. I really shouldn’t have given him the powerful job transfer order in the first place. Alas, I really can’t treat them as arbitrary. Knead the NPC, otherwise you will suffer a big loss.

Fang Xiao looked at the experiences of these strange lords, and for a moment he didn't know what to say.

This bunch of weirdos, if they don't develop their territory properly and enhance their own and their territory's strength, they just keep doing these things.

Sure enough, there were so many people, everyone was there.

Turning off the world channel, Fang Xiao began to close his eyes and rest.

Early morning on the 7th day.

Sunlight entered the room through the window. Fang Xiao opened his eyes gently, then sat up from the bed, stretched, and walked outside.

When he came outside, he found that Wang Mang and the others were already up and waiting in the yard.

Smoke also drifted from the kitchen, and it was obvious that Zhu Xiangxiang was already making breakfast.

Fang Xiao's eyes swept across the crowd and quickly landed on Jiang Li.

Jiang Li, how was your rest?

Jiang Li immediately showed a smile on his face: Lord, you have a good rest. After coming here last night, you rested not long after being busy.

Fang Xiao nodded slightly: From now on, you will be the lawyer of our territory, with a monthly salary of 2 gold coins. The salary will be raised based on performance in the future. From today on, you will follow Yun Jie and follow him to understand the specific situation of the territory.

We will then formulate appropriate laws and regulations based on the specific circumstances.

I have high expectations for you. If you don't disappoint me, I will consider setting up a court in the future, and you will be the principal.

Fang Xiao had indeed considered this matter, but firstly it was too early, and secondly there were no suitable legal talents in the territory.

Now that Jiang Li, a legal talent, has come, we can consider bringing this point forward when the territory develops further.

In addition, he also considered establishing an adjudication department and a trial department.

The judicial department can be used in the court to conduct trials of various crimes. After Jiang Li improves the legal provisions, he can be considered to be responsible for this.

The adjudication department can carry out execution work, which will be considered later.

At present, the territory is still in the early stages of development, there are not many people, and many structures are not in a hurry to be established.

After hearing Fang Xiao's words, Jiang Li's eyes immediately lit up, and then a serious look appeared on his face: I will definitely not let you down, with my personality as a top law student.

Fang Xiao withdrew his gaze, then walked to the warm water basin brought by Xu Zhui and began to cleanse his face.

Not long after, Zhu Xiangxiang prepared breakfast and started asking everyone to eat.

Fang Xiao took everyone to have breakfast, and then Qian Ling, Wang Mang, and Bai Qing left first.

Because Fang Xiao had arranged for the three of them yesterday evening to take the soldiers to hunt in the eastern wilderness today.

Huang Yunjie came to Fang Xiao and said, Lord, after Jiang Li and his people arrived yesterday, they cooperated with me to make statistics.

There are 25 new households in total, including 15 elite-level soldiers.

Special professions include a blacksmith, a tailor, and a pharmacist.

Fang Xiao couldn't help but glance at Jiang Li.

Noticing Fang Xiao's gaze, Jiang Li hurriedly said: Lord, don't dislike me for being a small person. After I came here last night, I almost dropped my jaw when I learned the population of our Dawn Village.

I don't have the ability like you, lord, to raise such a large population. If some refugees hadn't arrived on the fourth day, the population would have been even smaller...

After hearing Jiang Li's explanation, Fang Xiao waved his hand: You don't have to be so sensitive. Just follow Yun Jie to get familiar with the territory and formulate laws and regulations.

Yunjie, the blacksmith will be assigned to the smelting house, the pharmacist will be assigned to Lan Xing, and the tailor will be assigned to Xu Yue. Just keep it the same.

As for those elite soldiers, they are temporarily assigned to Li Xiaosan.

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