Global Lord: One more god-level talent every month

Chapter 78 You have entered a state of declaration of war

After arranging the blacksmiths, Fang Xiao led the people back to the lord's mansion.

So far, the problems on the residents' side have basically come to an end. Next, we just have to wait for Huang Yunjie to make arrangements.

After finishing these things, it was already getting late, and Zhu Xiangxiang was already making dinner.

Fang Xiao glanced at Mo Yun who was sitting next to him, and then said: Mo Yun, now that I have nothing to do, I will provide you with the materials. You can get the machine bird and frost ballista I want.

The Frost Crossbow that was previously in Qinghui Village has been transported back with the large army and is now being placed at the training camp.

When Mo Yun makes another one later, he will let Xu Zhui arrange it. One will be placed at the east gate of the territory, and the other will be placed at the west gate of the territory.

In this way, it means that the two entrances are always guarded by beings of epic strength, and the defense coefficient is suddenly raised to an extremely high level.

At this time, Mo Yun, who had been expressionless next to him, immediately burst into smiles after hearing Fang Xiao's words: Okay, Lord.

When Fang Xiao saw this, he didn't say anything more and directly purchased the materials needed for the two mechanism products and placed them in the yard.

Then he motioned to Mo Yun: Mo Yun, let's start.

Mo Yun nodded immediately, and then immediately took out the drawings of the Frost Crossbow and the Machine Bird.

After the mechanism blueprint is produced by the mechanism master, although anyone can use it, the success rate is only 50%. Only Mo Yun with the characteristics can use it with 100% success.

Therefore, there is no problem in letting Mo Yun use it.

Soon, the two drawings emitted black light, and then quickly transformed into two black balls of light.

The next moment, Mo Yun patted the two light balls lightly.

Immediately afterwards, the materials in the yard were pulled by an inexplicable force and flew into the ball of light one after another.

Every time a piece of material flies in, the ball of light becomes larger.

When all the materials flew into the light ball, the light gradually dissipated, and the two finished products came into Fang Xiao's eyes.

There’s not much to say about the Frost Ballista.

The machine bird is completely black and exudes a faint metallic luster. According to its size, it should be able to seat two people without any problem.

Fang Xiao couldn't wait to walk to the machine bird, and then stretched out his hand to touch it.

The next moment, the system prompts: 'Since it is your first time to come into contact with the finished device, and the finished device is your property, you will receive relevant operation information. ’

Immediately afterwards, a large number of pictures poured into his mind, and Fang Xiao quickly understood the operation method of this machine bird.

Lord, dinner is ready. At this time, Zhu Xiangxiang walked out of the kitchen and called to Fang Xiao and others.

Fang Xiao immediately greeted everyone and went to eat.

By the way, I told Zhu Xiangxiang about the arrangements for Zhu Wen.

In response, Zhu Xiangxiang immediately said that it was Zhu Wen's honor to be reused by Fang Xiao, and thanked Fang Xiao.

After dinner, Fang Xiao took Mo Yun to the mechanical bird: Mo Yun, you haven't ridden this mechanical bird yet, have you?

Mo Yun immediately grinned: Lord, you are wise. The materials for this thing are so rare. Only you, Lord, can gather enough materials so easily for me to make it and see its appearance.

It can be seen that Mo Yun's happiness and loyalty have increased to over 90.

Then come up and experience it. How can a mechanism master not experience his own mechanism? Fang Xiao waved to Mo Yun.

After hearing this, Mo Yun immediately bowed excitedly: Thank you Lord, then let me control this thing for Lord Lord?

As the maker of the mechanical bird drawings, Mo Yun naturally knows all about the mechanical birds.

Although Fang Xiao also knows how to operate, as a lord, he naturally has to maintain the majesty of the lord.

It's fine if you're alone, but if you bring Mo Yun with you, it's definitely not going to be easy for you to do it yourself.

Fang Xiao smiled softly: Okay, let's go and enjoy the beautiful scenery around the territory.

After sitting on the machine bird, Mo Yun reminded Fang Xiao, and then controlled the machine bird to take off and fly towards the sky.

The machine bird flew into the sky. The moonlight was particularly bright tonight, so the sight was not affected too much.

Lord, where are we going? Mo Yun controlled the machine bird and asked Fang Xiao.

Go to the north and take a look first. Fang Xiao thought for a moment and then gave instructions.

The west and south sides of Fang Xiao's territory are all ring forests.

Not to mention the east, which is currently the most explored area by Fang Xiao.

Currently, only the north side is left, and Fang Xiao doesn't know much about it.

If it extends all the way to the north, it is all plains.

Therefore, Fang Xiao wanted to see if there was anything threatening around the north of the territory.

After hearing Fang Xiao's order, Mo Yun immediately obeyed the order respectfully, and then controlled the machine bird to fly quickly towards the north.

After flying for a while, suddenly, a group of buildings in front attracted Fang Xiao's attention.

Fang Xiao narrowed his eyes slightly, and then shouted to Mo Yun: Mo Yun, lower the flying height.

After hearing Fang Xiao's instructions, Mo Yun immediately controlled the machine bird and lowered its flying height.

Soon, the general scene of this building came into Fang Xiao's eyes.

This is a village, somewhat similar to Fang Xiao's village territory, but compared to Fang Xiao's territory, which has now entered a period of vigorous development, this territory seems a bit depressed.

There is no doubt that this is a player's territory.

Fang Xiao immediately asked Mo Yun: Mo Yun, can you calculate the approximate distance from our territory to here?

Mo Yun thought for a moment, then said aloud: According to the flying speed of the machine bird, the distance to here is about 40 miles.

Fang Xiao pondered for a moment. Just after flying all the way, he discovered that not all the roads were flat plains. There were also some low hills and hilly areas in the middle, which were not easy to walk on.

At this distance, it would be really inconvenient to launch a large force to invade.

Lower it. Fang Xiao thought for a moment and ordered again.

Mo Yun immediately controlled the machine bird to lower the distance again.

Soon, the scene in this player's territory came into clear view of Fang Xiao.

Because it was already night, except for the sentry at the sentry tower, there were almost no people anywhere else.

The Sentinel's information panel came into view, showing elite level 1-star strength.

At this time, the sentry also discovered anomalies in the sky.

The system prompt also sounded at the same time: 'You have been discovered by soldiers from other lords' territories, and it has been regarded as an invasion. ’

‘You have declared war on the lord of Yuefeng Village. If you continue to exist in the sight of the soldiers in Yuefeng Village, the declared war status will remain. The declared war status will be canceled after 1 hour of leaving the sight of the soldiers in Yuefeng Village. ’

Fang Xiao did it on purpose. He planned to draw out the opponent's entire force to have a look. Anyway, he had the air superiority and was born to be invincible.

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