The reason for the delay is simple. Fang Xiao's current territory is limited. If more fields are allocated to these residents, a lot more territory will be occupied.

The main problem now is to expand the territory.

The blueprint of the 5-star village-level lord's mansion must be produced as soon as possible.

Unexpectedly, Fang Xiao could still encounter such happy troubles now.

As for allocating more fields to the people, as Huang Yunjie said, it actually doesn't matter, because the ownership of the fields belongs to him, the lord, and these residents only have the right to cultivate.

In other words, they are all equivalent to Fang Xiao's tenants, and the food tax is equivalent to rent.

Moreover, grain taxes are paid based on land plots. The more fields planted, the more grains will naturally need to be paid.

Therefore, some people want to plant more fields. For Fang Xiao, there is no reason to refuse.

Of course, the premise is that the land in the territory is enough to be distributed.

After returning to the lord's mansion, Fang Xiao first took out 730 kilograms of wheat seeds infected by mysterious power and placed them in the yard so that Huang Yunjie could distribute them later.

Then Fang Xiao took Zhang Ying, Yue Ming, Ye Feng, and Huang Ming to choose a room in the guest bedroom of the lord's mansion.

After the arrangements were completed, Fang Xiao immediately began to issue orders: Qian Ling.

Lord, I'm here. Qian Ling immediately stepped out of the queue, cupped his fists and spoke to Fang Xiao.

Fang Xiao nodded slightly, and then ordered: Go to the training camp tomorrow morning and randomly select 100 elite soldiers to hunt in the wilderness to the east.

Just like what Xu Zhui and Zhu Wen did before.

You decide the specific hunting methods and arrangements yourself, as long as the results are good, that's fine.

Upon hearing this, Qian Ling immediately responded: Yes, Lord.

Fang Xiao then looked at Wang Mang: Wang Mang, you do the same. Take 100 soldiers to hunt in the eastern wilderness.

Yes, Lord Lord! Wang Mang also responded respectfully.

Fang Xiao then looked at Bai Qing: Bai Qing, you also take 100 people with you to hunt in the eastern wilderness.

Yes, Lord Lord. Bai Qing immediately responded.

Fang Xiao glanced at Xu Zhui, who was eager to try: Xu Zhui, and you guys, together with five other rare-level soldiers, will go to the Ringling Forest with me tomorrow to hunt black-haired cattle.

After hearing Fang Xiao's words, Xu Zhui was the first to clasp his fists and respond: Yes, Lord, I obey!

Several other people also spoke quickly.

Fang Xiao nodded slightly, and then continued to give instructions to Xu Zhui: By the way, Xu Zhui, go and find that guy Li Xiaosan. I have something to arrange for him.

After hearing Fang Xiao's words, Xu Zhui was stunned for a moment, but without saying anything more, he immediately left the courtyard of the lord's mansion and went to look for Li Xiaosan.

Li Xiaosan was the first militia archer to follow Fang Xiao. Fang Xiao had arranged for him to plant peach stones infected by mysterious power at the sentry tower.

Fang Xiao also had a deep impression of him.

Currently, Fang Xiao still has a rare-level spearman job transfer order in his hand.

This thing is really not suitable for use by henchmen with special characteristics.

Therefore, Fang Xiao thought again and again and decided to let Li Xiaosan use it.

Then arrange for Li Xiaosan to be the guard general on the territory. He is usually responsible for commanding other soldiers and guarding the territory.

As for the question of loyalty, there is nothing to worry about.

Fang Xiao has the characteristics of a lord [prestige], and often sends some small benefits to Li Xiaosan and expresses condolences to him. His loyalty has already reached 100.

After waiting in the lord's mansion for a while, Li Xiaosan was led in by Xu Zhui.

After seeing Fang Xiao, he immediately came to Fang Xiao and bowed respectfully: I have met the lord.

Fang Xiao nodded slightly to Li Xiaosan, and then took out the 1-star rare spearman job transfer order from his lord's warehouse.

Then he spoke to Li Xiaosan and said, I have always seen your performance during this period. You are conscientious and very commendable.

So I decided to let you use this job transfer order, and arrange for you to be responsible for guarding the territory in the future.

After hearing Fang Xiao's words, Li Xiaosan's eyes widened in surprise, and he looked at Fang Xiao in disbelief: Lord, this really going to be rewarded to me?

Fang Xiao raised his eyebrows slightly: What? Do you think this lord will joke with you?

After hearing Fang Xiao's words, Li Xiaosan was so excited that he trembled all over. Then he knelt down on the ground and kowtowed to Fang Xiao: I will never forget the Lord's appreciation for me, and I will definitely serve the Lord to the death!

Fang Xiao stretched out his hand to help Li Xiaosan up from the ground, then reached out and patted him on the shoulder: This is just recognition for your hard work.

As long as you continue to do what I ask you to do, there will be better things in the future.

After hearing Fang Xiao's words, Li Xiaosan nodded excitedly: Yes, Lord, I will definitely complete everything you have told me to do.

After hearing Li Xiaosan's words, Fang Xiao smiled with satisfaction, and then without saying anything else, he directly used the rare-level spearman's job transfer order in his hand.

Soon, the aura of career change appeared. After Li Xiaosan walked in, he successfully changed his career not long after.

The whole person's aura was obviously much stronger than before.

Fang Xiao smiled at Li Xiaosan: Just stay here for dinner tonight. Tomorrow morning, you will officially take over the defense affairs of the territory. Is there any problem?

Li Xiaosan quickly answered: No problem, Lord.

It was already dusk.

Fang Xiao, who had a busy day today, came to sit on a stone chair in the yard and began to quietly appreciate the sunset in the sky.

Steal half a day's leisure.

After a while, Huang Yunjie returned, and he brought many people with him. They walked to the door of the lord's mansion and started queuing up.

Huang Yunjie walked into the yard, saluted Fang Xiao, and then began to distribute wheat seeds to the residents who were lining up.

After the distribution was completed, Huang Yunjie came to Fang Xiao and saluted Fang Xiao: Lord, I have completed the counting and household division of the residents you brought.

There are 413 households in total.

Please go to the north later and provide the required building materials.

In addition, among them there is a skill, the statistical results are as follows.

There are 85 craftsmen, 9 tailors, 10 blacksmiths, 9 pharmacists, 37 hunters, and 2 silkworm farmers.

What do you think of the arrangement?

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