Fang Xiao was very satisfied with Zhu Wen's performance and couldn't help but glance at Zhu Wen next to him with admiration.

The Hero Order just now was not given in vain.

Looking away from Zhu Wen, Fang Xiao then asked Zhang Ying and others, You guys know Qinghui Village very well, right?

Upon hearing Fang Xiao's inquiry, Zhang Ying immediately spoke: Yes, Lord, what are your orders?

Fang Xiao's eyes lingered on Zhang Ying for a moment, and then he said: I heard from Zhu Wen before that your leader of Qinghui Village is only of rare level strength. Do you know how he achieved the epic level?

Fang Xiao was indeed quite curious about this, especially since the Silver Moon Ax and Silver Moon Armor in Zhao Wuyang's hands were obviously the same set.

Fang Xiao felt that this should not have been made by the blacksmith of Qinghui Village. Otherwise, it should be equipped with a full set of armor, not epic armor. There is only one piece of armor.

Upon hearing Fang Xiao's inquiry, Zhang Ying responded directly without any hesitation: Lord, this has something to do with Mo Yun, the mechanic of Qinghui Village.

Fang Xiao couldn't help but become interested: Oh? Please elaborate.

Zhang Ying nodded immediately and then said: Previously, Mo Yun, the mechanism master of Qinghui Village, accidentally discovered a hidden mechanism in the village.

After cracking it, a hidden secret passage appeared. At that time, Mo Yun and Zhao Wuyang entered the secret passage together. After coming out, Zhao Wuyang achieved an epic level.

The long ax and armor were also brought out.

Fang Xiao raised his brows slightly, becoming very interested in the mechanic master of Qinghui Village: Where are the Moyun people? Where are they?

Yue Ming came out and said: Lord, he was arranged by Zhao Wuyang to live next to his residence, and he should be there now.

Do you need me to take you there?

When Fang Xiao heard this, he immediately arranged for Xu Chui to stay here with some soldiers to watch.

Then he motioned to Yue Ming to take the lead and lead him to see the mechanic Mo Yun.

Yue Ming walked at the front, leading Fang Xiao and others towards the central area of ​​Qinghui Village.

The area where Zhao Wuyang lives is located in the center of Qinghui Village.

There is also a small lake here. Zhao Wuyang's residence is next to the lake, and the scenery is quite pleasant.

After Yue Ming took Fang Xiao all the way to Zhao Wuyang's residence, he saw a young man wearing a black robe standing at the door of Zhao Wuyang's residence.

The young man has a handsome face, a tall and straight figure, and his eyes are calm and indifferent.

In terms of appearance alone, it is indeed quite good.

After seeing the other party's whole picture clearly, Fang Xiao also saw the other party's information panel.

[Name: Mo Yun. 】

[Occupation: Mechanic (Special Occupation)]

[Occupation upper limit: None]

[Characteristics: Unparalleled precision (the success rate of using mechanism drawings to create mechanisms is fixed at 100%)]

[Mechanism spirituality (when using mechanism blueprints to create mechanisms, there is a 50% chance that the constructed mechanism will be upgraded by one star)]

[Strength: 3 stars at ordinary level (2 stars at epic level for mechanics)]

【Loyalty: 20】

【Happiness: 30】

[Skills: Mechanism Analysis (Epic Level 2 Stars), Mechanism Production (Epic Level 2 Stars)]

[Mechanism analysis (epic level 2 stars): Able to analyze mechanism books and materials or ready-made mechanisms with the highest epic level 2 stars, and understand the corresponding mechanism blueprint production methods. 】

[Mechanism production (epic level 2 stars): Using the unique power of the mechanism master, you can produce corresponding mechanism drawings. Currently, you can produce up to epic 2-star mechanism drawings. (For mechanism drawings, you only need to prepare the required materials. Directly synthesize the corresponding mechanism, with a default success rate of 50%.)]

[Introduction: There is no doubt that he is a machine genius. He possesses a machine talent that is moved by countless people. 】

After reading Mo Yun's information panel, Fang Xiao couldn't help but feel slightly moved.

Because he has never seen the profession of mechanics before, Fang Xiao's understanding of this profession is basically zero.

Originally, he thought that the profession of mechanism engineer meant making mechanisms step by step with bare hands, but he did not expect that this was not the case.

It is similar to the drawings of a drawing-type building. You only need to prepare the materials and then use the drawings directly to complete the corresponding construction.

Moreover, the probability of making the machine from the machine blueprint is not the same as the blueprint-type building. The success rate is 100%. It is actually the default success rate of 50%. At this time, Mo Yun's precision and unparalleled characteristics can also be demonstrated. How powerful.

The default success rate of 50% is directly increased to 100%.

In other words, as long as the materials are prepared and Mo Yun uses the mechanism blueprints to make the mechanism, there will be no failure.

In addition, the spiritual characteristics of Mo Yun's mechanism are also quite powerful. When using the mechanism blueprint to make a mechanism, there is a half chance that the mechanism will be directly upgraded by one star.

Now I can understand why the Frost Crossbow that Fang Xiao saw before was an epic three-star mechanism.

It must have been when Mo Yun made the Frost Ballista that his mechanism's spiritual characteristics were triggered, therefore, it was directly upgraded by one star level.

Are you the mechanic Mo Yun? Fang Xiao asked slowly as he stepped in front of Mo Yun.

Mo Yun saluted Fang Xiao, then nodded slightly: Exactly.

Fang Xiao stretched out his hand and patted Mo Yun's shoulder, then said: I think the frost ballista you made is quite good.

In the future, when you serve under me, I can provide you with what Zhao Wuyang can give you. I can also provide you with what Zhao Wuyang cannot give you, so that you can use your strengths.

Come, tell me, what materials are needed for the Frost Crossbow?

Yes, Lord Lord. Mo Yun's eyes brightened slightly, and then he immediately said: We need 200 Ice Crystals, 20 Zi Huamu, and 20 Han Iron.

When Fang Xiao heard this, he raised his eyebrows slightly, and then immediately opened the trading bank and searched.

He has really never heard of these things.

The first is the Ice Crystal.

It's very expensive. The lowest unit price is 10 gold coins each. If there are 200 pieces, it's 2,000 gold coins.

Next is Zi Hua Mu, the unit price is even more outrageous, 50 gold coins each, 20 pieces is 1,000 gold coins.

Cold iron is more expensive than zihuamu, one is 100 gold coins, and 20 is 2,000 gold coins.

In other words, overall, it would cost him 5,000 gold coins to make a frost ballista.

Good guy, this is definitely a gold-eating beast.

No wonder Qinghui Village only has this Frost Ballista.

It is estimated that it would be quite difficult for Zhao Wuyang to just gather the materials for this one.

However, with Fang Xiao's current worth, it's not that he can't afford it.

In fact, in terms of cost-effectiveness, this thing is still acceptable. 5,000 gold coins is equivalent to having an epic-level helper.

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