After Wu Xiong came back, Fang Xiao accepted the gold coins Lan Che had used to buy Qing Lianhua, and then began to announce: Everyone, tomorrow morning, we will leave for Qinghui Village to explore.

That's right, Fang Xiao plans to attack Qinghui Village.

As long as Qinghui Village can be captured, the other camps captured by Qinghui Village will be his.

At that time, various resources and populations can be plundered into the territory, allowing the territory to develop rapidly.

After hearing Fang Xiao's announcement, Wu Xiong was the first to speak: Yes, Lord.

Several other people also responded.

Fang Xiao nodded to them: Okay, let's have a good rest tonight. Tomorrow we will go to Qinghui Village to explore.

If possible, we will directly take down Qinghui Village when the time comes.

Then Fang Xiao said nothing more and let everyone go to rest, and he returned to the main room.

Lying on the bed, thinking about tomorrow's events, Fang Xiao couldn't sleep for a while.

So he opened the World Channel to see what everyone was talking about and whether he could see any useful information.

After browsing for a while, a message soon caught his attention.

Everyone, I have a very likely speculation here, which is about the mysterious treasure box. I think the star rating of the items that can be obtained from the mysterious treasure box is actually directly related to the territory.

The reason is very simple. Let me tell you about a situation I encountered here. When my territory was still a village-level 1-star, I was lucky enough to get an epic 1-star sword.

Just now, I fired an epic 3-star spear, and now, my territory is a 3-star village level. What does this mean?

This shows that it is very likely that the level of items that can be unlocked from the mysterious treasure chest is based on territory.

In other words, if the territory is upgraded to the 4-star village level, then the mysterious treasure chest can open up to epic 4-star items.

When the territory is upgraded to the 5-star village level, then the mysterious treasure chest can open up to epic 5-star items, and so on.

Then, everyone, don't hesitate. Upgrading your territory level is definitely the first priority. The extra 4-star village-level lord's mansion drawing has been put up for sale. Those who have money, hurry up. After passing this village, you can This store no longer exists...

There is no doubt that this guy is a salesman, but it doesn't matter, because Fang Xiao thinks his analysis is quite reasonable.

Fang Xiao has been scrolling through the World Channel for so long, and many people said that they had found epic items from the mysterious treasure chest.

But Fang Xiao didn't see any of them saying that he had found a legendary item.

It stands to reason that no matter how low the probability of getting a legendary item is, there should be a few lucky ones among so many people in the world, right?

If there are really lucky ones, Fang Xiao doesn't believe that they all have no vanity and just want to make a fortune in silence.

If the analysis of the brother who brought the goods is correct, then everything makes sense.

Because no one has upgraded their territory star level to the next level of village level, no one can get legendary items from the mysterious treasure chest.

From this point of view, improving the territory level is really the first condition.

After he takes down the forces of Qinghui Village and plunders the population and resources, he needs to seize the time to paint the blueprint of the five-star village-level lord's mansion.

If it is so difficult for me to obtain the god-level lord talent, then there is no doubt that it will be even harder for others to obtain it.

After Fang Xiao browsed for a while, he closed the world channel and began to close his eyes to rest.

Early morning on the sixth day.

Fang Xiao got up early. When he came to the yard, he found that Bai Qing and the others had gotten up earlier than him and were already waiting for him in the yard.

Seeing Fang Xiao get up, Wu Xiong immediately started to prepare warm water for Fang Xiao to wash his face.

After cleansing, Fang Xiao took Takeo and the others to sit in the yard for a while, waiting for Zhu Xiangxiang to prepare breakfast. After breakfast, Fang Xiao took Takeo and the others to the training camp.

Fang Xiao planned to select some soldiers in the training camp, and then use the Tuyue Shield Guard's transfer order and the Black Ox Soldier's transfer order on them, and take them with them to Qinghui Village, just in case.

Now as Fang Xiao and his close men become stronger and stronger, it will become easier and easier to hunt down those high-level monsters.

In this case, it will no longer be so difficult to obtain job transfer orders from these monsters.

Therefore, there is no need to store these rare class transfer orders in the warehouse. They can be used directly by your own soldiers.

Fang Xiao currently has 8 one-star and two two-star Tuyue Shield Guard transfer orders in the lord's warehouse. In other words, he can transfer 12 soldiers.

As for the Black Ox Soldier's job transfer order, 25 1-star job transfer orders and 3 2-star job transfer orders can transfer 31 soldiers to the Black Ox Soldier's job.

Fang Xiao now has a lot of soldiers to choose from.

Of the six militia archers he started with, Bai Qing became his confidant, and the remaining five became elite spearmen.

There are 9 pig-headed soldiers, not counting pig temperature.

In addition, Zhuxiao Village captured 33 elite spearmen and 26 elite archers.

In other words, he now has 73 soldiers.

Putting aside the soldiers who were out on duty, Fang Xiao asked all the soldiers in the training camp to gather and began to select them immediately.

Soon, he selected the person who would arrange the job transfer.

In addition to the two pig-headed soldiers on duty in the vegetable garden, Fang Xiao selected all the seven pig-headed soldiers in the training camp. This was mainly to take care of Zhu Wen and prevent Zhu Wen from being dissatisfied. After all, there were only a few pig-headed soldiers.

Others are picked casually. After all, they have no characteristics, so it depends on who is pleasing to the eye.

Of course, of the five militiamen who followed him at the beginning, except for one who was on duty at the sentry tower, Fang Xiao had chosen the other four.

As for the one who hasn't come back yet, you can give the other party the rare spearman job transfer order to use later.

Fang Xiao would still take special care of these militiamen who had followed him from the beginning.

After the selection was completed, Fang Xiao began to transfer them to new jobs.

Job transfer halos appeared on the ground of the training camp one after another, and then soldiers walked in one after another.

Then one after another the job transfers were successful.

Soon, 12 Tuyue Shield Guards soldiers and 31 Black Ox Soldiers appeared in front of Fang Xiao.

After these soldiers changed jobs, it was obvious that their energy and spirit were completely different. They looked majestic and full of momentum.

Fang Xiao nodded with satisfaction, and then led them towards the blacksmith shop.

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