In addition to this hero order and job transfer order, there is also a drawing.

[1 Star Silkworm House Drawing]

[Materials required for construction: gold coins × 1000, wood × 1000, stone × 1000, red shadow stone × 100. 】

[Introduction: Raising silkworms in the silkworm room will increase the production of silk cocoons by 10%]

After seeing this drawing, Fang Xiao couldn't help being slightly stunned.

This is really a good thing, and after returning, I can directly build it.

Because the blueprint of this silkworm house is completely different from the blueprint of the smelting house obtained before.

The blueprint of the smelting station requires the arrangement of blacksmiths. Each additional blacksmith will increase the manufacturing efficiency.

So in the absence of enough blacksmiths, there is actually no need to build this thing.

But in the silkworm room, the number of silkworms raised is directly increased. The number of silk cocoons produced has little to do with the silkworm raiser. It only needs to arrange a silkworm raiser.

And in his territory, there happened to be a silkworm breeder named Ma Huahua.

At that time, you can arrange for the other party to raise silkworms in the silkworm room.

Fang Xiao felt that he could discuss with the other party at that time to see if the other party was willing to sell all the silkworms in his hands to Fang Xiao, and then receive a fixed salary every month to act as his royal silkworm breeder.

These things are all the trophies that this Ice Ling Butterfly exploded.

Fang Xiao looked at Bai Qing walking towards him and immediately waved to him: Bai Qing, come here quickly.

After hearing Fang Xiao's words, Bai Qing immediately quickened his pace and soon came to Fang Xiao's side.

He asked Fang Xiao: Lord, what are your orders?

Fang Xiao handed the hero order to Bai Qing, and then said aloud: Bai Qing, you have always been loyal to me and served me wholeheartedly.

I also promised before that the next time you get the Hero Order, I will use it for you.

Very good, we are lucky. After killing this ice butterfly, we got a hero order. Now I will give it to you to use and let you change your profession to become a hero.

After hearing Fang Xiao's words, Bai Qing couldn't help but show excitement on his face, and then solemnly saluted Fang Xiao: Thank you, Lord, for your gift.

Okay, no need to be polite. Fang Xiao helped Bai Qing up, and then immediately used the hero order in his hand on Bai Qing.

After confirming the system prompts, the hero order in his hand soon turned into golden light and integrated into Bai Qing's body.

The system prompt rang at the same time: Used successfully, new features will be added randomly... The addition was successful, and the hero's job transfer was successful.

After seeing that Bai Qing's job transfer was successful, Fang Xiao immediately couldn't wait to check Bai Qing's information panel to see what his new features were.

[Name: Bai Qing]

[Occupation: Moonlight Archer (Rare Level)]

[Professional upper limit: Rare level 5 stars]

[Feature: Eagle Eye (When using long-range weapons, the base hit rate increases by 50%]

[Forbidden Healing (After the attack hits the opponent and breaks through the defense to cause damage, the enemy will be in a forbidden healing state for one hour. During the duration of the forbidden healing state, all the enemy's recovery methods will be invalid, and the wound will be in a state of being unable to heal. Every time it is triggered The treatment prohibition feature will reset the duration of the treatment prohibition state for 1 hour.)]

[Strength: Rare level 2 stars]

【Loyalty: 100】

【Happiness: 100】

[Skills: Moonlight Blessing (rare level 5 stars), Moonlight Arrow (rare level 5 stars)]

This is definitely the longest feature that Fang Xiao has ever seen.

However, its effect is also quite eye-catching.

Doesn't this mean that as long as Bai Qing takes the lead in a successful sneak attack, the opponent will have no way to recover from his injuries within an hour?

This naturally puts him in an advantageous position in battle.

Unless the opponent has the characteristic of being immune to forbidden treatments.

At present, it seems that there are various characteristics, and Fang Xiao is not sure whether there is such a characteristic.

It can be said that this feature is quite useful when combined with Bai Qing's identity as an archer.

Fang Xiao nodded with satisfaction, and then looked at the transfer order of the Ice Butterfly Guard that he had obtained.

The information that can be seen in the job transfer order is quite simple. There is no way to see the specific skill introduction of this job transfer order.

You can only see it after the job transfer is completed.

However, general skills are related to the occupation name of the job transfer.

For example, if you change a profession with a shield, then his skills must be shield-type skills.

If the career you change has a sword, its skills must be sword-type skills.

As for job transfer titles without weapons, generally speaking, there are no special weapon requirements.

Qingxuan guards are relatively special beings.

Moreover, although Qingxuan Guard does not have a shield in its professional name, from the word guard, one can roughly guess that this profession is a guardian profession.

Therefore, his skills are shield skills, so it is not difficult to understand.

As for the Bingling Butterfly Guards, Fang Xiao really couldn't see where there was any requirement for weapons.

Therefore, Fang Xiao thinks there should be no problem if Bai Qing uses it.

After thinking for a while, Fang Xiao then spoke to Bai Qing and said: This is the job transfer order you just obtained. It just so happens that you changed jobs and became a hero. There are still two job vacancies. Let the two of us use them. it.

After the words fell, Fang Xiao directly used the transfer order of the Ice Butterfly Guard in his hand.

After confirming the system prompts, a halo of two meters in diameter soon appeared on the ground.

Fang Xiao greeted Bai Qing, and then took the lead in walking into the halo.

After walking into the halo, Fang Xiao followed the system prompts and replaced the Bing Ling Butterfly Guard with the Mo Yun Tiger Guard profession he owned.

Soon, the system prompted that the replacement was successful.

Immediately afterwards, the halo under his feet turned into light and merged into his and Bai Qing's bodies.

A mysterious power began to fill his body, and at the same time, a large number of battle memories about the Bingling Butterfly Guards began to pour into his mind.

After the job transfer was successful, Fang Xiao immediately checked the skills that came with the Bingling Butterfly Guard profession.

[Power of Ice (rare level 5 stars): Imbue your own weapons with the power of ice, causing each attack of the weapon to add 300% destructive power within five minutes, and add a frost effect. After the frost effect is triggered, during the period when the frost effect is in effect , the enemy's movement speed and attack speed are reduced by 50%, cooldown: 1 hour. 】

[Ice Protection (Rare Level 5 Stars): Use the power of ice to condense ice crystals to protect yourself. The ice crystals have 300% of the solidity of your highest-level equipment. If they are not broken or do not end early by themselves, they will disappear for one minute. The ice protection lasts. During this period, you will be unable to move and cool down for half an hour. 】

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