All the way back to the lord's mansion, Fang Xiao first checked the second 3-star village-level lord's mansion drawing that he had put up for sale.

As a result, this inspection made him frown.

Because he found that on the list of hanging beasts of the three-star village-level lord's mansion drawings, there are now three drawings for sale, but they have not been sold.

Moreover, the other two prices listed for sale were 1,000 gold coins cheaper than the ones he listed for sale, both at 27,000 gold coins.

Fang Xiao didn't know what to say for a moment.

I don't know if it was exploded by another lord with a high explosion rate, or if it was opened from a mysterious treasure chest.

However, if the current trend continues, 28,000 gold coins will obviously not be sold.

It was able to be sold at this price yesterday mainly because there were no other drawings of the three-star village-level lord's mansion on the sale list yesterday.

After thinking for a while, Fang Xiao re-listed his drawing for 26,000 gold coins.

He is no longer short of money. The sale of the last drawing of a three-star village-level lord's mansion has already made him a lot of money.

Therefore, since there are competitors now, it doesn't matter if the price is lowered.

After the sale was completed, Fang Xiao didn't look any further and started waiting for Zhu Xiangxiang to prepare breakfast.

Without waiting for too long, Zhu Xiangxiang came out of the kitchen and invited them into the kitchen for breakfast.

Wu Xiong served Fang Xiao a good meal first and let Fang Xiao use it first.

Then a few of them started to eat.

After everyone had breakfast, Xu Chui and Zhu Wen were still the same, still leading people to hunt in the wilderness to the east.

Fang Xiao then led Bai Qing, Wang Mang, and Wu Xiong towards the west gate of the village.

When we arrived at the west gate of the village, we saw these refugees sitting in the open space nearby, eating bread and drinking water.

This should have been arranged by Huang Yunjie's soldiers, because before leaving the building site in the north, Fang Xiao told the soldiers guarding there to cooperate with Huang Yunjie.

At this time, the refugees who were having a meal stood up immediately after seeing Fang Xiao, looked at Fang Xiao with respectful eyes, and at the same time shouted to Fang Xiao: I have seen the lord.

Looking at the respectful eyes of these refugees, Fang Xiao was very satisfied. It seemed that Huang Yunjie had arranged for the soldiers to say something very beneficial to him, the lord.

Hello everyone, we will all be the subjects of this lord from now on. We will live a good life in the territory from now on. This will be our home from now on. After Fang Xiao said simply, his eyes fell on Qian Ling.

Qian Ling is a natural warrior, and her characteristics are very powerful.

Any attack launched has a 50% chance of causing double damage.

In other words, whether it is her normal attack or the use of skills, there is a half probability of causing a critical hit. This feature is undoubtedly quite powerful.

Therefore, Fang Xiao would definitely not leave her in the territory as an ordinary civilian.

He walked to Qian Ling and the middle-aged woman, and then said to Qian Ling: My vision has never been wrong. I think you have the potential to be a warrior. What do you think? Yes? Not interested in being my personal guard?

Before Qian Ling could speak, the middle-aged woman next to him immediately said to Fang Xiao with a smile on her face: Lord, you have really good vision. Although my daughter looks thin and frail, But it’s very powerful.”

It is definitely an honor for her to be your personal guard, right? Daughter?

After the words fell, the middle-aged woman turned her head and looked at Qian Ling.

Qian Ling swallowed the bread in his mouth, first glanced at the middle-aged woman next to him, then at Fang Xiao, and then nodded lightly: Lord, I am willing.

Fang Xiao frowned slightly because he found that the middle-aged woman looked at him and Qian Ling in a way that seemed a little wrong and strange.

Before Fang Xiao could answer, he saw a middle-aged man next to him, pulling the girl next to him, and said to Fang Xiao: Lord, look at my daughter, she is also very strong. , why don’t you take her in as a personal guard?”

Fang Xiao couldn't help but twitch the corner of his mouth slightly when he heard this, then turned his head and looked over.

I saw a relatively strong girl standing next to the middle-aged man. At least she seemed to be much stronger than Qian Ling.

At this time, many people began to promote their daughters to Fang Xiao, hoping that they would follow Fang Xiao as personal guards.

Fang Xiao was not a fool, and now he completely understood.

The sentimental guys, do they think they have a crush on Qian Ling? Do you think it's just an excuse to recruit Qian Ling as a personal guard?

What a help to a superficial guy.

That's enough. My lord's vision has always been fine. Except for Qian Ling, no one else has the talent to be a warrior. No need to say more. Fang Xiao interrupted everyone's words.

Okay, Qian Ling, use this and come with me. Fang Xiao waved to Qian Ling and took out a Tuyue Shield Guard's transfer order.

Yes, Lord Lord! Qian Ling nodded immediately and came to Fang Xiao.

Fang Xiao didn't say much, and directly gave the Tuyue Shield Guard's transfer order to Qian Ling to use. He then took out the evil beast iron shield he had used before from his lord's warehouse and handed it to Qian Ling: Here, take it, this is your weapon.

Seeing that Fang Xiao was actually here, the refugees on the side couldn't help but be slightly stunned.

Qian Ling took the Evil Beast Iron Shield and stood silently behind Fang Xiao.

Fang Xiao signaled the refugees to wait for Huang Yunjie's follow-up arrangements, then rode on his black bear seat and led Qian Ling towards the outside of the west gate.

Fang Xiao plans to set his sights on rare three-star monsters today.

Because judging from previous drops, rare one-star monsters drop three-star village-level lord’s mansion blueprints.

Rare two-star monsters drop 4-star village-level lord's mansion blueprints.

Then, the blueprint of the five-star village-level lord's mansion must have been dropped by a rare three-star monster.

Therefore, he plans to get the five-star village-level lord's mansion drawings out as soon as possible, and then upgrade his territory to the next level.

He is quite looking forward to what changes will happen at the next level.

After walking for a while and approaching the Ringling Forest, Qian Ling spoke up: Lord, we are about to enter this forest. Let us explore the way ahead, shall we?

Fang Xiao glanced at Qian Ling and then shook his head: No need.

Bai Qing smiled slightly: You may not know that the Lord is the most powerful being in our territory.

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