Looking away from Zhu Wen, Fang Xiao picked up the two things that Zhu Dali exploded.

【Hero Order】

[Introduction: Any target except the lord can be converted into a hero unit. The hero unit has 3 career positions, and a characteristic will be added immediately. 】

This golden token is exactly the same as the one obtained from the Black-footed Wolf King before. It is the Hero Token.

As for the other one, Fang Xiao was a little surprised.

[3-star job transfer order (brutal axeman): can transform 3 targets into a rare profession, brutal axeman]

[Career upper limit: rare four stars]

All good stuff.

Then Fang Xiao picked up Zhu Dali's long ax again.

【Ling Yue Long Ax】

[Grade: Rare 3-star]

[Introduction: A sturdy and beautiful long ax with considerable destructive power. 】

This is a good thing, much better than the Black Element Star Hammer in Fang Xiao's hand.

Fang Xiao's skills, except that the Poison Archer must use a bow and the Qingxuan Guard and the Tuyue Shield Guard must use a shield, there are no weapon type requirements for the other skills.

Whether you use a long ax or a sledgehammer, it's obviously possible.

In this case, Fang Xiao directly put the Black Element Star Hammer into the lord's warehouse, and then took the Ling Yue Long Ax in his hand.

As for the leather armor on Zhu Dali's body, Fang Xiao only glanced at it briefly and lost interest.

After temporarily storing the hero order and job transfer order in the lord's warehouse, Fang Xiao set his sights on the pig-headed camp.

At this time, all the pig-headed men had walked out of the tent and gathered in the open space next to them.

Fang Xiao took a quick glance and found that except for Zhu Wen and the other 9 pig-headed men with fighting professions, there were 37 other pig-headed men.

After thinking for a moment, Fang Xiao told Takeo and the other three to watch here while he walked towards the tent where Zhu Dali walked out.

He planned to search the entire pig-headed camp first to see if there was anything valuable. After the search, it would not be too late to deal with the pig-headed men.

Walking into the camp where Zhu Dali was, Fang Xiao found that the layout inside was very simple.

A wooden bed covered with animal skins and hay.

A relatively flat stone seemed to be used as a table, with a kettle and several cups placed on it.

Fang Xiao glanced quickly, and soon a wooden box in the corner of the camp attracted his attention.

He walked to the wooden box and stretched out his hand to open it.

I saw a lot of silver coins and copper coins piled inside.

Among these silver and copper coins, there is also a drawing.

Fang Xiao reached out and took out the drawings.

[Small vein mining tunnel drawings]

[Introduction: A blueprint containing mysterious power. After use, it can add a mining cave to any small mineral vein, increasing the upper limit of the number of miners in small mineral veins by 20.]

After seeing this drawing, Fang Xiao couldn't help but raise his eyebrows.

He actually remembered that when he checked the small iron mine in the territory, he did see a display inside: it contained a mining cave × 1 and a storage mine × 1.

It turns out that this mining cave can be added?

Just increasing the way, it seems that it must be through this kind of drawing that contains mysterious power?

And the upper limit of the number of miners in the vein is also determined by the number of mining holes?

Thinking of this, Fang Xiao immediately went to the trading house to search, but he didn't find anything listed for sale.

It seems that this thing is probably not easy to obtain.

And even if they obtain it, other lords may not put it up for sale, but will keep it for their own use.

There were a lot of silver and copper coins in the wooden box, but if converted into gold coins, they weren't actually that much.

The biggest profit point is this drawing.

Fang Xiao put the wooden box directly into the lord's warehouse, then walked out of the camp and walked towards other camps.

The interiors of other camps are more crude.

There were a lot of dried meat and bacon in two camps, and Fang Xiao put them all into the lord's warehouse.

Other than that, not much was discovered.

After the search, Fang Xiao came to the pig-headed men and said, Since you have surrendered to me, you will serve me well from now on. Now, follow me back to your territory.

After the words fell, Fang Xiao looked at Zhu Wen beside him: You straighten yourself out and come with me.

Yes, Lord Lord. Zhu Wen responded quickly.

Fang Xiao led a group of pig-headed men back towards the territory.

After walking for a while, I spotted a white mantis in front of me.

Fang Xiao waved to Zhu Wen.

Lord, please give me your instructions. Zhu Wen stepped in front of Fang Xiao and spoke respectfully.

Zhu Wen, go with Wu Xiong and Bai Qing to get rid of the white mantis in front of you. Fang Xiao pointed at the white mantis that appeared in his sight.

Bai Mantis can fly and fight if its wings are not destroyed first, so Bai Qing's sneak attack with bow and arrow is essential.

As for Takeo, he has high mobility and strength, so follow him just in case.

The three people quickly left the large group and quietly touched the white mantis in their sight.

Fang Xiao stood there and waited silently.

With more combat power under his command, there is often no need for him to take action himself.

The battle between the three of them was very simple. After getting close, Bai Qing shot through one of Bai Mantis's wings. Then Takeo and Zhu Wen pressed up and solved it in three strikes, five cuts and two cuts.

Seeing that the battle was over, Fang Xiao approached with most of them.

Arriving next to the white mantis, Fang Xiao found that the white mantis had exploded 5 kilograms of wheat seeds infected by mysterious power, and there was also a design scroll of the Bai Mantis sword.

The design scroll of Bai Manting Sword was directly listed for sale at the trading house. The wheat seeds were put away. Adding the previous ones, there were 97 kilograms.

The wings are cut off as usual and can be sold to Lan Che when they return to the territory.

Then we returned to the territory all the way and didn't encounter any more monsters.

Arriving in front of the east gate of the territory, Fang Xiao stopped and then turned to look at the pig-headed man behind him.

Do any of you cook well? Fang Xiao glanced at the 37 pig-headed men who had no fighting profession.

Soon, a female pig-headed man and two male pig-headed men walked out of it.

You all know how to cook? Fang Xiao glanced at the three of them.

One of the fat male pig-headed men pointed to another male pig-headed man who stood up with him, and immediately said: Lord, the food in the camp is basically made by me and him.

The female pig-headed man then spoke: Lord, I am Zhu Wen's wife. I am usually responsible for the meals for him and the leader Zhu Dali.

Fang Xiao couldn't help but turn his eyes to Zhu Wen aside.

Zhu Wen quickly said: Lord, yes, my wife cooks very delicious food. The leader and I only eat the meals she cooks.

“If you’re short on a chef, she’s perfect.”

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