Di Xiyang also reacted and immediately rushed forward with the ice crystals and snow behind him.

As for Cubas, after seeing Fang Xiao and Di Xiyang approaching, they immediately swooped down.

Let Fang Xiao, Di Xiyang, and Ice Crystal Ice and Snow jump on his head.

The next moment, Gubas turned around and quickly killed the leader of the Glory Alliance.

Fang Xiao and Di Xiyang, as well as ice crystals and ice snow, also started to attack Gubas' head.

Immediately, densely packed attacks of all kinds attacked the leader of the Glory Alliance.

At this moment, the leader of the Glory Alliance was in a panic and had no other way to protect the members of the Glory Alliance under his command.

Immediately, these members were overwhelmed by the overwhelming attack, and were completely killed without a place to bury them.

Only a pile of loot was left and fell to the ground below.

The leader of the Glory Alliance had no choice but to fall down because the mount beneath him was shocked to death by the aftermath of this wave of attacks.

And as a result, the leader of the Glory Alliance suddenly suffered.

They began to face the constant siege launched by Fang Xiao and these god-level creatures under him from high in the sky.

Not long after, the leader of the Glory Alliance was injured. Looking at Fang Xiao and many god-level creatures who were still attacking him in an endless stream, the leader of the Glory Alliance not only showed a look of despair on his face.

He felt a little regretful now.

Why didn't he listen to the words of the great elder of the Glory Alliance?

Why do you have to be persistent and come back to avenge the Glory Alliance?

If I had listened to the persuasion of the Grand Elder of the Glory Alliance at that time, then I might have taken the Grand Elder of the Glory Alliance and the others away to live somewhere else.

And with his god-level three-star strength, there is no doubt that he can live quite freely in other places.

Even expanding the size of the Glory Alliance far beyond what it was before would definitely not take much time.

In the end, the only one to blame is him.

In fact, just after breaking through to the god level, I was too confident and destroyed my own pride.

The scale of the battle between the two sides became larger and larger, and the surrounding ring spirit forest was completely destroyed.

One after another, trees fell to the ground.

The originally flat ground also became bumpy.

However, Fang Xiao didn't pay too much attention to this.

In the future, as his territory is upgraded, the territory will become larger and larger.

If the territory expands, there will undoubtedly be a need to expand.

Then, the trees in the Ringling Forest need to be cut down.

If it is not cut down, Fang Xiao will not be able to cast houses and various building facilities.

Therefore, the current impact of this kind of battle would actually help Fang Xiao in the future and save him a lot of trouble.

Finally, as the two sides continued to fight, it became increasingly difficult for the leader of the Glory Alliance to resist, and his injuries became more and more serious.

She, who was originally full of pride, now had a look of panic in her eyes.

Then, he actually said to Fang Xiao: Don't kill me, I am willing to surrender to you and work for you in the future.

After hearing what the other party said, Fang Xiao not only had a sneer on his face.

The reason is very simple. The opponent is a three-star god-level being. Now Fang Xiao can crush the opponent by relying on the number of god-level beings on his side.

However, if the other party is given the opportunity to get close to him alone, then once the other party makes a sneak attack, it is very likely that Fang Xiao will really capsize in the gutter.

Moreover, as the other party is the leader of the Glory Alliance, after Fang Xiao kills the other party, the job transfer order will definitely be lost.

In other words, after killing the opponent, Fang Xiao will definitely get the god-level three-star job transfer order.

Why keep each other? Unless your brain is cramped.

Therefore, Fang Xiao was completely unmoved and directly issued an order not to accept surrender and to kill this guy completely.

After the words fell, Fang Xiao became more and more vicious, and the surrounding god-level creatures also became more and more ruthless after hearing Fang Xiao's order.

This made the leader of the Glory Alliance not only look with resentment in his eyes, but also stare at Fang Xiao.

Then he spoke out and said: You damn guy, do you know what the consequences will be if you kill me? How do you think I reached the god level? Do you think there is no one behind me?

After hearing what the other party said, Fang Xiao couldn't help but feel a little funny, and then said: When I destroyed the Glory Alliance under your hands, they told me the same thing, and now that you have come, you have to do it for them. Revenge, what’s the result, what’s your fate now?”

I can tell you very clearly, if you don't have any connection behind it, that's fine. If you have any connection behind it and you dare to come here, then he will only end up with the same fate as you.

What Fang Xiao said was not to intimidate the leader of the Glory Alliance. The reason was very simple. Fang Xiao was not a native of this world, but a player. He could snowball.

As long as the enemy can't kill him, he can snowball bigger and bigger and stronger.

If you want to compete with his potential, it is completely non-existent.

Finally, with the unwilling roar of the leader of the Glory Alliance, Fang Xiao, who died tragically in the end, and the siege of god-level creatures, ran out a pile of loot on the ground.

Fang Xiao clapped his hands and signaled the god-level creatures under his hands to stop working. Then he came to the ground and walked towards the place where the Glory Alliance leaders and those Glory Alliance members dropped their trophies.

After arriving at the trophy, Fang Xiao took a look.

The only things that were truly valuable to him were a few hero tokens and a god-level three-star job transfer token.

These hero tokens can be used by his confidants in the future. After all, not all of Fang Xiao's confidants have transferred to the hero profession yet.

As for the god-level three-star job transfer order, there was no doubt that Fang Xiao chose to use it for himself.

Fang Xiao now has a god-level one-star riding profession, and can contract 10 god-level one-star creatures.

Over at Earth Sunset, you can also contract 10 god-level one-star creatures.

In this case, two people combined can contract 20 god-level one-star creatures.

With so many god-level one-star beings assisting him, there is no need to pursue quantity anymore, but to consider improving quality.

There is no doubt that it is the best choice to improve your own strength to the top first.

It is a pity that this god-level three-star job transfer order is a one-star one. If it is two-star, it can be used by two people. Then, Di Xiyang can also transfer jobs.

However, since it is only one star now, Fang Xiao can just use it himself.

Afterwards, these god-level creatures under Fang Xiao's hands flew away one after another and returned to their originally chosen habitat.

Fang Xiao found Huang Yunjie and asked Huang Yunjie to take care of the remaining scenes of the battle.

Then he immediately used this god-level three-star job transfer order, which once again increased his combat power by a large amount.

At this point, Fang Xiao felt that the internal troubles had been temporarily eliminated.

The next step is to give all the remaining god-level creature vacancies to all contracts, and then start to expand towards the surrounding territory.

It is worth mentioning that Fang Xiao now has an idea.

That is, to capture the territories of higher-level players, then occupy them and develop them into their own sub-territories.

In this case, there is no need to worry about the limitations of the territory, and there is no need to worry about the development of power.

Because you can completely use your own main territory as the capital of a force, and then occupy other players' sub-territories as ordinary cities of the force.

In this way, Fang Xiao will be able to develop a huge empire in the future.

At the same time, since there are various flying creatures in this world, there is no need to worry about distance.

Going back and forth is pretty quick.

Of course, this is just an idea Fang Xiao currently has. If he wants to implement it, there are still many links that need to be dealt with.

For example, he first needs to find a player territory with a higher level. Otherwise, Fang Xiao will have to get the blueprints of the lord's mansion and then upgrade the sub-territory, which is quite troublesome.

Fang Xiao wanted to use the sub-territory to expand his own development, rather than investing his own energy and financial resources in the sub-territory.

So, it’s best to find ready-made ones.

And if you are looking for something ready-made, this requires intelligence capabilities.

It is necessary to investigate clearly where the player's territory is, and which of these player's territories is of higher level.

Only after these investigations are clear can we proceed directly.

Regarding this matter, Fang Xiao directly handed it over to Takeo. He planned to let Takeo handle the affairs on the territory for the time being, and then arrange for the flying troops to go out to investigate.

Let him know when there is news.

Fang Xiao now has an extremely large flying force. He has gone to four directions to conduct investigations. I believe that it won't take too long to get results.

For now, it is better to conquer the god-level creatures first. Therefore, after returning to the lord's mansion and having breakfast, Fang Xiao found Cubas again.

And gather all other god-level creatures.

Then he asked them aloud: Regarding the news about other god-level creatures, please tell me now, so that I can learn more about it.

After hearing Fang Xiao's question, Gubas first spoke up and said: I do know the traces of a few god-level creatures, but they are not god-level one-star existences, and they should not be of much help to you, master.

After hearing Gubas's words, Fang Xiao nodded slightly: It's not a one-star god-level creature, so let's not talk about it for now. Let me tell you where the one-star god-level creature you know is?

At this time, the flame flying above said loudly: I know the master, but that force, I suggest you not to offend them.

After hearing Huo Yan's words, Fang Xiao not only became interested, but also asked aloud: Oh? Where is it? Tell me.

After Huo Huo hesitated for a moment, he answered loudly: This place is called Shenjiang. Under the water of Shenjiang, there lives a tribe. This tribe is called the Water Dragon Clan.

There are many one-star god-level beings among the Water Dragon Clan, but in addition, they also have many higher-level god-level beings.

After hearing Huo Yan's words, Fang Xiao suddenly narrowed his eyes, and then asked aloud: I don't know the number, how much is it?

After Huo Huo hesitated for a moment, he slowly said: At least 50 starts.

After hearing Huo Yan's words, Fang Xiao immediately gave up his thoughts on the water dragon clan.

Then he turned his attention to the other mounts: So, do the rest of you know any traces of the god-level one-star creatures?

After Bing Jing hesitated for a moment, he glanced at Bing Xue next to him, and then said, I know.

After hearing Bing Jing's words, Fang Xiao immediately turned his gaze to the other party and motioned for the other party to continue speaking.

Bing Jing sorted out his words for a moment, and then slowly spoke out: When Bingxue and I were traveling together, we had a conflict with two other one-star god-level creatures.

After the two of us defeated each other, I was originally going to kill them both, but Bingxue was kind-hearted, and after her persuasion, I finally let them go.

However, I kept an eye on them and used some tricks on them.

Because they were severely injured at the time and my methods were very subtle, they didn't notice.

This method is used to detect the opponent's whereabouts. Later, when I felt that the position no longer changed due to the method I used, I eliminated this method through remote control.

So if nothing else happens, those two guys should still be at the location I told you. I can take you, Master, to have a look.

After listening to Bing Jing's words, Bingxue on the side not only glanced at Bing Jing in disbelief, but finally opened his mouth, but still didn't say anything.

Fang Xiao showed a smile on his face, and then nodded appreciatively to Bing Jing: Yes, you should be careful when dealing with others. There is nothing wrong with your approach. Let's go. Take me directly now. Where you tracked, see if the two of them are there.

After the words fell, Fang Xiao jumped onto Gubas' head with ice crystals and ice and snow, and then let the ice crystals guide the direction, allowing Gubas to take the lead and fly towards the target location.

The target location this time was indeed a bit far away, and we flew until the afternoon before finally arriving.

This is an extremely large poisonous fog forest. The forest is filled with poisonous miasma, and a large number of huge poisonous insects can be seen crawling around in it.

Bing Jing nodded to Fang Xiao, then stretched out his hand, pointed to the poisonous forest below, and then said: This should be where the two of them are hiding.

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