Immediately, Fang Xiao took Wu Xiong and began to collect the corpses of ordinary black-footed wolves and the things that exploded.

These ordinary black-footed wolves explode most of the wheat seeds that have been infected by mysterious forces.

Others include some ordinary-level weapon scrolls and armor scrolls.

However, these ordinary-level weapon and armor scrolls are of little significance to Fang Xiao, who already owns elite-level weapons and armor scrolls.

It seems that if you want to explode good things, you still have to choose elite-level monsters. Ordinary-level monsters themselves can't really explode anything good.

A total of 45 ordinary-level black-footed wolves were killed by them, each of which produced 50 kilograms of wolf meat, which was not bad.

This means that his food storage suddenly increased by 2,250 kilograms.

Because there is no need to use poisonous scorpion arrows to deal with these black-footed wolves, the meat is edible.

Only the Wolf King was hit by a poisonous scorpion arrow from Bai Qing, making the meat inedible.

But it doesn’t matter, the meat itself is not lacking.

These ordinary black-footed wolves added up to a total of 39 kilograms of wheat seeds infected by mysterious power.

In addition to the 10 kilograms that were revealed previously, Fang Xiao now has 49 kilograms of wheat seed stock.

This trip was fruitful.

After restraining himself, Fang Xiao returned to the place where Xu Chui and Bai Qing were resting and began to announce:

Pack it up, let's go back to the territory.

The four of them immediately set off and headed outside the forest.

After returning to the territory, Fang Xiao took Xu Zhui to the medicine shop.

There was a middle-aged man and a teenager in the drug store.

After seeing Fang Xiao, the middle-aged man immediately came up to him: Lord, what kind of wind brings you here?

The middle-aged man's message caught Fang Xiao's eyes.

[Name: Lan Che. 】

[Occupation: Pharmacist (special occupation)]

[Occupation upper limit: None]

[Characteristics: None. 】

[Strength: 2 stars for ordinary level (5 stars for pharmacist elite level)]

【Loyalty: 90】

【Happiness: 88】

[Skills: Drug production (elite 5 stars), drug cultivation (elite 5 stars), drug collection (elite 5 stars). 】

[Drug production (elite 5-star): Able to produce drugs of the highest elite level 5-star. 】

[Drug Planting (Elite 5 Star): Can grow medicinal materials with the highest elite level of 5 stars. 】

[Drug Collection: It can completely collect the highest elite level 5-star medicinal materials, and ensure the integrity of the medicine. 】

[Introduction: A pharmacist with rich experience, able to solve various difficult and complicated diseases. 】

Seeing this panel, Fang Xiao was slightly stunned.

Special occupation?

Is it because this profession is very special and is not a combat profession?

It can be seen from the strength column that the ordinary 2-star strength in front should represent Lan Che's own combat effectiveness.

The 5-star pharmacist elite level at the back probably represents the professional ability.

At this time, Fang Xiao couldn't help but think of his poisonous scorpion arrows, which could produce elite level 4-star scorpion venom.

If an antidote is used, only an antidote equal to or greater than elite level 4 stars can solve the problem.

So, the elite level 4-star antidote should only be produced when the pharmacist's professional ability reaches the elite level 4-star, right?

In this way, it will be clearer why this is a special profession.

It should be based on one's own professional experience that one can continuously improve one's professional abilities in order to make more advanced medicines.

Immediately, Fang Xiao looked at the boy next to him.

[Name: Blue Star. 】

[Occupation: Pharmacist (special occupation)]

[Occupation upper limit: None]

[Characteristics: Drug sensitivity (can easily distinguish the properties of various drugs)]

[Strength: 1 star for ordinary level (4 stars for elite pharmacist level)]

【Loyalty: 92】

【Happiness: 81】

[Skills: Drug production (elite 4 stars), drug cultivation (elite 4 stars), drug collection (elite 4 stars). 】

[Introduction: The genius of the pharmacist is obvious. 】

Fang Xiao's eyes stayed on Lan Xing for several seconds before moving away.

This kid has a much brighter future than his father.

It seems that he is not very old yet, and his ability as a pharmacist will soon catch up with his father's.

Obviously, it was probably the characteristic [drug sensitivity] that allowed him to improve quickly.

Lan Che, my personal guard is injured. Look at his injury.

Fang Xiao pointed at Xu Zhui behind him and gave instructions to Lan Che.

Okay, please wait a moment, Lord. Lan Che immediately nodded and came to Xu Zhui.

He first glanced at Xu Chui, who looked like a bloody man, and then moved his eyes to Xu Chui's simply bandaged leg.

Is your leg injured? Lan Che asked as he helped Xu Zhui sit down beside him.

Xu Zhui nodded immediately: Well, I was bitten by a wolf cub. Pharmacist Lan Che, your medical skills are still so good. You can tell at a glance.

Lan Che's mouth twitched slightly when he heard this.

Your whole body, except one leg, is bandaged. Even a fool can see that, right? Lan Che didn't know for a moment whether Xu Zhui was praising him or hurting him.

Xing'er, bring over the disinfectant wipes, medicinal bandages, the hemostatic powder in the first row of the first row, and the complex muscle ointment in the second row of the second row. Lan Che first observed Xu Chui's injured leg, and then He opened his mouth and called out to Lan Xing next to him.

When Lan Xing heard this, he immediately nodded and ran towards the medicine cabinet.

Soon, Lan Xing took the thing and handed it into Lan Che's hand.

Lan Che stretched out his hand, carefully untied the cloth tied to Xu Zhui's leg, and then tore the clothes near the wound.

Immediately, he wiped the area around the wound with a yellow disinfectant wipe, and then cleaned the wound again.

Then he put a little bit of the hemostasis powder on the wound, and finally applied complex muscle ointment on the medicinal bandage and tied it to the wound.

Looking at Lan Che's series of operations, Fang Xiao roughly concluded that this was a unique treatment method in this world.

Okay, Lord Lord, according to Xu Chui's body's recovery power and the effect of the medicine, I will take a rest today and he will be almost fine tomorrow morning.

Lan Che walked up to Fang Xiao and immediately smiled: A total of 10 silver coins.

Fang Xiao glanced at the bottle of Zhixue Powder, and then said: Don't rush to pay the bill. Get me 10 bottles of Zhixue Powder and 10 bottles of Fuji Cream. Also, what other medicines do you have here?

Lan Che was stunned for a moment when he heard this, and then he walked to the medicine cabinet diligently and began to introduce to Fang Xiao the medicines he had here.

After Fang Xiao listened, he immediately spoke: I need 10 bottles of Zhixue Powder, Complexion Cream, and Detoxification Pill, all of which are elite five-star.

Fang Xiao learned a lot from this time when he went out to fight monsters.

He feels that these three are necessary things, and according to Lan Che's introduction, the higher the drug level and star rating, the better the effect.

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