After opening the trading house, Fang Xiao first checked the for-sale list of the four-star village-level lord's mansion drawings.

After reading it, he couldn't help but frown.

The list for sale now includes not only his own drawing of the four-star village-level lord's mansion, but also one more.

The other party lowered the price by ten thousand, and the price listed was 170,000 gold coins.

I don’t know if this guy is new to the scene or if he got it out of the box.

This person should not be short of money and not in a hurry to sell. Otherwise, it would be impossible for him to list 170,000 gold coins, because this is an unsaleable price.

Player lords who can get so many gold coins at this stage are unlikely to be taken advantage of even if they are willing to suffer losses.

According to Fang Xiao's speculation, 140,000-150,000 gold coins should be the psychological limit that those player lords can accept.

Especially after the player lord who was short of money last time sold one for 140,000 gold coins, this impact will definitely last for a long time.

It was really a bit disgusting for Fang Xiao to lower the price by 10,000 yuan at an unsellable price.

Of course, it is not ruled out that the other party feels that the sale price is 10,000 gold coins less than the own. Comparing the two, some player lords cannot help but take advantage of them.

But the problem is, Fang Xiao doesn't want to be a typical example of this comparison.

If the other party really sold it for 170,000 gold coins under such a comparison, it would definitely disgust Fang Xiao for the whole day.

As someone said before, blueprints can be obtained through mysterious treasure chests.

Even though the explosion rate of the blueprint is quite low, the explosion rate of the mysterious treasure chest is not that ridiculously low.

According to the previous inference, after using the 3-star village-level lord's mansion blueprint and upgrading the 3-star village to a 4-star village, there is a chance that the 4-star village-level lord's mansion blueprint will be obtained from the mysterious treasure chest.

Given the population base, there will always be someone who can be found through the mysterious treasure chest.

The further you delay, the more the price will drop.

Fang Xiao pondered for a moment, and then lowered the price to the same price as the other party, 170,000 gold coins.

He didn't want to lower the price, because doing so would most likely make the waiting player lords feel lucky, thinking that sellers like them would continue to lower the prices.

I'm afraid I won't be able to sell even 150,000 gold coins by then.

Make the price equal to that of this new seller, and then wait for a while to see if you can break through the psychological endurance limit of those player lords and eliminate the influence of the money-hungry seller in front.

Well, of course, the premise is that the new seller is sensible. If the other party continues to lower the price, Fang Xiao will have nothing to say.

After waiting for a while, Zhang Ying and Yue Ming rushed back one after another, and everyone started to eat.

Fang Xiao looked at the for sale list again and found that the new seller did not continue to lower the price, so he closed the trading house again.

It seems that the other party just wanted to lower the price and form a comparison to see if they could make a profit at the price of 170,000.

However, after discovering that Fang Xiao was unwilling to be compared, the other party no longer engaged in such unpleasant things as lowering prices.

After lunch, Fang Xiao looked at Zhang Ying and Bai Qing: Zhang Ying, Bai Qing.

Yes, Lord Lord. The two men immediately responded.

Fang Xiao spoke slowly: You two will each lead 130 red fox orc soldiers to hunt in the eastern wilderness.

Those red fox orc soldiers are now only at the elite level and cannot go to the ring forest to participate in hunting rare monsters.

Therefore, it is better to let two confidants take them to the eastern wasteland to collect mysterious treasure chests.

Get the most out of them.

Later, I will save a batch of rare-level job transfer orders, and then transfer them to jobs and participate in hunting rare-level monsters.

Yes, Lord Lord! The two men immediately accepted the order and left the Lord's Mansion together.

Fang Xiao glanced at the other confidants, and then waved his hand: Xu Zhui, go to the training camp and lead 300 rare-level soldiers, and join us at the west gate.

Yes, Lord Lord. Xu Chui responded immediately.

Speaking of which, Fang Xiao now has 35 mysterious treasure boxes accumulated in the lord's warehouse. When he comes back in the evening, he can open them together with the newly harvested mysterious treasure boxes.

Fang Xiao's territory is now at the 1-star town level.

In other words, the mysterious treasure chest can already open up to legendary 1-star items.

When so many mysterious treasure boxes are opened together, Fang Xiao feels that there is still a glimmer of hope.

In addition, go to Qinghui Village to negotiate a deal with the earth elves at night. Then you can see if the other party has legendary or epic items and equipment, and you can consider purchasing some to strengthen yourself.

Shall I go with you? Fox Spirit raised his eyebrows and then asked.

Fang Xiao narrowed his eyes and then nodded: Well, come with me and be my army physician from now on.

The opponent's Gu Master profession was too dangerous. After taking away 300 rare-level soldiers and leaving the remaining defensive force, Fang Xiao really couldn't trust her in his territory.

What's more, all the red fox orcs are in the territory now.

You know, Fox Spirit's loyalty is still very low.

But it was different with her by his side. She could not threaten Fang Xiao at all, and she could not come into contact with those red fox orcs, so there was no need to worry about anything happening.

Yes. Fox Spirit's expression was as cold as ever, and his tone did not fluctuate.

Fang Xiao led a group of people to the west gate. Before long, Xu Zhui came over with his soldiers.

Immediately, Fang Xiao led them towards the Ringling Forest.

This time, Fang Xiao did not go to the black-haired cow, but chose the area where the golden-haired bear was found before.

He planned to farm a rare 4-star monster, and the Golden Bear was a rare 4-star monster.

Of course, the golden bears are relatively sparsely distributed and not as dense as the black cattle, so the efficiency of killing them will definitely be much lower.

However, this time they brought many more rare-level soldiers than the last time they brushed the black-haired cattle.

Therefore, the efficiency of spawning monsters can be compensated to a certain extent.

After Fang Xiao led everyone to the area where the golden bears were found, they immediately began to group them.

As for the fox spirit, Fang Xiao did not assign her to any group, but asked her to follow him.

Fang Xiao's confidants are unable to compete with Fang Xiao in strength, and it is difficult to face the fox spirit without being threatened. Moreover, she is not in Fang Xiao's field of vision, and Fang Xiao does not feel at ease.

Soon, everyone began to move into groups.

Fang Xiao rode the golden bear and walked in front, while the fox spirit silently walked behind carrying a cloth bag.

Not long after, a golden-haired bear was spotted in front of them, and the other party apparently also spotted Fang Xiao and Hu Ling.

However, when the other party saw the golden bear under Fang Xiao, his expression froze, and then he turned around and ran away.

Fang Xiao immediately rode the golden bear and rushed towards the opponent.

On the way, he used the bear rider's charging skill, and his speed suddenly increased. He quickly caught up with the opponent, and the thunder knife suddenly struck out.

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