Global Job Transfer: Binding Idols to Suppress Prisons at the Start!

Chapter 208 The Spirit King Crosses! Qianshuang, Wanxue, Kurong!


The power that truly surpasses the calamity level, even if it is only one, is far more terrifying and terrifying than the four calamity levels.


"No more dragging!"

"If it drags on any longer, we all have to die!"

"Shoot! Destroying the altar of time and space must not let this celestial position really come!"

"Kill! 95

Yaozun Buddha, Qingming Patriarch, both of them showed a solemn look at this time, and then they went straight out!

"Thousand Frost!""

"Wan Xue!""

"Withering glory!


The elders of Xianting Shanhe Shi made a strong move, urging the formations that were placed around the Jedi by them.

A large array of mouthfuls emerged at this time!

The power of the mountains and rivers of Tianxingxing was all activated at this time, and countless symbols of the laws of mountains and rivers lit up at this time, linking the world.

The forbidden breath is rolling, and the will to kill is vertical and horizontal!

Countless laws of mountains and rivers merged, evolved thousands of frosts and thousands of snows, all kinds of killing formations, and fell down toward the Jedi!

Seventy-two Great Array!

This is the formation plate above the seven stars of the seventy-two disasters. At this time, all of them are motivated, and the power of destroying the world is played!

"Formation, it's not just your human race!""


A stern voice came out, and then there was a formation plate, which flew up in the Jedi, and then opened!


It's just a mouthful, but it seems to have evolved into a terrifying little world!

Inside, a vision like the destruction of the stars appeared, isolating all the arrays played by the ancestors of Xianting Mountains and Rivers!

Below the array plate, a strong man with the same appearance and aura as the human race is speaking dismissively.

Half a step is too heavenly!

That is a half-step Taitian powerhouse, and the array that he sacrificed is more powerful and terrifying than the seventy-two arrays evolved by the ancestors of Xianting Shanhe Shi.

"The sword opens the world!

"Clang! 39

The ancestor of Qingming was killed!

This time, the ancestral sword that she was holding was smeared with holy will, and cut out a sword light as thick as the sky!

Between the light of the sword, there are lotus blossoms of the law of kendo circulating, and the evolution of the strongest kendo goes straight to the formation, trying to split the formation!

"Sweep the four poles"!

Among the Jedi, there is also a ruthless voice!

Then a figure as strong as a dragon emerged from the Jedi!

That's definitely a human race!

Holding an ancestral spear in one hand and an ancient shield in the other, his cultivation has also reached the half-step celestial position!


The long spear in his hand swept out towards the kendo law played by Qingming's ancestors just after the opponent!


Two peerless and sharp forces, violently impacted together!

The sky explodes!

The law of kendo is surging!

The gun is in the air!

There are countless laws of mountains and rivers, the power of the great formation is broken apart, and the earth is cracking and shaking!


The ancestors of Qingming and the gods of the gods, who held a gun in one hand and a shield in the other, made a sound of killing at the same time, and then fought hard together!




The human race that Tian Xuanxing should retreat now has all retreated from the battlefield of the heavens.

The ancestors of Qingming have no worries, and can use all their strength to fight the opponent head-on!

The two kept colliding, and when they raised their hands and feet, they let the void explode, the stars fell, and a terrifying force was cast!

"The Ten Thousand Buddhas!""


The Yaozun Buddha came out again, the most evolved Buddhist supernatural power, the Buddha shadows in the sky, solemn and solemn, evolved into a temple, and among the Buddha's light, he pressed down towards the space-time altar!


"I didn't enjoy myself before, this time, Ben will have a good fight with you!

"Boom! 35

The voice of the six-armed general came out again!

His six arms are flying, holding six different ancestral artifacts, rushing out, constantly terrifying aura, impacting on the temple, destroying the law, rushing to kill the Medicine Buddha!



Holy Master Qinglian, led the twelve ancestors of Qinglian Sword Sect to attack at the same time!

Disaster rank seven stars!

The cultivation of the Holy Master Qinglian is as high as the seven stars of disaster!

Now holding the ancestral weapon, and the twelve ancestors of the Qinglian Sword Sect, they evolved the sword formation, so that their own strength skyrocketed again, and they directly entered the Jedi.

"It's a dying struggle!"

"If you have the opportunity to escape without understanding, and stay behind to die, your human race will always be a virtue!"


Among the Jedi, there is a high voice, and then there is a divine aura, swept out, and evolved an aura that annihilates everything!


Holy Master Qinglian looked serious!

That divine aura is too strong!

The practice is the law of annihilation of the gods, and the cultivation base has reached the realm of half-step celestial position. Wearing a robe of the gods, holding a sword of the gods, between the cuts, there is the law of annihilating all life, swept out like Wang Yang. , actually blocked the Qinglian Holy Master!

"" ~ Kill! 35

"Look for an opportunity to damage the altar of time and space, and absolutely can't let that big guy come over!

The strong men of the Jiuli tribe, the rest of the strong men in Xianting, rushed out!


"Kill them all and plunder their life essence!"

Among the Jedi, there were bloodthirsty voices, and more than a dozen experts on the road to the gods rushed out, smashing the Jiuli tribe and the ancestors of Xianting!


This is the battle of the top!

The power of the half-step Taitian position, vertical and horizontal, the world has collapsed!

There are constant laws collapsing, and the blood of the ancestors spills over the world!

In all directions, the mountains are destroyed, and all things decay!

All kinds of Xeon laws are all intertwined!

"I see! 35

"There is a group of creatures that are supporting the power of the altar of time and space!

"The altar of time and space has not been restored, but those creatures, with their strength, support the altar of time and space, so that a powerhouse in the sky can cross over.

"As long as you stop them, that celestial powerhouse will not be able to cross over!"

And at this time (getting the king's favor), the Holy Master Qinglian, and the twelve calamity ancestors, all made excited voices.

They saw that in front of the space-time altar, more than a dozen ancestor-level creatures were sitting there, and the laws in their bodies poured into the space-time altar continuously, maintaining the power of the space-time altar!


The Qinglian Holy Master is even more brilliant, evolved the Qinglian sword scripture, cooperated with the twelve ancestors, and forced the gods who practiced the law of annihilation to retreat with one sword!


The power of the thirteen ancestors was perfectly combined, and they turned into a peerless sword, and they went straight to the altar of time and space and fell down!

"Damn it! 99

"What a strong combined attack magic power! 35

"Hurry up and stop them, absolutely don't let them interfere with the Spirit King's crossing! 35

"Boom boom!

The gods who practiced the power of annihilation, as well as several eight-star powerhouses in the calamity rank, even issued a long howl, evolving into hundreds of supernatural powers, moving towards the thirteen ancestors of the Qinglian Sword Sect who turned their bodies into swords. Knock down!.

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