Chapter 6

Chapter VI Tough Methods (for rewards and more, thank you for your support!)

“Li Yang, wait, your dad works in my company, and I will tell my dad to fire him tomorrow!”

Zhao Ping said with a gloomy face.

“This is a threat.”

Then Li Yang didn’t panic at all, still drinking tea on his own.

“Li Yang, I want to kill you, kill you!”

Xu Da snarled frantically. He was not as wealthy as Zhao Ping. This greedy werewolf was bought by his family.

This is a full discount if I haven’t even survived a day!

It’s all over!

What hope, what expectation, what future, are all gone!

“Haha, funny, really funny, you invaded others’ domain, but instead made me compensate?”


“After fighting between races, those of us who are gods should have done it, Xu Da, don’t say I won’t give you a chance, come on!”

The moment Li Yang released the shackles, Xu Da rushed in anger, burning flames in his hands, the god of flames obviously chosen.


A phantom of himself appeared on Li Yang, and he blasted out with a punch, pouring the power of 10,000 beliefs into his fist.

Directly smash Xu Da’s virtual shadow, and blood spills into the sky!

In Xu Da’s home, in a helmet that is as good as Li Yang, Xu Da spit out blood, and under his mental energy backlash, the helmet burst into smoke, and the electric sparks flickered.

“Ah! Li Yang, I don’t share the same spirit with you!”

After Xu Da roared, he fainted, and the door was knocked open by his parents.

“Next, it’s your turn!”

Li Yang smashed Xu Da with a punch, looking at Zhao Ping.

“Li Yang, do you have to do everything right?”

“I won’t do it, will you let my father go?”

Li Yang asked rhetorically.


Zhao Ping stopped speaking, thunder and lightning flashed in his hands, and several other people also displayed their magical powers.

It’s just a pity that this is the ancient sage world, and Li Yang’s faith has reached 20 million!

Fanatics can provide the gods with about one hundred belief points at a time. During this period, about 200,000 orcs were born one after another, even if Li Yang had not revealed a miracle.

But the awakened orcs have been followers of the two gods of Mao since they were born.

Note that the orcs with IQ were born, including farts, snots, and green-skinned boys.

In addition, the two war gangs headed by Gurangi and Lindo are still fighting each other, so Li Yang’s current combat effectiveness is about 70,000.

That is seventy thousand green-skinned boys, and hundreds of thousands are snot and fart.

As for the others, they are all dead.

Twenty million beliefs are even enough to ignite the sacred fire!

Ordinary people ignite the sacred fire, five million can try, and most people can’t even collect the power of five million beliefs within a year.

Although there are few ways to use the power of faith before igniting the sacred fire, with the help of the domain connector, within the domain, Li Yang can use the power of faith to temporarily obtain the power of the true god.

The huge power of faith condenses into the phantom of the god of war, blocking all the attacks from everyone.

This time Li Yang did not choose to smash them with a punch, but to reduce the damage, punching to the flesh, and beating everyone.

Their battle even spread to the ground. Zhao Ping was blasted down the plain with a punch, smashing a large hole, and accidentally landed in the snot swamp pool built by the snot spirit to raise Sigug.

The black snot and silt exploded, like cow dung when I was a child, and it was splashing all over the sky.

“Hahaha, a little guy fell in, waaagh!”

The orc boys standing near the quagmire vaguely saw a person falling in, and ignored that they were splashed all over, but they laughed.

Zhao Ping, who fell in the quagmire, couldn’t help but open his mouth to breathe in panic, and all kinds of smells poured in in an instant.

The realm can be said to be the real world, but it exists in the void.

The God’s Domain Landing Device pulls in a person’s spirit and transmits it to various domains.

So all senses are real.

It is only on the spiritual level, but on the contrary it is more sensitive.

After rushing out of the quagmire, Zhao Ping floated in the air, retching and coughing. If it wasn’t for his mental body, he probably even vomited out last night’s supper.

In fact, he did vomit. At this time, Zhao Ping’s body had already reacted, vomiting everywhere.

It’s just that he isn’t a helmet-style connector, it’s a bit smaller and doesn’t cover his mouth. He just vomited on the bed and vomited all over.

“Li Yang, kill me if you have the ability, so what kind of ability to humiliate me!”

High in the sky, Li Yang grabbed a beating pig’s head and slowly floated down.

“This, it’s really an accident, poof~”

“I’m professionally trained, and I will never laugh, chuckle~”

“Sorry for not holding back….poof~”

The conscience of heaven and earth is really not intentional this time.

“But if you are like this, I really can’t get started.”

Li Yang reopened the space authority, and then used energy to condense into a big foot, kicked him on his ass from behind Zhao Ping, and kicked him out.

“Ah, it’s clean.”

Then he threw the remaining two into dross with one punch, and then slowly landed on the ground.

Seeing Li Yang fall, the green-skinned orcs gathered around, including Gurangi and Lindo who were still fighting.

“Gurangi, you did a good job.”

Li Yang looked up at the orc who had grown to more than three meters, and said with a slight admiration.

Orcs can continue to grow up, as long as they don’t die, they can even grow bigger than the moon.

“Mao is on top!”

The jealous Gulangji actually knelt down and looked at Li Yang enthusiastically.

Li Yang also uses the power of faith to release endless tyrannical power to frighten the surrounding orcs.

“Mao is on top!”

Lindo was a little shorter than Gurangi, but his eyes were a little more cunning, and he knelt down like Gurangi.

“Mao is on top!”

For a while, all the green-skinned orcs knelt down, and the farts and snots were even lying on the ground in fright.

“Well, you did a good job, but it’s not waaagh enough! Keep going, I will let you keep waaaaagh down!”


Gurangi and Lindo screamed up to the sky, and the surrounding orcs followed suit. For a time, the entire ancient sage world was full of angry roars and tyrannical fighting will.

Li Yang nodded in satisfaction, consuming the power of faith, his body became bigger again, and became two huge green-skinned orcs phantoms wrestling with each other.

“Brother fucking up! Brother Mao is up!”

“Brother fucking up! Brother Mao is up!”

Once again, seeing the huge figure of the two gods engaged in Mao Mao, all the orcs became admired for Li Yang.

In the orc world, the one who is more powerful than yourself is the most correct choice, and based on the characteristics of the orc, the stronger it is, the bigger it is.

So it’s almost as strong!

Like this figure covering the sky and sun, it must be the biggest and strongest furry orc!

“Brother is cruel and cunning, take us to waaaagh!”

“Brother Mao is cunning and cruel, take us to waaaagh!”


Another chaotic battle started in the ancient sage world. *

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