Global Gods: My Believer is Galen

Chapter 1001: that 1 arrow

Lin Fan was indeed mad.

In his body, the more terrifying power of the werewolf surged out, and his body exuded a desire for the heart, as if he would not stop until the goal was achieved.


Lin Fan is the second werewolf who can stay awake.

His body does yearn for a heart, but his consciousness can decide whose heart to dig out!

All the madness and all the desires are locked on Lucifer's body!

"You can still stay sane when you're mad."

"It's really troublesome."

Looking at this unusual werewolf, Lucifer sighed.

The sixteen wings burst into a strong brilliance at this moment, and the dark rays of light rose into the sky!

A huge demon angel appeared on his body, which was tens of thousands of feet.

This time.

No longer a ghost.

Incredibly solid.

The huge body of the demon angel wrapped him, and when he opened his eyes, the demon angel also opened his eyes.

The Sword of Judgment, which has a thousand feet, slowly stood up.

Under the sword of judgment, the werewolf that rushed was so small.

Under this sword of judgment, even the world seems to be a little shorter.


It flashed by like a flash of lightning.

The power of evil and holiness rushed out, half of which was holy white light, and half of it was as black as an abyss.

The main island is shaking at this moment, and a huge ravine runs through the forest, but all the trees touched by the ravine disappear without a trace, and there is no trace of dust left, just disappear in the holy and evil. in the beam of light.


The golden werewolf was directly smashed hundreds of meters away, breaking many tree trunks.

The golden fur was completely dark. If the werewolf power of the werewolf ancestor was not too pure, Lin Fan's strength would have disappeared in that holy and evil light.

The blood from the ancestor of the werewolf is really strong, even if it is seriously injured like this, it is still recovering quickly, I am afraid that it will be back to full state within five minutes.


There was no time for him to recover.

"It was a lot of fun this time."

"But I'm tired of it."

Lucifer's indifferent voice came from the mouth of the huge angel demon.

The huge demon angel slowly walked towards Lin Fan.

Cao Dahua stopped in front of Lin Fan, but was rushed aside by the terrifying aura, his scales shattered, and he passed out completely.

At this time, the only ones who were awake were Zhao Yaxin and Lin Fan, and Lin Weimao, who was hidden under the light but couldn't move and could only look at everything with red eyes.

A hint of obscurity flashed in Zhao Yaxin's eyes, and she pretended to be walking in front of Lin Fan and walked towards Lin Fan's back.


"Don't come!" The werewolf, who had no strength and was covered in darkness, staggered to his feet.

Zhao Yaxin was stunned for a moment, her expression a little nervous, as if she was a little worried about whether this guy was aware of his secret.


Lin Fan suddenly turned around and smiled with that ugly wolf face: "Run, run quickly."

Looking at Lin Fan's eyes, Zhao Yaxin was stunned.

this moment.

Looking at the werewolf in front of her, Zhao Yaxin smiled.

"let me help you."

her voice is firm

Lin Fan took a deep breath and stopped trying to persuade him, because he knew that even if Zhao Yaxin was willing to run, he could still run away now.

Zhao Yaxin stood behind Lin Fan, facing the huge angel and demon, spreading her arms, rolling with divine power, the pink bow and arrow pointed directly at the huge angel and demon, and a bow and arrow slowly condensed.

Zhao Yaxin and Lucifer's eyes met, and the corner of the angel's devil's mouth was smiling.

He and Zhao Yaxin talked about the plan.

Let her find a chance to backstab Lin Fan.

Although I don't know why this girl refused to take action before, but now, it is obviously time for her to act.

This kid Lin Fan was really weird, Lucifer always felt that he still had a trump card.

At this time, as long as Zhao Yaxin turned the arrow silently, he could shoot the defenseless Lin Fan to death.

This is the best chance.

The longbow in Zhao Yaxin's hand slowly turned, and silently aimed at the back of the golden werewolf, aiming at the position of the heart.

But right now.

A weak voice sounded in front of her.

"Actually, you don't need to do this for me...cough," the werewolf said weakly, "I know, you may like me."

"But, to be honest, I've always used you."

"It's good to take care of you along the way, and it's good to interact with you."

"Actually, I should have told you earlier," Lin Fan laughed. "A **** of time told me that my future wife is a succubus."

"So, it's impossible for us, Zhao Yaxin."

"You should run quickly in a while. I know that you have unicorn believers and run very fast."

Zhao Yaxin was stunned in place.

"Okay, I'll pounce on it in a while, you believe me, I still have a hole card." Lin Fan smiled, "Hurry up and run with Cao Dahua and the others."

Lin Fan actually had no trump cards.


Werewolf blood.

Control effect.

True eyes, stopwatch.

These trump cards are useless in the face of the Demon King.

This is the invincible demon king.

But he is not a dragon slayer after all.


What Lin Fan didn't expect was.

Zhao Yaxin was stunned there, silent.

"You say back, did you hear what I said!"

Lin Fan urged weakly.

Zhao Yaxin remained motionless.

She stared blankly at the golden werewolf's bloody, charred body, and at the back that stood in front of her.

Suddenly laughed.

Under the icy gaze of the Demon King, looking at the monster that was clearly dying but still blocking his way, a feeling that a succubus had never had before suddenly appeared in Zhao Yaxin's heart.

Suddenly, scenes of her and Lin Fan's past appeared, and every scene was her and Lin Fan's intrigue and plotting against each other.


At this moment, these pasts seem a little sweet.

That's something that icy **** doesn't have.

When did you fall in love with him?

Take care of yourself on the road, touched by him?

Or was it that time he was rescued from the Reaper Space in Lawless?


And right now.

A voice broke the atmosphere.

"Zhao Yaxin, what are you waiting for?"

The huge angel demon looked down at Zhao Yaxin.

a time.

Lin Fan was stunned and turned his head to look at Zhao Yaxin.

Zhao Yaxin was expressionless.

Look at the demon who is high above and controls his own destiny, and then look at the werewolf who protects him.

She knows that as long as she is ruthless, she will be able to be in **** from one person below ten thousand people.

As long as he shoots this arrow by himself, he can break free from the contract and regain his freedom, just as the lord promised.

Zhao Yaxin bit her lip and released the arrow in her hand.


The arrow of the eighth-order Eros, reflecting the holy brilliance, rushed towards Lin Fan.

"You..." Lin Fan looked astonished, as if he understood something.


The arrow swiped by Lin Fan's ear, and then along the way, wrapped in holy brilliance, it spun toward the face of the angel and demon!

It seems to declare the choice of this perfect goddess.

"Don't call me, Zhao Yaxin." Zhao Yaxin smiled.

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