Global Gods: My Believer is Galen

Chapter 985: twisted soul

As if to understand the choice of this divine tree, those pitch-black demon trees suddenly shook violently, the branches shook, and the leaves screamed in horror.

"Father, no, no!"

"Father, you are already strong enough, don't ask for any more..."

They who were sneering and sneering at the beginning were full of horror at this time!

"Why, don't you and the devil want to pull me into the darkness?"

The big tree slowly opened its shrunk roots, "Now, as you wish, I am here."


The well-developed root system penetrated deep into the earth, greedily sucking the blood that the demon dripped in the crypt!

Before the magic tree could retract the roots that were entangled in it, its roots were like claws, tightly wrapping the dark roots.

No more resistance.

At this moment, it was extremely resistant to it before, madly absorbing the power of those demons.

Every drop of demon blood that contains evil breath, every trace of dark evil demon power.

They are all sucked by its roots greedily, not letting go of the slightest, like a hungry traveler encountering a clear spring!

The twist is happening.

The pain of the distorted soul made his branches and leaves rattle, and he clearly felt that a crazy consciousness was occupying his body, and this body was undergoing a terrifying transformation!

When this is done, it will cease to exist.

An evil and crazy consciousness will take its place and occupy it.

But it still endured the pain, actively absorbing the power from the devil.

"bring it on!"

"Come more violently!"

"This power... devour me! Twist me!"

The open tree roots dig deep into the soil, sucking the breath of Lucifer in the crypt, as if embracing the devil with open arms.

At this moment, the crystal clear moral heart left by the **** in its body was saturated with demonic energy, becoming pitch-black and deep, exuding an evil aura.

Its trunks turned pitch black, swelled and thickened rapidly, and the soil clacked with the sudden growth.

On the trunk, the dark nodules broke free from the bark like muscles, forming an evil face.

His eyes were closed, but there was a smile on his face.


Its canopy also soared at this moment, and countless branches grew, like a palm, the dark leaves and vines made it feel unprecedented power!

At the same time, the pain has intensified.

Forcibly reverse the life, from the moral tree to the pain of evil tree devil.

But it still refuses to stop, this is the depravity of its own choice!

In order to have the power of revenge, he willingly fell into the darkness.

Fall is also sublimation!

"Father, that's enough!"

"You are strong enough!"

The pitch-black magic trees trembled and said, they really felt the fear at this time.

"Not enough...not enough..." It murmured in a low voice, who had fallen into darkness and was infinitely greedy for power, "I suddenly knew why that **** chose to make me a tree."


"He just wants me to absorb more nutrients and more demon power at this time."

"He wants to make me stronger and more evil."

"Strong enough,"

"Enough for revenge."

"Evil to,"

"Enough to kill a guy whose morals can't beat him."

Its huge root system firmly grasped the roots of those magic trees, and even began to forcibly claim the demon power within those magic trees.

Trees, the most developed, are always rooted.

And it was the toughest tree in that forest, and the first tree.

It used its roots as a base to build communication networks for children.

At this time, this communication network, which symbolizes a father's love for his children, has become the father's means of killing these fallen children!


"Not my child!"

"You want me to degenerate, now here I am!"

"Feel how powerful a crazy tree is!"

Although it cannot move, its roots are spread all over the island.

In the past, it never wanted to compete with its own children for nutrients, so although the huge roots spread all over the island, they only served as a communication network for the children.

And now.

When the big tree began to roar, those magic trees could not stop its demands.

What's more, at this time it has been initially reversed and become a greedy tree demon!

Those magic trees tried their best to curl up their roots, but they couldn't break free from its roots, and they couldn't stop its demands!

a time.

The terrifying power of the devil was forcibly pulled out of those magic trees, and it greedily sucked gold into his own body.

The entire island, countless magic trees, could not stop the request of this most powerful moral tree.

"My life begins with reproduction and will end with end."

"I give you life."

"And now, I will kill you!"

"Kill you and avenge my children! This is revenge from nature!"



A magic tree could no longer support it, and at the moment when the demon's power was completely drained, it actually shattered.

And after the dark and sturdy tree trunk shattered.

Even the neat trunk and green leaves appeared again!

Demon power drained.

This magic tree was unexpectedly turned into a tree that loves life again!

To kill is to be reborn!

I went into the abyss, fell into a demon, and the light is far away from me.

But my children can be bright for generations!

My home will be peaceful and peaceful!

And I, in the deepest part of the abyss, will stand, watch, and guard.

This not-so-powerful big tree finally saved this forest for the last time with his own life, his only ability.



One after another, the magic tree is constantly shattering.

A green tree is reborn.

If you look at it from the sky, you can see that the pitch-black forest surrounding this big tree is turning green from the inside out at a speed visible to the naked eye.

It was as if there was a mouth, swallowing the dark ink in a big mouth.

And as those trees were turned green, the original lush green tree that stood on the top of the mountain was like ink.

The whole body was pitch black, and the darkness seemed to come from a bottomless abyss.

Even with the restoration of each magic tree, the darkness on its body is still deeper and deeper, as if it is constantly falling into the abyss.

The rest of the magic tree was howling.

And those saplings that recovered, after a brief stupor, trembled.

They know what the tree's actions mean.

The demonic power radiated by the demons was only stained in the slightest, and they turned them into a demonic tree without emotion and reason.

And now, this big tree **** all the devil trees and bears all the devil's power with its own power!

Although it is the first life born here.


"Father, stop!"

"do not do that!"


But it still didn't stop.

"I'm just a tree with no ability."

"I can't move, I can't fight."

"The only powerful thing is the developed root system."

"All I can do is to compete with you for the power of these demons... If there is a chance, I hope that this power that reverses me will allow me to move and give me a chance to fight."

It devoured the demonic power in those demon trees, and the unspeakable pain spread over every leaf, as if the whole body, even life, and even the soul were being twisted forcibly.

It can be felt.

Your own consciousness is dissipating, and a very evil, insane consciousness is taking its place.

But it still didn't stop the big mouth swallowing.

Looking at the green forest again with the last strength, looking at the descendants who escaped the abyss, it whispered: "Remember my name, my name is..."

With the last of its strength, it wants to say the last name that it has thought about for several years and is very powerful.

"Super Supreme Invincible Powerful Dawei Tianlong Boruo Buddhas, Lone Star in the North, Shadow Sakura Killing, Jinghong Tianmang, The Fall of Infinity Hell, Faith of Illusory People, Philosophy of the Disgusted, The Truth of All Things in the Universe, Shattering Time and Space of Destruction Fierce Teeth, Cursed Fallen Angel, Calamity, Dark Cross, Phoenix's Feather Clothes, Nine Nine Eighty-One Monsters and Demons Return to One Sonata, Equivalent from the Other Shore, The Ending Fire, Big Red Lotus, Longao …”

The words stopped suddenly.

At this moment, its roots stopped trembling, becoming cold and hard, dark and deep.

The last magic tree was completely drained of its demonic power and returned to normal.

The forest is silent.

Countless saplings with green branches and leaves looked at this dark tree.

It was like a green ocean surrounding an ink bead.

And the name was not finished after all.

this moment.

All the trees on the island trembled.

They felt the father's departure.

They felt that a powerful and extremely evil existence was waking up.


The big tree in the sky that devoured all the power of the devil suddenly swelled, the terrifying trunk of the tree was 100 meters in diameter, and the canopy seemed to cover the sky!

Straight to the sky!

And the root system that covered the entire island was shattered at this moment, and this **** tree actually stood up from the soil with only a few sturdy roots left!

this moment.

This not-so-powerful tree, under the influence of the demon power from Lucifer, became the most powerful tree demon!

The original one has disappeared, and in its place is a twisted, evil soul!


The hideous face on the tree trunk opened his eyes.

Evil turquoise light emanated from the hollow wooden eye sockets, and the cracked mouth looked extra weird.

The fruit, which was originally bright red and bright, became pitch black at this moment, and its mouth and eyes were split open, like little devils.

The horny, quirky arms that were densely covered in tree burls looked particularly dignified.

The branches and leaves that were once emerald green, at this moment, are darker than the deepest abyss, as if they came from under hell.

It finally got its way.

When it is reversed, it can really move freely and has a chance to fight!

But at this time it is no longer it.

This twisted soul, born from Lucifer's extremely evil demonic power, widened his turquoise eyes and glanced at the green trees around him.

this moment.

The entire forest trembled under its gaze.

That is the most evil look.

Full of hatred, killing.

These trees, at this moment, are all worried, will this guy tear them apart?


Under the fearful gaze of those trees, the distorted crazy soul did nothing, but was briefly confused.

As a newly born twisted soul, it instinctively wants to kill, to tear apart the green and peaceful forest in front of it.


But there is a sense of consciousness that came from nowhere, it seems that he wants to let him protect these trees and protect this home.

These two consciousnesses are colliding!

The devil's instinct is fighting against that residual consciousness!


This terrifying magic tree covered its crown and let out a low roar like a beast!

"Stop torturing me!"

"I, I want to kill, but this forest in front of me... Damn, why! Why can't I do it!"

"But I want to kill something!"

"I want revenge! But who am I going to avenge!"

"Why am I here! Roar!!"

The two wills at war made this newly twisted soul feel unbearable pain, as if it were about to crack.

It was an evil instinct from the blood of demons.

As well as the remnants of the moral tree that loves life, the obsession with home and everything The evil desire to kill, and the love for life, make it fall into endless pain, as if Just living is purgatory, it is extremely tangled and painful.


The magic tree, which had been in pain just after birth, stopped shaking.

It had a mad grin on its terrifying face.

"Although I don't know who I am, I somehow want to protect this forest."

"However, since I can't kill this forest, I have to kill something to satisfy myself."

"Then, all those who harm this forest must die!"

It looked under itself.


under the soil.

There is a seemingly very powerful existence, releasing the evil breath and invading this forest.

that guy.

Seems to be their own kind.

Moreover, it seems that his demonic power transformed himself.

It stands to reason that the life that he transformed from him should bow his head to the leader and obey orders respectfully.


"You, dare to endanger this forest?"

This magic tree suddenly knew what it was going to kill.

at the same time.

In his chaotic head, a word suddenly sounded inexplicably.

"I will be alone, because, I will strangle all the dirty lives that walk with me."

"In the deepest part of the abyss, only one tree will stand."

Protect life with the body of a demon.

Protect the homeland with evil instinct.

Since it is impossible to fight back evil with morality, then abandon morality and use deeper evil to tear it apart!

This crazy and powerful tree demon is the seed left by the **** of morality with his own life and flesh and blood essence.

It is also the trap that he left behind to avenge Lucifer.

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