Global Gods: My Believer is Galen

Chapter 978: That's it, you want to block the first blade?

The latest website: "Boom!!"

The first blade swept across the air.

A terrifying breath swept out, and ripples appeared in the air.

But not divine power.

Rather, it was a pure killing aura!

The first blade and Cain are the beginning of the killing!

Although this knife is only rough polished by animal bones, it is the creation of the first massacre in history, the first knife stained with blood!

The ancestor of the gods, Abel's blood and life were devoured by this knife in exchange for the killing power.

No power, no magic.

Only that pure killing!

Everything that is contaminated with this breath, at this moment, is divided into two halves!

At this moment, time seemed to stand still.

The ripples were transmitted in the air, and the air saw a mirror-like barrier.

It is not that the space is broken, but that the air cannot heal!

That ripple continued to spread from bottom to top.

The dazzling thunder was split into two.

The sharp claws of the Inextinguishable Thunders were cut into neat cuts the moment they touched the ripples.

The ripples finally spread to the huge bodies of the inextinguishable mad thunders.

The tough and thick fur, without any resistance under the ripples, was directly cut off.

The skin was also torn apart instantly.

Then, there are muscles, blood vessels, bones!

Wherever you go, it's all divided into two!


The inextinguishable mad thunders let out a thunderous roar, but the next moment.



The body of more than a thousand inextinguishable mad thunder was split into two like a hill, and fell heavily from the air.

Blood is like rain.

The white broken hair was stained with blood, and wrapped in the remnants of thunder light, it fell in the air.

The corpses of the inextinguishable mad thunder were all cut in half by the ripples condensed by the killing aura, and fell on the ground beside Lucifer.

The corpse was like a hill, and the bright red cut surface was shocking.


Lucifer exhaled slightly, standing in the blood and hair with a knife, with an arrogant smile on his face: "This is what you should look like in front of me."

this moment.

Lin Fan froze in place.

On Lucifer, no, to be precise, it was the breath of the knife in Lucifer's hand that made Lin Fan forget to breathe.

Under the impact of that breath, Lin Fan's mind even had the illusion of being cut into pieces!

The scene was silent.

At this moment, Lucifer is like an existence that kills everything.

The breath from that knife made the gods fear and tremble for it!

But then.

Lin Fan gritted his teeth fiercely, and a group of card masters appeared next to him again.

"Control him!" Lin Fan played a card again with red eyes.

Inextinguishable mad thunder, the whole army is wiped out!

Just a knife!

The card masters heard the Lord God's order, and without any hesitation, squeezed out a card.

W skill, [card selection]!

"Goddess of victory, smiling!"

"Everything is in the cards."

The card masters lowered the brim of their hats, with mysterious smiles on the corners of their mouths, and the cards flew at their fingertips!

a time.

The golden cards were like raindrops, smashing **** Lucifer.

The Thresh also threw the chains again.


Lucifer is still unavoidable!

Those cards collided with him, but they didn't affect him at all.

The hook scythe couldn't hook her body at all, it just slipped off his skin.

Lucifer was not affected at all, and was even using his left hand holding the knife to tidy up his suit.

At this time, the demon looked gentle and kind.

But, this is the real arrogance!

The so-called arrogance is not to put on the appearance of Laozi's number one in the world.

True arrogance is often hidden under gentleness and subtlety.

Let your attack go.

I still organize my clothes.

this moment.

This arrogance is completely revealed from Lucifer.

He didn't even look at Lin Fan as a human being, completely ignoring Lin Fan's attack.

A sense of oppression completely enveloped Lin Fan. This oppression was even more severe than when Lucifer walked towards him step by step!

This Demon King of Hell is the original sin of arrogance among the Seven Demon Kings.

And this arrogance is the embodiment of great strength.

"Why doesn't it work!"

"Control it!"

"Dizziness! Fear! Anything is fine!"

Lin Fan kept releasing various skills, but Lucifer just looked at him with a faint smile.

The first blade in his hand seemed to be awakened by the blood and slaughter just now, faintly glowing red, as if expecting more blood.

"Okay." Lucifer suddenly raised his head and looked at Lin Fan: "These powers of yours are indeed very powerful."

"But unfortunately."

"Facing me, these powers are nothing."

Lucifer looked at the lantern in Thresh's hand, "That evil **** of the underworld, in his heyday, even the Archangel Uriel, who guarded the underworld and the stars, was afraid."

"Although I don't know how you found his remnant."

"But now, he is just a remnant."

"It doesn't matter whether the condensed nether chains or prisons have little effect on me."

"What's more... I have a stronger power."

Lucifer shook the first blade in his hand.

The Seven Devils of Hell.

Every demon king has a powerful demon magic weapon.

It is not a taboo, but it contains purer power than taboos.

And Lucifer, is holding the first blade.

Those control effects should have some influence on him.

But when he held the first blade, under the influence of the strong killing power, he had become half Cain!

And Cain.

The so-called unstoppable godslayer!

After the murder of his brother, the God of Creation actually wanted to execute Cain, but the first killing in the God Realm and the life of his elder brother Abel had changed Cain's life.

The ancestor of evil.

As long as there is evil, he cannot be killed!

As long as he still has the idea of ​​killing in his heart, it will not stop!

That's pure, killing machine.

There are even rumors that he made a deal with a being who stood side by side with the creator god, that being who gave him immortality and unstoppable power, and that Cain offered him infinite slaughter.

The rumors are not true.

But one thing cannot be denied.

Even the God of Creation cannot kill Cain, the creature, or even stop him.

Therefore, the God of Creation could only exile him, and even Gabriel once told Lucifer that he had seen Cain with the first blade, resisting the coercion and power of the God of Creation, step by step toward creation World God!

Even if the God of Creation used the divine power of space to traverse several planes, he could not get rid of that figure!

That's a complete monster.

Unstoppable, no death, only endless killing and death will accompany him forever.

It was a slayer, a god-killer, and a rebel who walked in the realm of the gods.

There is also a name.

God punisher.

Lucifer once led an army of angels to encircle and suppress Cain, who had just killed a fifth-level divine kingdom and was seriously injured, but he was still forced to kill him and escaped.

But in that battle, Lucifer got the first blade that he was thinking about.

Among the seven great angels, the remaining six angels all thought that Lucifer was able to take the first blade because of his own strength and had a tragic fight with Cain.

And in fact.

When Lucifer rushed away, there was only a slowly leaving back, the body of an angel on the ground, and a first blade inserted into the archangel's heart.

Lucifer felt that it was a gift from Cain to him.

Because it was Cain who instigated and killed Abel, who forged the **** case and the first blade.

From Lucifer's point of view, it is no exaggeration to say that he accomplished Cain.

Therefore, it is understandable that Cain left a gift for himself.

Later, Lucifer, who had the first blade, launched a war, known as the Battle of the Fallen.

That battle.

Countless angels fell to the sky, like meteors piercing the sky and falling to the lower realm.

And this time.

Holding the first blade that contained part of Cain's power and even part of his life, Lucifer had already become half God's Punisher and half Cain.


In the battle between gods and demons led by Amy, Lucifer held the first blade and faced the encirclement and suppression of hundreds of guardian gods, still unstoppable.

Although that power is not enough to make him truly immortal like Cain, the killing power can make him an unstoppable God Punisher.

At this time, Lin Fan's so-called control effect had no effect on Lucifer, who was infected with the power of slaughter.

Lucifer, who no longer wanted to play any more, walked towards Lin Fan step by step, ignoring Lin Fan's followers completely while holding those cards.

He stroked the first blade that exudes desire for flesh and blood with his fingers, and smiled at the corner of his mouth: "This knife is called the first It is called this name because it is the first knife in history, The creation of the first killing."

"More because."

"For it, killing only requires a knife!"

Lucifer raised the blade, moved towards Lin Fan, and slashed down!

"You are honored to die at the beginning of this killing!"

The first blade, wrapped in the aura of slaughter, slashed at Lin Fan!


What made Lucifer even more disdainful was that Lin Fan only took out a wooden stick from behind in the face of this unstoppable slaughter.


Still a stick with eyes.

That's it, you want to block the first blade?

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