The latest website: A taboo left by the **** of morality requires the owner to do good deeds every day.

This is actually quite logical.

But this taboo fell into Lin Fan's hands, and he always felt that this taboo was a little bit inappropriate... It was interrupted by someone's leg and then reconnected. What is this called doing a good deed every day?

This taboo is not to make Lin Fan do a good deed every day, but to make him become the most feared demon king in Lengcui City!

But think carefully.

It seems that there is nothing wrong with it. Treating the legs is a good deed every day...

"Okay," Lin Fan walked back with a smile, "I have almost figured out the taboos. This condition is not difficult for me, and it is easy to meet."

"Then next." Lin Fan continued to look inside the sarcophagus with bright eyes.

All that was left was the skeleton holding a dry black arm.

This is the corpse of the one who walked past the resting god.

Seeing Lin Fan's gaze, Cao Dahua, who was beside him, shuddered, and said in horror, "Why don't you think... This is someone's body! They just told you the conditions for using and containing the taboos. what!"

Hearing Cao Dahua's words, Lin Fan's outstretched hand froze in the air.


Seems a little too immoral, myself.

How can you just grab someone's corpse so directly!

Lin Fan was silent for a moment, and bowed respectfully towards the sarcophagus: "I hope to use the corpse of the senior. If the senior is dissatisfied, please raise your hand and speak!"

After two seconds.

Lin Fan bowed again with a moved face: "Thank you, senior!"

Cao Dahua was dumbfounded: "No, he looks like this. Even if he wants to raise his hand, he can't raise his hand. Aren't you bullying honest people?"

"Heh." Lin Fan didn't change his face, he directly reached out and grabbed the skeleton: "I already gave him a chance!"


Lin Fan grabbed Skull's arm.

To be human is to be greedy.

I, Lin Fan, can't even let go of the bones!

After all, this is a skeleton left by a high-level **** who has gone through the path of divine experience!

But before he could take out the frame of bones, he watched the arm he grabbed suddenly make a crisp sound.


Lin Fan was stunned.

In an instant, above the skeleton, cracks filled the air like cobwebs.

next moment.


The skeleton completely turned into a little bit of crystal light, and it just dissipated in the air.

The air was dead silent.

Lin Fan suddenly carefully analyzed: "It seems that after the death of this resting god, the essence of his flesh and blood has been completely lost, nourishing the land, so it has become a dead bone that will shatter at the touch of a touch."

"Is it the time to analyze this?" Cao Dahua looked bewildered, "People gave you taboos, but you've been smashed to ashes!"

"Okay, don't worry about these details." Lin Fan waved his hand and looked down at the sarcophagus.

Cao Dahua: "..."

I really don't know what the **** of morality sees in you.

This is probably the first successor in the history of the God Realm who threw the gods of rest to ashes...

At this point, only the dry arm was left in the sarcophagus.

This is a right arm.

The skin is dry, the flesh is wretched, and the arm looks thin and small.

And there doesn't seem to be any breath.

"That resting god, why did he hold this arm in his arms before he died?" Lin Fan frowned slightly, and carefully took out the arm.

Although this arm looks extraordinarily ordinary, it is obviously extraordinarily extraordinary that the resting **** actually held it before he died.

Lin Fan observed it carefully, and saw that the arm's skin was dark and deep, and it looked extremely evil.

The arm was cut neatly, and the cut was a grayish color, as if someone had cut it off from the shoulder!

"Lin Fan, this arm..." Cao Dahua was also a little puzzled.

"Wait." Lin Fan suddenly held the severed hand and sensed it carefully.

This arm is not breathless!

rather weak.

Lin Fan carefully felt the breath of this arm, and then his face changed: "The breath of the devil!"

Although the breath is weak, it is a pure demon breath!

This level of pure and extreme breath.

Lin Fan only felt it on Morgana.

The original purebred demon!

The most bizarre thing is that there seems to be an extremely sacred aura hidden under that extremely evil aura, just like the fallen angel Morgana!

"Whose is this arm!" Lin Fan suddenly opened his eyes.

Suddenly there was an ominous feeling in my heart.

Whoever owns this arm.

There is no doubt that it will be an exceptionally powerful existence!

And right now.

"Lin Fan." Cao Dahua looked at the arm with a pale face: "I just wanted to tell you, this arm suddenly moved!"

Lin Fan looked down.

I see.

The fingers of this black arm are bending slightly.

"This..." Lin Fan stared at this strange scene in horror, "What the **** is going on!"


And right now.

"Hehe, don't be nervous."

A laughter suddenly came from the shadows in the crypt.

A middle-aged man wearing a high-grade suit with ironing, with a restrained and warm smile, and a polite middle-aged man walked slowly.

a time.

Everyone was stunned, including Lin Fan, who looked at the man who suddenly appeared in disbelief.

This guy in front of me... When did he hide here?

Although the battle was fierce before, Lin Fan was always paying attention to his surroundings, but he didn't notice the appearance of this man at all.

There is only one possibility.

That is.

The strength of this man is far higher than himself!

in silence.

"Click, click."

Smooth leather shoes stepped on the slate.

The man walked towards Lin Fan step by step, and explained with a smile, "It's just that it felt the call of its master."

"Old friend, long time no see."

"I've been looking for you for a long time too."

The last two sentences were said to the arm that Lin Fan was holding.

The arms and fingers were bent even more violently, and it even looked like he was about to break free from Lin Fan and return to his master!

"Okay, little friend, thank you for your hard work." The man looked at Lin Fan politely and smiled politely, "Give me my arm back."

"Your arm?" Lin Fan's eyes were complicated, but he didn't let go of that arm.


This arm is definitely not the arm that a **** should have!

A terrifying thought was born in Lin Fan's mind. He had heard of a legendary guy who also broke his arm!

If it's that guy.

No matter what, Lin Fan couldn't give him his arm!

And even if he hands over his arm, that guy will never let him go! Not only because of his own body, but also because of the identity of that guy!

"Who the **** are you!" Lin Fan suddenly took a step forward and pressed the other's identity.

"Hahaha, who am I?"

"That's a good question."

The man smiled.

Although looking at Bai Zhaoyun's eyes, he was faintly apprehensive.

But this gentleman with a beard in a suit took a step forward.

Because that arm is too important to him.

Just one step.

The terrifying pitch-black demonic energy spread out on him, and those deep eyes lit up with dazzling red light.

A coercion from the level of life, invisibly suppressing the minds of everyone.

behind the man.

Sixteen huge dark wings slowly unfolded.

The feathers are pitch black, like a picture scroll.

There is a hint of holiness in the evil!

"I have many names," said the terrifying man with a low smile. "My father used to call me Bright Star. At that time, I was my father's favorite child, shining with a holy brilliance."

"Now I am a fallen morning star who was rejected by the gods."

"It is also the original sin of arrogance."

"The Seven Demon Kings of Hell, the King of Bewitching."

"my name is……"

When the man said this, he paused slightly.

His name is engraved in the history of the gods and ****

The king of bewitching.

The original sin of arrogance.

Bright star, child of the morning.

One of the most beautiful and powerful archangels under the God of Creation, the Star of Dawn, fell in chaos for nine twilights and came to hell.

He was the serpent in the Garden of Eden, bewitching the Father and the Mother of Gods to swallow the forbidden fruit.

In order to obtain the first blade, he bewitched Cain to kill Abel, and created the first **** murder case in the God Realm.

He was once an angel bathed in glory and worshipped, and he was also a feared devil, Satan.

And now.

This demon who gave up glory, betrayed the order, and fell from the archangel softly called out the name that his father gave him and was engraved in the legend of the gods.

"Lucifer Morningstar."

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