Global Gods: My Believer is Galen

Chapter 967: Who do you want me to help?

Latest website: Bai Zhaoyun slowly stopped, as if he was a little regretful. Before he could swing his sword, the other party conceded defeat.

And in fact.

Bai Zhaoyun was too frightened!

He really didn't dare to reveal his true strength!

Others don't know, but he himself knows that under his bells and whistles, he actually only has eighth-tier strength...

This is also the interference of dreams. In fact, Bai Zhaoyun itself is only sixth-order.


Bai Zhaoyun drew his sword and stood up again, showing no doubt the demeanor of a strong man.

But the next moment.

The dream changed again.

This time, the gate of **** opened, and a seventeenth-order ferocious demon slowly climbed out.

And this time, Bai Zhaoyun's cognition of his own strength is only seventh-order!

"It's fine if I can't beat you, I don't believe it, I can't scare you!" The nightmare gritted her teeth.


Bai Zhaoyun was expressionless again, standing with his sword in hand.

"Three million swordsmen in the sky, you need to lower your eyebrows when you see me!"

"I surrender!"

"It's too scary, I don't believe it!" Nightmare roared, compiling a dream again.

This time, thunderclouds rolled in the sky, and a seventeenth-order angel descended from the sky!

And Bai Zhaoyun's strength has also dropped to the sixth rank.

"The sword is the limit, and the sun, moon, and stars are smashed with one sword!" Bai Zhaoyun drew his sword indifferently!

"I surrender!"


The nightmare compiled various dreams again and again.

Bai Zhaoyun's enemies became stronger again and again, and even the eighteenth-order Prometheus was woven out, which was also the most powerful existence he had personally come into contact with.

Bai Zhaoyun's strength is also declining, sixth-order, fifth-order, fourth-order...

But what broke this nightmare was.

Even if Bai Zhaoyun only has the strength of a demigod, facing the eighteenth-order Prometheus, he still draws his sword indifferently, looking like he is about to be cut out!

"This guy!"

"Why can't you scare him!"

"Under the interference of dreams, he clearly knew that he was only a demigod, so why is he still not afraid of these legendary enemies!"

"Why don't you give in!"

"Why don't you sign a contract!"

The spirit of that nightmare almost collapsed!

This time, dreaming again and again, under the coercion of Bai Zhaoyun drawing his sword again and again, he, the dream controller, collapsed so quickly!

Without the strength of the No. 1 Sword God, why is he still holding it!

Under the interference of the dream, he clearly forgot his own terrifying strength!

And in fact.

Bai Zhaoyun, the first sword god, had no power at all.

It is only through a persevering belief that he will never give up and never admit defeat that he has been able to hold on until now.

Bai Zhaoyun never felt that he was really the first sword god.


The first sword god, is it really just the strength?

As long as the strength is strong, is it the first sword god?

In other words, in terms of strength, there are many people in the God Realm who are stronger than Bai Zhaoyun. Even if Lin Fan really wants to fight, he can hit Bai Zhaoyun on the ground!


In the entire Lieyang Divine Kingdom, from ancient times to the present, there is only one first sword god!

Forge ahead and never admit defeat!

No matter how strong the enemy is, even if his own strength is weak, even if he may be just an ant in the eyes of the enemy!


I, Bai Zhaoyun, will never step back!

This is the first sword **** of Lieyang Divine Kingdom, Bai Zhaoyun!


This nightmare thought that it could scare Bai Zhaoyun, and the carefully crafted nightmare had no effect on Bai Zhaoyun at all.


This is his life all the time, and the pressure he bears all the time.

The enemies constructed by these nightmares, no matter how powerful and terrifying they are, are not Bai Zhaoyun's nightmares.

There is only one nightmare that Bai Zhaoyun really fears.

That is.

Everyone looked at him with contempt, just like Lin Fan's red eyes full of contempt, anger and doubt.

That was Bai Zhaoyun's real nightmare.

In addition, no matter how powerful the enemy is, it cannot make Bai Zhaoyun truly despair!

Looking at Prometheus in front of him, who was flaming and standing like a 10,000-meter giant, Bai Zhaoyun held the sword again, just like before.

The terrifying sword intent came out through the body!

Rolling sword energy surrounds, majestic sword intent soars to the sky.

Looking at the Lord of Fire in front of him, Bai Zhaoyun, who only has the strength of a demigod, said expressionlessly, "Don't think that I really don't dare to use a sword."

this moment.

The dream began to shatter.

It was the nightmare who couldn't bear this mental torture any longer. He originally wanted to torture the first sword god's nightmare from the mental level, but at this moment, he was tortured to the point of collapse!

It was as if Bai Zhaoyun could not scare him, even if he had only the strength of a demigod, he dared to draw his sword against the Prometheus he had drawn!

This guy.

Do you really not know to be afraid?

For a time, facing the first Sword God who couldn't beat him and couldn't scare him, this nightmare could no longer maintain his calmness.

And as his mind collapsed.

This carefully crafted dream world shook violently, and dense cracks appeared!

The crack not only appeared on the sketched Prometheus in front of Bai Zhaoyun, but also appeared on the ground, in the sky, and in the air!

Everywhere, as if the whole world was about to collapse.

"Huh?" Bai Zhaoyun raised his head suspiciously, and suddenly thought he understood something: "I remembered."

"turn out to be."

"It's a dream."

The end of a dream often ends when the dreamer realizes that it is a dream.

With Bai Zhaoyun's voice falling.


The entire dream world is shattered at this moment!

In the crypt, the sleeping Bai Zhaoyun opened his eyes again, and at the same time, a black aura roared in pain from him, and fled away, turning into a black-clothed boy again.

The moment the black-clothed boy appeared, he fell directly to the ground, coughing up blood, his body seemed to be turned into an illusion!

Dream backlash!

"As expected, the number one Sword God!" The young man looked at Bai Zhaoyun with fear in his eyes.

Bai Zhaoyun didn't seem to want to take revenge. Facing this young man who could kill himself with a single sword, he whispered, "Your ability is very good."

"It's just a pity."

"You guessed wrong about my nightmare."

And in fact.

Bai Zhaoyun can't wait to stab this young man who was frightening him in his dreams with a sword, but he really doesn't dare to make a move... Once he makes a move, his true strength will be exposed.

Don't say stab this boy to death.

I'm afraid that this black-clothed boy, who has been seriously injured and weak, will be killed on the spot.

Therefore, Bai Zhaoyun can only put on the appearance of a peerless master, pretending to be too lazy to care about him, and spare his life...

This nightmare disguised as the God of Dreams was unexpected, but he was wrong from the very beginning.

If he was a bit stubborn and shot Bai Zhaoyun directly, or dealt with Bai Zhaoyun head-on in a dream, this so-called first sword **** would die on the spot!


This young man chose to use dreams to scare Bai Zhaoyun...

Comparing acting skills with a **** of acting, isn't it a joke?

In the dream, Nightmare was afraid that Bai Zhaoyun would actually use the sword, but Bai Zhaoyun didn't dare to use the sword, he just pretended to use the sword. The dreams collapsed one by one.

That's the difference in performance.

But every time, this nightmare is not frightened, Bai Zhaoyun will die without a place to die... But the gap in acting skills is too great, Bai Zhaoyun's dealing with him is like playing.

At the same time that Bai Zhaoyun just woke up, Cao Dahua, who had been knocked out by Lin Fan before, also woke up immediately.

Seeing Bai Zhaoyun awake, Cao Dahua was immediately excited, as if he was grabbing a life-saving straw.

"Bai Jianshen, go and help Lin Fan, his life is really in danger now!"

Bai Zhaoyun turned his head to look.

I see.

A golden werewolf is pressing Zhao Yaxin to the ground with a hammer!

Bai Zhaoyun looked at the scene in front of was silent for a moment, then looked at Cao Dahua with a puzzled face: "Who do you want me to help?"


The teenager sat helplessly in front of the computer: "There was a mistake when uploading, I uploaded chapter 966 first, and then found the mistake, changed it to chapter 965 in seconds, and uploaded a new chapter 966."

"As a result, it has been crawled before the modification. It is equivalent to uploading chapter 966 twice..."

"I have given feedback to the editor, but the editor is on holiday on weekends, and we need to wait until next Monday to grab it again, and chapter 965 will not come out again."

"There have been too many things recently, and my mind is a little dizzy. To put it simply, Chapter 965 means that Zhao Yaxin wants to fully release the power of the devil in the face of the ever-growing werewolf, but because Bai Zhaoyun is sleeping beside him, he does not dare, he can only see Werewolves are getting stronger little by little."

"And in the dream, that nightmare can actually fight against Bai Zhaoyun in the dream, but he wisely chose to use the dream to scare Bai Zhaoyun, trying to make Bai Zhaoyun sign a soul contract in fear... Alas, my mind has been a little dizzy recently, everyone. Excuse can wait until Monday to see 965."

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