Global Gods: My Believer is Galen

Chapter 964: Growing Werewolf

this moment.

The white dress on Zhao Yaxin's body was windless and automatic, as if breaking a certain seal, a powerful force appeared in Zhao Yaxin's body.

The breath is also rising at the moment when this power appears!


As if feeling that the girl in front of her seemed to be becoming more and more dangerous, driven by instinct, the golden werewolf who was crawling on the ground let out a low roar.


Pounce on Zhao Yaxin again.

The muscles full of wild power exploded instantly, and the burly and strong body of the werewolf appeared in front of Zhao Yaxin almost instantly like a golden light.

A pair of sharp claws slammed into Zhao Yaxin's shoulders, and the **** mouth opened wide and bit towards Zhao Yaxin's throat!

The sharp fangs reflect an icy sheen.

Fangs and claws, weapons unique to beasts.

This is the most primitive hunting.


Facing the werewolf who flew over this time, Zhao Yaxin did not hesitate at all, and punched her fists fiercely!

He punched the werewolf's head that bit his throat, and punched the werewolf's shoulder!

As for the werewolf's sharp claws grabbing at his shoulders, Zhao Yaxin didn't defend at all.

One man and one wolf, start fighting from this moment!

Fists and feet, fangs and claws!


The claws pierce the skin.


The fist hit the werewolf's body.

Zhao Yaxin took a few steps back abruptly, and the skin on his shoulders was flaky.

The werewolf was directly sent flying, fell on the ground in a prostrate posture, and slid back several meters before stabilizing his figure, leaving traces of wolf claws in front of him.

There was some surprise in the werewolf's eyes.

The power of Zhao Yaxin's pair of pink and white fists is not weaker than this self at all, and even surpasses this self!

The werewolf's head, even with the buffer of golden wolf hair, was still smeared with blood by this punch, and the golden hair was soaked with blood.

His body was slightly arched and trembling slightly because of the pain that almost smashed his internal organs.

But there was no fear in the werewolf's eyes, instead he became more and more excited!

For hunters, the more powerful the food, the more interested it can be!


The werewolf roared up to the sky.

As if being stimulated by the resistance of the pain and the food in front of him, the fur on his body became more and more golden and brighter, and his figure skyrocketed again!

The wound on the head also healed again!

Werewolves are known for their physique!

At this moment, this werewolf suddenly became stronger and more terrifying than before!

Pain, never scare away beasts.

Instead, it makes the food even sweeter!

This is madness inscribed in werewolf blood!

"Pain makes your heart sweeter."

"I will taste it carefully!"

The werewolf licked his lips and roared in a low voice, and then rushed towards Zhao Yaxin again as if he didn't know the fatigue and pain!

One person and one wolf collide with each other in the most primitive manner!

Every time, Zhao Yaxin pushed the werewolf back.

It was Zhao Yaxin's true strength, for Lin Fan, it was almost crushing.

Even if the blood of the ancestor of the werewolf awakens in Lin Fan's body, his own strength is only the sixth rank!

And Zhao Yaxin.

The fifteenth-order high-level demon, the Queen of Meizu!

Even the succubus family itself is not good at frontal combat, nor is it good at power competition.

Their greatest means is charm.

Facing the instinctive will left in the blood of the werewolf ancestors who only had pure slaughter desires, Zhao Yaxin seemed to be at a disadvantage, but such a huge gap in strength is simply not comparable to any bloodline!

The strength gap between the fifteenth rank and the sixth rank is an insurmountable gap.

Cao Dahua's bloodline of the **** of dragon and phoenix is ​​strong enough, but if he faces Lin Weimao at this time, even if he turns into a giant dragon, it is still not enough to see!

If a sixth-order **** can kill a fifteenth-order high-level **** by virtue of his blood, that is a real joke!

Even a succubus who is not good at close combat and power competition can easily crush a middle-level **** of thirteenth order with fists and feet, even a **** of power!


Zhao Yaxin was not feeling well at this time.

Because the werewolf in front of him seemed like he couldn't kill him no matter how hard he fought, he rushed towards him frantically again and again, looking like he didn't know how tired and painful it was.

Being beaten back again and again made him even more crazy in pain.

Those wounds are still healing!

And what shocked Zhao Yaxin the most was that this werewolf's will seemed to be adapting to Lin Fan's body quickly, becoming more and more powerful.

Every punch is getting stronger and stronger!

In fact, even so, it won't make Zhao Yaxin so nervous.

After all, Zhao Yaxin is a high-level 15th-order demon. She really has to go all out. The werewolf in front of her can be easily killed with a few punches!


She can't go all out!

Although Bai Zhaoyun, who is not far away, has fallen into a dream, his perception of the surrounding environment is infinitely reduced, but if he unabashedly erupts with demonic power, he is afraid that he will wake up Bai Zhaoyun before he can take action.

That is the first sword god!

Zhao Yaxin is convinced that even if this guy is accidentally dragged into a dream by a nightmare, it is absolutely impossible for that 12th-order nightmare to trap Bai Zhaoyun in the dream!

Once Bai Zhaoyun is awakened by the power of the devil he unleashes, then with the strength of the first sword **** Bai Zhaoyun, I am afraid that he can kill him with a single sword!

What a Meizu queen, what a high-level demon.

In front of the first sword **** who can push back Prometheus, he is just an ant that can be killed with a single sword!

not to mention.

In addition to the first sword **** who was temporarily asleep, in the Sea of ​​​​God of Meteor outside this small island, there is also Situ Jue of the Lieyang Divine Kingdom leading 100,000 divine soldiers, as well as the two holy knights of the Divine Kingdom, the Purple Knight and the White Knight.

Zhao Yaxin is not a fool.

Lieyang Divine Kingdom took out Shenzang as a reward for the champion of the freshman competition. This incredible behavior was not right.

There are such a large number of champions of the freshman competition every year, and it is almost enough to give one or two hundred million faith points. How can they be worthy of Shenzang?

You must know how precious the divine treasure is.

Even for a kingdom of gods, it is a rare resource.

Even the demons in hell, in order to search for a certain divine treasure, risked being discovered by the gods, and did everything possible to infiltrate the Kingdom of Lieyang.

It's so generous, I can't say it at all.

Do you really think Lieyang Divine Kingdom is for charity? Even if you pay attention to the good seedlings of the freshman champions, you shouldn't pay so much attention to them, right?

Furthermore, the competition between the champions of the freshman competition had actually led Situ Jue, the five-star golden general of the Lieyang Divine Kingdom, to personally lead one hundred thousand gods to **** it.

There were also two Holy Court Paladins who were rarely seen on weekdays and represented the most powerful force in the kingdom of God.

This lineup is simply not the **** team that a freshman champion should have!

This exaggeration is as if a country on earth sent 100,000 top special forces to **** the competition champions of more than a dozen recruit companies to participate in the physical fitness competition... It is too unreal.

These behaviors are too weird.

Zhao Yaxin knew that Lieyang Divine Kingdom must have noticed something, so she made such an illogical move.

This seems to be a reward for the champion of the freshman competition, but in fact, it is a bait for the devil!

After the bait, there is the trap formed by Situ Jue, the two Holy Court Paladins, and one hundred thousand gods!

Lieyang Divine Kingdom is to use Shenzang to call out those demons that are still hidden in the Divine Kingdom.

This abacus is very good.

Aren't you hiding in my Lieyang Divine Kingdom for the sake of the gods?

Okay, then I will expose the Divine Treasure that I discovered with great fanfare, and ask if you dare to take it?

Lieyang Divine Kingdom also knows that the devil will definitely not miss this opportunity.

Therefore, 100,000 Divine Soldiers and two Holy Court Paladins are waiting for the demon to show up!

This is almost a clear move. Lieyang Divine Kingdom knows the devil's thoughts, and the devil also knows Lieyang Divine Kingdom's intentions, but both sides can't avoid it, take the initiative to pick it up, and enter the game in person!

Zhao Yaxin can fully guess.

At this time, Situ Jue was guarding not far from the island with 100,000 divine soldiers and two holy paladins. As long as the aura of demons emanated, those gods would immediately rush to the island~www.wuxiamtl. com~ Even a little more ruthless, directly covering this small island with firepower, it is not impossible to strangle all the demons and these students indiscriminately!

Although Zhao Yaxin is a high-level fifteenth-order demon, she never thinks she can stand up to the two Holy Court Paladins!


At this time, Zhao Yaxin did not dare to release the demonic power hidden in her body even if she mobilized it.

The demon power she can mobilize is extremely limited.

She wants to ensure that this power can be hidden under the appearance of the gods and will not be released.

Otherwise... as long as she exudes the slightest devilish breath, she will die here in minutes!

As for manifesting a demon form, it is even more impossible!

Therefore, although Zhao Yaxin is strong at this time, he does not dare to use more demon power rashly, and has already reached the limit that can be used in the state of gods.

Dare to use one more point, it is equivalent to courting death!



The werewolf who was repelled and rushed back again and again was like a madman who didn't care about the pain at all, but his breath became stronger and stronger in the pain again and again!


in a strange space.

The teenager sat at the computer desk and sighed helplessly: "When the last chapter was uploaded, there were hundreds of words missing... Some readers should have noticed that Zhao Yaxin turned around and wanted to run, but Lin Fan pressed her under him, Shout out the "heart" part."

"I have applied for re-crawling, and I can make corrections tomorrow. Readers who are not chasing updates can rest assured that the revisions have been completed when you read them."

"As for the readers who are chasing updates, there is no need to worry. That paragraph mainly said that the werewolf Lin Fan rushed over and completely suppressed Zhao Yaxin. It does not affect the progress of the plot before and after."

"I will pay attention next time. It's wrong. It's my fault. I'm careless."

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