Global Gods: My Believer is Galen

Chapter 561: The real me, the real monster

at the same time.


A scorching dragon flame oscillated from Cao Dahua's body.

Cao Dahua's whole body instantly became red and hot. His legs, which were still humanoid before, became extremely thick, and instantly burst his trouser legs, growing the scales of a giant dragon.

It was as red as a spar, crystal clear, and there was a faint flame rolling under the scales.

It is a strong and powerful muscle like a giant dragon, and every inch contains explosive power!

The sharp claws penetrated deeply into the ground, reflecting the invincible light, even if it is a medium-sized artifact facing such sharp claws, I am afraid that it must temporarily avoid the edge!

Dragon feet!

this moment.

All of Cao Dahua's limbs have been transformed into giant dragons!

Dragon's Claw!

Dragon feet!

The head can also be turned into the head of a giant dragon, and behind it is a pair of dragon wings that cover the sky and the sun!

At this time, after Cao Dahua was transformed into a giant dragon, he has become a self-propelled giant dragon in human form, and the only "human shape" is the fat belly.

Aside from the fact that he couldn't complete the dragon's belly, he was no different from a giant dragon.


A deep dragon roar emanated from the depths of Cao Dahua's body, like a cheer after the bloodline broke through the shackles.

The dragon and phoenix bloodline has already awakened 40%!

The dragon bloodline in the dragon and phoenix bloodline, except for the last part, is almost completely awakened!

A tyrannical dragon power wrapped Long Yan and swept out from Cao Dahua.

The breath skyrocketed again.

Soared three times.

Upstairs once.

A total of three floors.

At this moment, Cao Dahua has become an eighth-order god!

Before participating in the competition, Cao Dahua was a sixth-order **** who was about to enter the seventh-order.

This growth rate is truly astounding.

Of course, this is also because Cao Dahua has been lucky recently, and he always encounters some great supplements...

The flesh and blood essence contained in the huge body of the giant whale warrior family is already very terrifying, and the mirror image copied by this mirror demon is exactly the same as Cao Dahua.

It made Cao Dahua almost devour himself!

Even Cao Dahua didn't expect that he was helping Lin Fan to go through the scene to make up the number of people, but he ended up eating such a perfect seafood dinner and dragon buffet...


Cao Dahua sucked the last drop of blood, raised his head and let out a dragon roar.

The dragon's roar shocked Baili.


At this moment, in the entire resting place of the gods, the dragon roar swept through, and the wind followed.

The many mythical beasts that were still foraging for food or playing and playing were all silent at the moment when the dragon roar appeared, and then they trembled and crawled uncontrollably in the direction of the empty crypt in the center of the island.

In both eyes, all are respectful.

It is like paying homage to the emperor of all animals, and it is like witnessing the awakening of the young new king.

Dragon clan.

This is the head of all beasts,

And at the same time.

"Crack, click, click..."

The mirror image of the black-clothed boy could no longer withstand Cao Dahua's devouring, and the half-dragon body held by Cao Dahua had dense cracks, like a broken mirror!


Finally, the mirror completely shattered.

The giant dragon's mirror image was completely torn to shreds by Cao Dahua, turned into thousands of mirror fragments and scattered on the ground, and a black shadow fell out of the mirror.


The black-clothed boy fell to the ground, and immediately spit out a mouthful of blood that exuded black energy, and looked at Cao Dahua with a pale face.

Mirror backlash!

At this moment, with the strength of the twelfth-order, although he is not dead yet.

But he has no strength. If this fat man wants to kill him, he only needs one claw!


Cao Dahua didn't bother to look at him. After all, Cao Dahua also knew that killing was forbidden in this resting place of the gods. Lin Fan had reminded him before to let him calm down.

It's almost enough to give someone a half-dead breath, so that he can no longer get in the way.

Cao Dahua looked at the broken lens on the ground.

The reflection reflected in the lens, the human-shaped dragon body, half-human and half-dragon, looks extraordinarily weird.

Cao Dahua murmured in a low voice.

"It turns out that before, my blood was not only shackled by the body."

\"I'm more shackled by myself.\"

"I used to resist it so much, I thought it was so ugly."


"This is me!"

"This is the real me!"

The mirror image is shattered, and the real me is finally seen.

Everyone thought, how did Cao Dahua have such a good life?

Born with the blood of the **** of dragon and phoenix, with the growth of strength, it can be transformed into a dragon at any time.

But actually.

This powerful bloodline once caused great pressure to Cao Dahua.

None of the gods around him can be like him, becoming a half-god and half-dragon.

When everyone is different from you.

Then you are an alternative, a monster!

Therefore, Cao Dahua always felt that this appearance was extremely ugly before, and subconsciously hid the sharp claws and fangs of the giant dragon.

Even when others talked about the strongest bloodline in awe, he only felt that his father was also a monster.

As a child, he also tried to tell others that he was the child of the God of Dragon and Phoenix.

Then, some adults looked at him in awe, and some children looked at him with fear.

Those eyes may not have any derogatory meaning.

But it made Cao Dahua really feel the isolation of people for the alternative.

As a result, he began to hide himself subconsciously, suppressed his bloodline subconsciously, and refused to become his true self.

This is also the reason why Cao Dahua's blood has been slow to break through the shackles.

The young Cao Dahua was like a monster hidden among the crowd. Although he possessed sharp fangs and sharp teeth, and possessed formidable power, he subconsciously restrained his power and tried to be an ordinary god.

It's like a monster trying to put on human skin and pretend to be a normal person.

Lin Fan always thought that Cao Dahua was good with him because the two smelled like each other.

In fact, it all started when Cao Dahua hid in the corner and watched those ordinary young gods play together in that kindergarten afternoon.

Lin Fan held a wounded poisonous snake and approached eagerly.

"Do you have any ointment on you? It hurts!"

"Why, it's just an ugly poisonous snake. It's very dangerous. It has fangs and poison, so just throw it away and forget it." Cao Dahua was still squatting in the corner, playing with stones by himself.

The young Lin Fan held the poisonous snake and remained silent.


"That's what it was born to be like."

"It can't refuse anything, whether it's fangs or toxins, this is what it looks like."

"What's wrong with it?"

"And I don't think it's It's ugly, it's just what people who don't know said, look at its scales, its patterns... how beautiful it is."

that moment.

Cao Dahua, who was shrunk in the corner, looked up at Lin Fan blankly, and was stunned for a while.

"How about we fix it together? Can you get the ointment?"

Lin Fan, who was also young, didn't notice Cao Dahua's strangeness. He looked anxiously at the poisonous snake that had almost no energy and gas, and looked at Cao Dahua with anticipation.

that moment.

The setting sun shone on Lin Fan's tender side face, rendering his whole body a warm golden color.

Cao Dahua's childhood in black and white turned into color from that moment on.

"Okay! I know the teacher has medicine there!"

Looking at his half-dragon and half-human appearance reflected by the mirror fragments on the ground, Cao Dahua inexplicably remembered the first acquaintance with Lin Fan in kindergarten when he was a child.

Plus the battle just now.

Plus the reflection in the mirror.

Let Cao Dahua suddenly understand something.

"So, either fangs or claws."

"This is what I look like!"

"This is the real me!"

"It's wrong, it's people who don't know me and don't dare to face me. It's not me, and it's not the blood in my body."

"And this appearance, it seems, is not ugly."

Cao Dahua smiled.

He suddenly remembered a funny joke.

A male lion with sharp claws, howling in the mountains and forests, and being feared by others, said to a lion who put away its sharp claws, put on sheep's skin, and was gentle and kind to try to integrate into the flock: "Tell me, who are the real monsters? ?"

this moment.

Cao Dahua, who once resisted his own blood subconsciously.

Break the mirror and finally see the real me.

True dragon, take off from this moment!

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