Global Gods: My Believer is Galen

Chapter 958: outsider in mirror

And the other side.

The dragon-shaped Cao Dahua has already fought against the **** of copying Cao Dahua for several rounds.


They slapped each other again, and the two were separated again!

Two identical dragons stared at each other.

It's like looking in a mirror.


The only difference is that Cao Dahua was already out of breath at this time, while the giant dragon disguised as the God of Replica and actually transformed by the Mirror Demon was still expressionless, and his breath did not fluctuate.

still is.

Cao Dahua, who was at the peak of his strength when he was full just now!

"I said."

"You can't beat me." Mirror Demon looked at Cao Dahua, who was exactly the same as him, and his voice was like Cao Dahua's.

"You should be tired now, right?"

"And you in the mirror won't feel tired."

"When you looked in the mirror just now, you were at your peak!"

"And the mirror image left in the mirror will always maintain your peak state."

Having said that, the black-clothed youth in the form of a giant dragon waved the pair of huge dragon claws, and an intoxicated smile appeared on his face.

"It's really powerful..."

"I don't want to kill you anymore. I really want to keep you by my side and copy you all the time."

The voice of the boy in black was full of greed.

His own strength is a 12th-order mirror demon.

In hell, also dealt with other demons.

But even so, it has never replicated such a powerful body!

Although this body is a mirror image that cannot survive for a long time, at this moment, he really wants to take Cao Dahua as his own, capture him and lock him up, and keep his mirror image forever!

Cao Dahua did not speak.

A pair of powerful dragon claws are trembling slightly.

At this moment, Cao Dahua's face was very ugly.

His dragon transformation is the power he is proud of, and it is also the power that belongs to the **** of dragons and phoenixes and is buried deep in the blood.

Facing any enemy, this power makes Cao Dahua invincible.


He never thought that he would meet such a strange opponent!

The strength that he is proud of has actually become the strength of the opponent!

Exact copy!

Do not.

Not just the same, but even surpassing itself!

As the black-clothed boy said, even though he possesses the power of a giant dragon, he is also tired, injured, and hungry.

Just now, he and this young man faced each other several times.

Every time, the way of exerting force and the angle of grasping are exactly the same.

But except for the first time, he was on an equal footing with this young man, and the rest was that he was suppressed!

Because his power is declining little by little, it is impossible to maintain a prosperous state all the time.

Under the influence of exhaustion and physical strength, Cao Dahua's first attack was not comparable to the first attack.

Even a **** will be exhausted, and there will be physical consumption in battle, and it is impossible to maintain the peak state all the time.

And the young man in front of him.

The power contained in each attack is exactly the same as his peak state!

As if never tired.

Because he is a mirror image.

When he was at his peak, the mirror image copied by him.

Cao Dahua rubbed his right hand, which had turned into a dragon's claw, and had only touched it a few times. At this time, his originally invincible dragon's claw felt paralyzed.

Although his dragon claws are powerful.

But the opponent's dragon claws are exactly the same as his, and they will not feel tired.

Cao Dahua's heart is extremely complicated at this time... He seems to be fighting with himself, and this "self" will not feel tired and will always maintain the peak state of the heyday!

If you keep fighting like this, you will surely die!


The black-clothed boy didn't want to let Cao Dahua rest at all, and rushed up again!


The huge body exuding dragon power slammed into it, and the terrifying dragon claws slammed down on its head and face!

Facing the speed equivalent to his peak state, Cao Dahua couldn't avoid it at all.

this moment.

Cao Dahua really felt his strength...


"A fake, can't kill a real dragon!?"


Cao Dahua stretched out a pair of dragon claws to withstand it fiercely, but he couldn't push him away at all, instead he was caught by him.

The two pairs of dragon claws were tightly clasped together, and the two giant dragons began to wrestle like two bullfighting bulls on top of each other!

This is a real power struggle!

No bells and whistles!

"Hold on!"

Cao Dahua gritted his teeth, but he only lasted for two seconds.



The dry friction sounded, and Cao Dahua, who was transformed into a giant dragon, was pushed back, his legs were firmly against the ground, trying to withstand the impact on the opposite side.


All in vain.

Cao Dahua was pushed back, and there was a dry sound where his feet rubbed against the slate on the ground.

Wherever it went, that terrifying force crushed stone slabs!

Can't stand it at all!

In the previous battle, Cao Dahua's body was already exhausted.

In the face of the opponent's strength that will never tire and always maintain Cao Dahua's peak period, how can Cao Dahua stand it?

The terrifying power seemed to have no end, and Cao Dahua's leg muscles were already sore.


Cao Dahua roared.

In this wrestling, the originally fat body quickly became thin, and the essence of flesh and blood turned into pure energy, supplementing Cao Dahua's physical strength.


Still can't stand it!

The opponent is Cao Dahua in his prime!

Every second of this wrestling was like torture to Cao Dahua, the physical strength of the whole body was rapidly lost, and the sore muscles began to tear.

And as the accumulated fat disappeared, Cao Dahua felt a surge of hunger again.

The body grows weaker, every cell quivering with a thirst for energy.

The **** of dragon and phoenix, although possessing a powerful bloodline, can transform into a giant dragon in the early stage.

But also because of the strength of this bloodline, to maintain it, a huge amount of energy must be consumed.

This is the shortcoming of the God of Dragon and Phoenix.

Every priesthood has its weaknesses. The bloodline of the God of Dragon and Phoenix is ​​like a double-edged sword. On the one hand, it is a powerful ability, and on the other hand, it is a huge consumption of energy.


Cao Dahua was directly pushed against the wall!

At this time, Cao Dahua was sore, weak and hungry, and could no longer resist.

"Hehe, it seems that your bloodline is just like that." The black-clothed boy sneered and pressed Cao Dahua, "Now, become part of the mirror world."

next moment.

The hands of the black-clothed youth began to dissolve, and it turned out to be a look that he was about to absorb Cao Dahua.

Compared to the God of Reproduction, the Mirror Demon has a very strange and evil ability.

After suppressing the duplicate object to weakness, you can drag the other party into the mirror world.

It is equivalent to being imprisoned, and the "mirror" that he has turned into will become the body.

This method of turning the virtual into the real and the real into the virtual has a strange name.

【Demon Forbidden Technique · Mirror Image Conversion】.

People outside the mirror enter the mirror, and people in the mirror become people.

This kind of evil demon forbidden technique is more frightening than divine technique.

At this moment, the black-clothed youth and Cao Dahua, who are exactly the same, seemed to be separated by a mirror, and the black-clothed youth was reaching out from the mirror, trying to completely drag Cao Dahua into the mirror!

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