Global Gods: My Believer is Galen

Chapter 950: Am I pretending to be in front of Prometheus?

And the other side.

In the sarcophagus crypt.

Seeing Huo Rulong being taken away by Prometheus, Lin Fan's eyes were a little complicated.

"It's a pity." Lin Fan smacked his mouth, "I originally wanted to dig something out of Huo Rulong."

He was very curious as to how Huo Rulong could achieve harmony between water and fire with a single God of Fire.

As a result, he saw that he had driven Huo Rulong to a desperate situation.

He even killed a Prometheus out of thin air and forcibly took Huo Rulong away.

Not to mention that secret, not even a little faith value left.

However, Lin Fan didn't feel much sadness in his heart. When Prometheus appeared, Lin Fan knew that no matter what he did, Huo Rulong would be able to retreat today.

That is an absolute strength gap!

It can only be said that Huo Rulong's luck is very good. There is a battle for Shenzang. Although he didn't get the Shenzang, he attracted the attention of Prometheus. nourish.

Lin Fan turned to look at the fat chef who had been sucked into a mummified corpse by Cao Dahua. Obviously, everything contained in this corpse was completely swallowed up by Cao Dahua, and there was no benefit at all.

Without any hesitation, Lin Fan walked directly to the corpse of the little leopard girl who had been nailed to the ground by a tree root.

Very skillfully placed above the opponent's eyebrows, under the guidance of divine power, Lin Fan immediately pulled out 100,000 square kilometers of Divine Realm fragments.

Lin Fan was not too happy when he put the pile of fist-sized fragments of God's Domain into God's Domain.

100,000 square kilometers of fragments of God's Domain.

This is not a small amount for any god, after all, it is also the entire divine domain of an eighth-order god.

But for Lin Fan...

"It's still too little." Lin Fan sighed.

It's true that Lin Fan has a lot of believers in becoming a god!

A 100,000-square-kilometer Divine Realm does sound like a lot, but on average, for yourself and more than 1,000 Excalibur Saints, each person can only get a few dozen square kilometers!

It can only be said that it is a good thing that the religious race cultivated by the gods is strong, but the more powerful the religious race, the more resources are spent to cultivate it thoroughly.

But better than nothing.

Lin Fan put away the fragments of God's Domain, frowning tightly. While suppressing the fire of death, he pressed his hands on the little leopard girl's heart, and slowly exported the life energy and fire of life that the opponent had not dissipated.

next moment.

Two flames slowly burned in Lin Fan's hands.

A mass of flames was green throughout and condensed into the shape of a spear.

Hunting fire!

The other flame is like a cheetah, constantly jumping and undulating!

Cheetah Fire!

It is the dual priesthood of the little leopard girl - the **** of hunting and the **** of cheetah corresponding to the fire!

At the same time, a mass of life energy appeared in Lin Fan's hand, and there were vaguely changing figures of cheetahs and girls in it.

"The life energy comes from the **** of hunting and the **** of cheetahs." Lin Fan looked at the life energy in his hands and frowned, "If there is no accident, the religious race that I cultivated should be the leopard girl."

In lol, only the leopard girl perfectly fits the characteristics of the **** of hunting and the **** of cheetah.

After Lin Fan finished his work, he raised his head and looked at Cao Dahua.

I saw that Cao Dahua had licked his lips and stood up, and his originally thin body had returned to his previous fat appearance.

In both eyes, dragon flames flashed from time to time!

And the fat chef under him has almost become a skeleton frame wrapped in a piece of leather, no longer a bit fat...

"You are really fierce!" Lin Fan was speechless.

"Hmph, who made this guy want to eat Young Master?" Cao Dahua licked his lips, "I originally thought that he and I were the same gods, so I didn't really want to eat him."

"But since this guy wants to eat me, then I don't need to worry about anything."

"I really didn't expect that on this trip with you, not only did I have a seafood feast, but also a doll feast, and then there was a chef feast..."

Cao Dahua could feel that the blood in his body began to roll again, as if he could wake up again at any time!

It's really that the fat chef doesn't know how many good things he eats on weekdays, and the flesh and blood essence accumulated in his body is extremely huge, even more than Cao Dahua has accumulated over the years.

This is simply a treat!

Cao Dahua was very satisfied at this time.

For him, it doesn't matter what is in the Divine Treasure and what he can get. Anyway, he is full, so it is not for nothing...

"However, restrain yourself." Lin Fan frowned, "If we fight again, don't eat the other side to death."

"There are still rules to be followed here."

"Just now, they violated the rules and died under the rules. If you killed that fat chef a second earlier, I'm afraid you have to go out and run for your life now."

Because of the rules, Lin Fan couldn't make it too clear.

But because of the tacit understanding between the two, Cao Dahua still understood.

One of the rules, don't kill people.

Once murdered, no matter who is right or wrong, he has to bear the wrath of the resting god.

If Cao Dahua really killed the fat chef just now, he would be the one who died now.

Of course, using the rules to kill is not considered murder.

Therefore, after Lin Fan asked Zhang Xiaoying to break the "toilet" wooden sign, the resting place of the gods did not attack Lin Fan and Zhang Xiaoying, but directly attacked the Huo Rulong three who "violated" the rules.

Before the fat chef was about to be bitten to death by Cao Dahua, countless tree roots took the lead in killing the fat chef, and even the little leopard girl was strangled.

" I remember it." Cao Dahua nodded seriously.

Lin Fan turned his head to look at Bai Zhaoyun and bowed respectfully, "Thank you, brother, for your protection."

He heard it from the words of Prometheus. When he was in the realm of the gods, his senior brother seemed to have protected him!

What's more, this senior brother threatened that Prometheus in front of him!

That's Prometheus!

"Senior brother's strength is beyond my imagination." Lin Fan expressed gratitude and admiration, "Even Prometheus can only retreat when facing his senior brother, he really deserves to be a senior brother!"

Bai Zhaoyun stood with his hands behind his back, nodding lightly: "No need to be like this, just Prometheus... Wait, you mean, the one named Prometheus just now?"

Bai Zhaoyun was about to pretend to end it as usual, but suddenly felt it.

The name sounds familiar.


I seem to have heard this name somewhere...

"That kind of weak chicken character, it's normal for senior brother to not be able to remember the name." Lin Fan flattered, "It's Prometheus, who is as famous as Zeus, Poseidon, and Apollo. The Emperor of Fire, the Lord of Fire, the Lord of Fire Temple..."

a time.

Bai Zhaoyun was stunned in place!


And Zeus, Poseidon, Apollo, the absolute powerhouse of the legend of the gods!

Eighteenth-order Fire God Emperor!

The Lord God of Fire, who is in charge of the flame, is the master of the Fire Temple? !

Of course, Bai Zhaoyun had heard of this name.

Do not.

More than just heard of it, this name is simply thunderous!

For a time, Bai Zhaoyun was dumbfounded.

The one who was frightened by his pretense just now was the legendary Lord of Fire, Prometheus? !

In front of Prometheus, pretending to be forced and jumping repeatedly?

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