Global Gods: My Believer is Galen

Chapter 943: Have an opinion?

Prometheus' body was covered with ferocious scars, overlapping layers upon layers.

This majestic and fiery Lord of Fire, standing at the pinnacle of the God Realm, was full of shame and hatred at this moment.

These scars, these shackles, to him, are the pain he has endured in the past, and it is even more the shame that hangs on his body!

Lin Fan also seemed to remember something: "Wait, you weren't killed by Zeus..."

"Yes, chain me to a cliff in the Caucasus, let me push stones to the top of the mountain every day, and send an eagle to peck at my liver during the day, and at night, my powerful divine body will repair any injuries, even the Pecked livers can grow back."

Prometheus's eyes were filled with hatred, "He knows that these can't kill me."

"That guy just wanted to torture me, insult me, and make me surrender."

"It is said that he punished me for bringing fire to mankind. In fact, he just wanted me to surrender."

"Thanks to Hercules, otherwise I am still suffering from the pain and humiliation that day after day." Prometheus seemed to remember the past, and his words became more and more.

Lin Fan looked puzzled: "Then why are you still wearing shackles?"

"Oh, because that arrogant guy doesn't want to admit that I was rescued, so, for the sake of the Fire Temple, I have to continue wearing shackles and tie a rock on the Caucasus cliff to the shackles." Prometheus said coldly. : "In this way, in the eyes of the gods, I am still the poor man imprisoned by him on the Caucasus Mountains!"

"And he is still the king of the gods that the gods cannot defy, Thunder Zeus!"

"That way, he gets face, and I get freedom, freedom in shackles."

The rock on the chain is strong and heavy.

Like the mark of a loser.

Lin Fan frowned at Prometheus.

From these words, we can know that this guy did not deal with Zeus, just like the myths and legends on the earth, this guy was imprisoned by Zeus in the Caucasus Mountains for a period of time.

The most important thing is that this guy has nothing to do with the Ragnarok where the Eastern Martial God fell.

In a certain way, he brought flames to the earth, and finally catalyzed a group of Oriental Valkyries, which was punished by Zeus.

From this point of view.

He is his own to Li Baijianxian and other Oriental Martial Gods, and even this guy is kind to the earth.

Lin Fan knew that there would be a battle between himself and the Zeus who dominated Ragnarok and the Divine Kingdom.

The enemy of the enemy is the friend.

If you can get the help of this Prometheus, it will be much easier for you to face the mighty God of War Zeus in the future!

Right now.

"That..." Huo Rulong said weakly, "Are you finished talking? I... I can't hold it anymore!"

At this time, Huo Rulong was very confused.

Originally, Prometheus seemed to be here to save himself.

Why did you start chatting with Lin Fan?

His spiritual incarnation has begun to collapse again!

"Thinking of the past, I couldn't help but say more."

"Have you made up your mind?" Prometheus frowned and looked at Huo Rulong, with admiration in his anxious eyes, "Enter my temple and keep you from dying!"

Huo Rulong looked at Prometheus, his eyes struggling.

"Do you want me to surrender to you?"

Huo Rulong also has backbone. Although he is extremely weak at this time, he still looks at Prometheus cautiously.

"No." Prometheus smiled, "I, the Fire Temple, do not restrict personal freedom, just some guys who like flames and warmth get together to study flames."

"And, I can tell you."

"I'm ready to choose a successor."

"And your understanding of the flame makes me very valued. You will be my only successor."

"As long as there is a successor, I can go to that Zeus without any scruples..." The smile on Prometheus's face suddenly disappeared, and he clenched his fists and whispered.

For a time, Huo Rulong was stunned!

successor? !

Fire Temple, successor?

At this moment, Huo Rulong even felt like he was dreaming...

The person who was inexplicably invited to become the Temple of Fire did not say anything.

Are you ready to be used as a successor?


"I do! But you want me to learn the more powerful fire magic technique, and let me control the fire element more powerfully!" Huo Rulong said loudly.

"Okay!" Prometheus opened his hand.

A ray of light came out from the open door of the temple, jumping warmly like an orange fire.

That light shines on Huo Rulong, as if it has become a bond between one person and one temple.

In the temple, there are thirty-one statues standing at both ends of the main hall.

At this time, the thirty-second statue slowly appeared, which was exactly the same as Huo Rulong!

With the appearance of this statue, Huo Rulong only felt that there was some kind of connection between himself and the temple, and a terrifying element of fire rushed into his body.

Power from the Temple!


The altar, which was broken by fire like a dragon, quickly recovered.

The core of the soul that turned into a little red glow again converged into a red crystal.

A throbbing red flame appeared between the eyebrows of a fire like a dragon, symbolizing his identity.

this moment.

Fire like a dragon, completely become the temple messenger of the Fire Temple!

Do not!

Not just temple messengers!

At the moment when the statue appeared, a fiery red cloak appeared on the statue of Huo Rulong, and the red flow rolled and rolled, like flames beating!

At the same time, such a cloak also appeared on Huo Rulong's body!

"This is..." Huo Rulong looked at the red cloak on his body in amazement.

"Now, you are the red-clothed archbishop of the Fire Temple." Prometheus looked at Huo Rulong with satisfaction, "How can my successor start from the very first temple messenger?"

Both Huo Rulong and Lin Fan widened their eyes.

Cardinal Archbishop!

In the temple, second only to the existence of the main **** of the temple!

Whether it is strength or status, it can be said that they represent the will of the main **** of the temple, and they are walking in the divine realm of the main **** of the temple.

But to treat a low-level **** with only eighth-order as a red-clothed archbishop, no matter which temple it is in, it is impossible to appear!

It is evident that Prometheus values ​​fire like a dragon!

This is really looking at him as a future successor.

"Your strength... I will do my best to teach you, so that you can become the next Lord of Fire as soon as possible." Prometheus looked at Huo Rulong, "But your position in the Temple of Fire, I have already given you."

"That..." Lin Fan licked his lips and said cheekily, "Can you see me? I just beat him!"

It is really the name of the Fire Temple, it is too big!

In particular, the identity of the red-clothed archbishop makes Huo Rulong soaring to the sky in one step!

Originally a genius of the same age in the third-level kingdom of God, he was directly included in the Temple of Fire by Prometheus, and he even became a red-clothed archbishop!

It is also cultivated as a successor!

Even Lin Fan would be jealous when he saw this adventure.

"You?" Prometheus looked at Lin Fan, frowning slightly: "Are you the God of Fire?"

Lin Fan: "..."

Not only am I not the **** of fire, I am also the **** of the sea...

Lin Fan can now guess that he already has the Ocean God Fire in his body. Even if he wants to ignite the flame of the God of Fire, he will probably be extinguished by the Ocean God Fire.

Although it can hold all the elements by itself.

But two opposing elements still cannot appear at the same time, only one can be chosen!

Unless you master the secret of fire like a dragon...

"If you're not the God of Fire, how can you enter my Fire Temple?" Prometheus didn't bother to talk to Lin Fan anymore, looked at Huo Rulong, and said with a smile, "Since you have become the red-robed Archbishop of my Fire Temple, God will check it out. Don't think about the road, taboos, etc., just concentrate on studying the flames."

"you need to know."

"When you really master a certain element, I mean really master it, then, the so-called magical path and the power brought by the forbidden things, you simply don't look down on it."

"Now you, although you are a beginner, you are still too weak."

"Let's go, don't mess with them in this divine treasure, I'll take you back to the Fire Temple, and I'll take you to learn the true power of fire." Prometheus said here, and glanced at Lin Fan.

"Now he is the red-clothed archbishop of my Fire Temple, do you still want to fight him?"

Prometheus frowned and asked, there was a raging flame burning on his body!

The divine might of the eighteenth-order Fire God Emperor surged out, and the whole person was like a miniature sun!

There is no doubt that if Lin Fan still wants to fight Huo Rulong, then this Prometheus will never stand by.

Lin Fan: "..."

How to fight this?

You are standing here, how can I fight?

Dare I move?

Obviously, this Prometheus is to keep the fire like a dragon.

Even, if it wasn't for Lin Weimao, who was hiding under the light, he would have threatened to die, Prometheus would have killed Lin Fan to vent his anger to Huo Rulong.

It's not that Prometheus likes killing so much, and it's not that he has any opinion on Lin Fan.

The main reason is that Huo Rulong is too important to him. It is a genius he has never seen before, and he has not received any formal education. He even uses the element of fire to display the double dragon of water and fire, and masters the power of steam.

This is what those temple messengers and bishops in the Fire Temple can't do!

Although Huo Rulong's performance in the battle of the God's Domain seems to be a bit of a, the Fire Temple does not value commanding the believers to fight, but only pays attention to the control of the fire element by the gods themselves.

Thinking about it from another angle, it's like Lin Fan suddenly saw someone smashing Cao Dahua's altar of the source of the gods, so Lin Fan naturally didn't care about the indiscretion, and wished he would directly kill the person who came.

"Don't want to fight anymore?" Prometheus said lightly: "Then this battle will end like this, do you have any opinions?"

Where does Lin Fan dare to have an opinion?

This Prometheus is the strongest **** among all the gods he has ever seen!

none of them!

Even, I am afraid that only Zeus, the **** who exists in the legend with him, can become his opponent.

"No." Lin Fan said through gritted teeth.

Huo Rulong also looked at Lin Fan with complicated eyes: "No."

When he became the Cardinal Archbishop.

Under the mighty force from the temple, the arrow of Eros that Zhao Yaxin had left on him with Eros divine power had been swept away.

Huo Rulong also regained his sanity at this time and knew clearly.

I just got hit by Zhao Yaxin's arrow of the **** of love and was charmed.

Otherwise, he and Lin Fan would not be able to fight at all.

From this point of view, he felt a little sorry for Lin Fan. Originally, everyone had discussed and started working together, but he actually hit Lin Fan...


His hatred for Lin Fan has not diminished in the slightest!


Lin Fan, defeated him!

This is the most unacceptable for the arrogant Huo Rulong.

What's more, Lin Fan has already discovered his secret!

Even if he was charmed by Zhao Yaxin, it was a mistake to take action against Lin Fan. But... Lin Fan defeated him and discovered his secret, which Huo Rulong could not tolerate!

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