Global Gods: My Believer is Galen

Chapter 940: fire like dragon

For a while, Lin Fan couldn't believe his eyes.

This guy... has only one kind of divine fire?

Lin Fan was extremely sure that there was only one kind of divine fire burning on the fiery dragon-like altar of the origin of the divine domain.

And this divine fire is also a very normal flame of fire.

It is the most common fire **** of fire.

It stands to reason that this divine fire is very common in the God Realm, but anyone who is a **** of fire has this divine fire.

But the problem is...

This is completely wrong when it appears on Huo Rulong!

Who is Huo Rulong?

Under one person known as Lieyang Divine Kingdom, he is the strongest of the same age!

As an opposing dual priesthood, even if the gods of the three priesthoods are in front of him, there is no benefit.

His terrifying talent is even more famous in the entire kingdom of God!


Only a fire of God?

And it is the most common, the flame of fire unique to the God of Fire?


For a while, Lin Fan looked at Huo Rulong with a stunned expression on his face: "You..."

"I want you to take care of it!"

No matter what the situation of the battle was before, the fire was like a dragon with a calm face, but at this moment, his eyes were extremely panic, and he screamed like a cat whose tail was stepped on: "Why, do you want to laugh at me?"

"Yes, I admit, I'm just a single priest, what's wrong? I lied to everyone, what's wrong?"

"All of you are being played around by me!"

"The so-called one person is the strongest of the same age, the so-called opposing dual priesthood... No one can imagine that I'm just an ordinary fire god!"

"Haha, those geniuses who have been defeated by me with dual or three priesthoods would never have thought that I was only a single priesthood! An ordinary **** of fire!"

"Aren't you happy now that you, a multi-clerical genius, have defeated me?"

"Come on! Let the believers come and tear down my altar of the origin of God's Domain! Let me die as the strongest person of the same age under one person!"

"Tell you, I've thought about it for a long time. I'd rather die as a fire dragon than be an ordinary fire god!"

Fire like a dragon roared.

In fact, there is no need for Huo Rulong to urge, Lin Fan has not yet ordered, those sword saints have already rushed under the altar of the source of the gods, and without any hesitation, they slashed with their swords!


"Ding ding ding!"

The blade slashed on the fiery red altar, and a string of sparks swayed.

After all, the altar of the source of the gods is the manifestation of the soul of a god, and it is extremely hard. Juggernauts can't cut it like cutting tofu for a while.

But even so.

As the Juggernauts slashed quickly, the cracks on the altar of the source of the gods were also rapidly spreading, and cracks began to appear.


The incarnation of Huo Rulong's divine sense, covered his head with a hideous expression, and screamed in pain.

at the same time.


In the divine domain of fire like a dragon, the earth began to shatter, and the dark clouds surged wildly.

The whole world is shaking and crumbling.

An apocalyptic vision.

"Help me!!"

"The Lord God, the altar of the Lord God, is being attacked!"

"Quick, who is going to stop them!"

Those fiery dragon believers, whether it is a flame mage, a flame archer, or a flame assassin, at this moment, all kneeled to the ground with painful expressions, clutching their heads and screaming in pain.

Their lives were born of the gods, and now the gods are dying, these believers also feel the pain of death.

Lin Fan looked at the sword saints who were demolishing their homes, and then at the terrified Huo Rulong, frowning slightly.

At this time, the fire was like a dragon, and there was no longer the slightest bit of arrogance and arrogance on weekdays.

On the contrary, it is like a clown who has been seen through his hole cards.

Lin Fan frowned and said, "There is only one kind of divine fire... Then how do you control water and fire at the same time?"

"Heh, Lin Fan, although I'm not a genius, I am a genius!" Huo Rulong said illogically, and then suddenly laughed, "I can't do what you are capable of doing."

"But what I can do, you can't do it the same way!"

"Lin Fan, if you want to know my secret, in the next life!"

After speaking, Huo Rulong's spiritual incarnation suddenly began to collapse!

This is the beginning of the collapse of the soul!

Lin Fan suddenly looked down at the altar, and saw that the sturdy altar had been cracked by the sword saint's chop!

"Stop!" Lin Fan quickly shouted loudly.

Although Lin Fan wanted to be like a dragon before, he just wanted him to quit the game.

Of course, after Huo Rulong was charmed by Zhao Yaxin, he also showed his murderous intention to Lin Fan, and wanted to put Lin Fan to death at any cost.

And Lin Fan also killed Huo Rulong several times during the battle of the oracle.


Now to Lin Fan, fire like a dragon cannot die!

Lin Fan must know the secret on his body!

How can a single priest, an ordinary fire god, master the power of water and fire at the same time, release unquenchable flames, ignite sea water, and even manipulate steam!

You must know that even Lin Fan can't do it against the dual priesthood.

Lin Fan already had the fire of death in his body. Before, he tried to absorb the fire of life, but before he could ignite the fire of life in his body, the fire of death devoured the fire of life out of control.

That is the instinctive resistance of opposing elements, even Lin Fan, the **** of elements, cannot contain the opposing elements in his body at the same time!

In the entire God Realm, few people can do it.

And Huo Rulong, an ordinary fire god, did just that.

This is simply incredible.

If he could know how Huo Rulong did it, Lin Fan would be able to possess opposing elements and the ability to oppose dual priesthoods.

life and death.

water and fire.

light and dark.

If these opposing elements can simultaneously possess what a terrifying ability, the ability to manipulate water and fire just like Huo Rulong makes Lin Fan extremely envious!

This is a secret that can't be exchanged for no amount of belief value, and even more precious than any divine treasure or any divine path!


Lin Fan finished speaking.

The moment Lin Fan stopped drinking, all the Sword Saints who stole the house instantly stopped, but only one Sword Saint had already finished the movement of shaking before attacking and could not stop at all!

lol setting, as long as the melee hero completes the attack, the damage will be played.

100% hit!


That sword slashed fiercely on the altar of the origin of the Divine Realm, which was already full of cracks!


The fiery red altar couldn't hold on any longer. Under this sword, the flashover shattered and exploded into bits and pieces of rubble!

on the altar.

The slightly swirling red crystal trembled violently, made a scream-like sound, and shattered into a little red light!

this moment.

Huo Rulong's 100,000-square-kilometer Divine Realm shattered, and half of it shattered in an instant.

The remaining Divine Realm was also instantly covered with cracks and vibrated violently!

"Oops!" Lin Fan's face was ugly. He originally wanted to beat Huo Rulong to the point of weakness, and then affix a holy divine pattern to him...

but now.

Fire like a dragon must die!

The secret that he contained fire and water in his body at the same time, he couldn't even get it!

Sure enough, at the same time as the altar of the source of the gods was smashed, Huo Rulong's spiritual incarnation also began to shatter, and cobweb-like cracks filled his spiritual incarnation!

"Hahaha, Lin Fan, you will never understand my secret!"

"This time, I was defeated by you."

"But you can never beat me!"

Huo Rulong suppressed the incomparable pain, trembling and laughing.

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