Global Gods: My Believer is Galen

Chapter 937: mad dog juggernaut stealing home

And the card master also has the routine of landing golden body.

These cards, at the moment of landing a yellow card and throwing out the Q skill [Universal Card], without hesitation, go straight to the golden body!


The scorching fireballs rolled in, but they couldn't hurt them at all.

And just when these flame mages focused their attention on the card masters.



In the sky, there are shadows falling one after another.

The razor-sharp spider legs gleamed dangerously, and the mouthparts used for hunting were blade-like, containing deadly toxins.

Spider Queen!

Spider form E skill, [Pansi]!

These top hunters silently fell from the sky.

Straight from behind those flame mages and shooters!

The sharp spider legs nailed the limbs of those flame wizards, and the sharp teeth with toxins began to bite. Beside them, there were small spiders following the mother body, biting the enemy with extremely fast attack speed!

The pattern on the purple spider shell was like a weird smiling face.

"Every net is a masterpiece!"

"My true beauty lies beneath my skin."

"Dangling between the lines!"

The Spider Queen sneered.

And those flame mages never thought that such a terrifying spider would fall from the sky behind them, and they were caught off guard.

"Forget those cards!"

"Behind, pay attention to what's behind!"


a time.

Under the impact of Juggernaut, Murloc, and the sudden appearance of Card Master and Spider Queen, these flame mages and shooters were instantly confused by this internal and external attack!

Thirty thousand flame mages and shooters were pressed and beaten by these assassins!

Blades whistled, spiders spun silk.

The whales eat and the cards spin!

Especially those Sword Saints, one by one, like mad dogs, under the blessing of [Plateau Bloodline], they slashed wildly, as if they were in a no-man's land.

From time to time, it transforms into a sword light, cuts off the enemy's head, and avoids the enemy's attack.

The little murlocs also use the E skill [Guling/Spirit] to be active in the dense team of flame mages, just like swimming fish.

"You believers can't do it either." Lin Fan smiled at Huo Rulong's spiritual incarnation.

Huo Rulong looked blankly at the chaotic battlefield below.

"Lin Fan, you are too happy."

"These assassins may be disruptive for a while. But they will never kill my 30,000 fire mages and shooters."

"Within half an hour at most, it will be difficult for you assassins to persist."

Huo Rulong could see that although Lin Fan and these assassins were powerful, their strength was limited after all.

Even assassins can target mages.

But it is impossible for these sixth-order assassins to kill 30,000 mages and shooters with 5,000!

"At that time, you will still lose." Huo Rulong said here, frowning: "But since you are courting death, then I can also help you."


Huo Rulong waved his hand.

"The 20,000 melee believers who are guarding their homes, charge and help the mages and shooters kill these assassins!"

Huo Rulong had kept 20,000 melee believers to guard their homes, just to prevent Lin Fan from secretly sending believers to steal their homes.


Now all of Lin Fan's followers have appeared!

Those 10,000 strong men who were good at melee combat had already died together with 30,000 flame warriors and water warriors, and were buried in the maze of green grass together.

Lin Fan's mage and shooter, as well as his support, were also disturbed by the assassins he sent out, and he would not be able to leave for a while.

Lin Fan's assassin was also held back by his own mage and shooter!

Lin Fan's followers have all appeared on the battlefield!

at this time.

Huo Rulong no longer needs to guard against Lin Fan stealing his home. The 20,000 melee believers can completely set foot on the battlefield and play a role in turning the tide of the battle!

"As ordered!"

"Follow the orders of the Lord God!"

"Brothers, follow me!"

"Support the frontal battlefield!"

With Huo Rulong's order, the 20,000 melee believers who were guarding the altar of the origin of the God's Domain in Huo Rulong's Divine Realm instantly lined up and rushed forward!

In just ten minutes, he has already sprinted into the frontal battlefield!

"Flame warriors, follow me to kill these assassins and protect the mages and shooters!" The leading flame warrior shouted and raised the blazing blade.

20,000 flame warriors rushed to the assassins such as sword masters and card masters.

At this moment, the chaotic flame mages who had been attacked by Juggernaut and other assassins saw the reinforcements, and they also cheered up and fought back desperately!

"The Lord God has sent reinforcements!"

"Brothers, it is saved!"

"We also quickly counterattack, attacking these sword saints from inside and outside!"


Seeing the 20,000 flame warriors and water warriors join the battlefield, it is about to be a tense situation with those flame mages who are going to pack the swordsman and other assassins inside and outside.

Lin Fan's face didn't show any tension, instead he smiled.

"Hehe, I've been waiting for your hand for a long time."

Under Huo Rulong's astonished gaze, Lin Fan snapped his fingers.

"Demolition team, work!!"

As soon as this word comes out.

Huo Rulong was stunned for a moment, not knowing what it meant.

However, he suddenly saw a white figure appearing in the clumps of grass that had grown out of nowhere in his own God Realm!

Sword in white!

Promise Juggernaut!

The dense white-robed Juggernaut rushed out of the like a locust from all directions, rushing towards the altar of the origin of the God Realm in the depths of the Huo Rulong God Realm!


"The house is demolished!"

"Brothers, steal home!"

"Wow, haha, I've been waiting for a long time!"

"Come on!"

This terrifying number of Sword Saints who sneaked into the Huo Rulong Divine Realm with the help of the grass cover, like a white wave, rushed towards the altar of the origin of the Divine Realm!

In their eyes, there is only that tall altar!

In the divine domain of the gods, the most important and most vulnerable part is the source altar of the divine domain dedicated to the soul!

As long as the altar shatters, let alone the eighth-order God Realm, even the fifteenth-stage God Realm will only end in collapse on the spot!

The domain of the gods is broken, and the soul is broken.

For the gods, this is true death!

"Come on!"

These Juggernauts are like wild dogs that are out of control, rushing towards the fiery dragon-like altar of the source of the divine domain, regardless of what happens on the battlefield behind them.

The frontal battlefield has nothing to do with them!

Stealing is the right thing to do!

Even these Juggernauts opened up their big moves one by one in order to rush to the altar of the source of the gods more quickly.

Promise Sword Saint R skill [Plateau bloodline]!

Under the blessing of the plateau blood, the blood in these sword saints began to surge, wisps of sword energy surrounded them, and the running speed soared instantly!

Seeing these Juggernauts who suddenly appeared in the realm of their own gods and ran towards the core of the realm of their own gods, Huo Rulong's face turned pale in an instant!

He just sent the 20,000 flame warriors and water warriors who were guarding the house to the frontal battlefield!

And what shocked Huo Rulong the most was...

The number of these Sword Saints is 30,000!

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