Global Gods: My Believer is Galen

Chapter 934: look good, study hard

"Stop them!"

Those archers and mages finally came to their senses, raised their bows and arrows in a hurry, and quickly chanted magic!


Assassins are a nightmare for mages and shooters.

Those sword saints were like tigers entering the flock, and they rushed into the team of mages in an instant.

With the real injury of the E skill [Wuji Kendo], and the passive blessing of double knives, those mages who are already fragile can't bear a few knives of the swordsman!

"My sword is your sword!"

"Will and body."

"Concentrated will, you can penetrate stubborn stones!"

Among the enemy formations, white clothes fluttered!

Wherever he went, the sword light danced.

The little fishmen that followed did not hesitate at all, followed closely behind the Juggernaut and threw a small fish.


Under the astonished gazes of those archers and mages.

The soil under their feet tumbled instantly, the next moment.


The soil is broken.


A huge figure rushed out of the ground from bottom to top, a hundred meters long, and a huge shadow shrouded the surrounding flame mage.

Black and white textured body, tough and thick skin.

And, that **** mouth like an abyss!


"what is this?"

"It's obviously on land, how can there be such a thing?!"

Those flame mages and archers looked at the terrifying creature rushing out of the soil in disbelief, and screamed in horror.

This is……


A well-deserved ocean overlord!

Originally, the contracted creatures summoned by the little fish were just sharks.

Although it is also a terrifying marine killer, it is not of the same order of magnitude as a whale that can travel 100 meters away.

During the battle between the Meteorite Sea and the God of the Sea, Lan Menghe, Lin Fan obtained the bloodline of the seventh-order giant whale from the trophies through the sacrifice of the believers, and gave it to the little murloc.

Under the influence of this bloodline, the little fish people have activated the skin of the tundra hunter, and their contracted creatures have also become these terrifying giant whales!

At this moment, the power of the ocean overlord is fully displayed!

That abyss-like mouth opened wide, with a radius of ten meters.

Giant whales rushed out from the depths of the earth and directly swallowed those flame mages and archers!

No longer bite like a shark, but swallow it whole!

It doesn't stop there.


The giant whales that rushed out of the earth smashed down from the air again, and the huge mountain-like body was like a mountain.


He directly broke the tendons of the surrounding flame mages who had not been eaten, and then returned to the earth again.

"Step on the waves!"

Before the flame mages and archers came back to their senses, the little fish man stepped on the waves and sprinted behind the mages nimbly and quickly.

"You can't catch me!"

The little fish people laughed mischievously, as if they were playing hide-and-seek with these enemies.

Standing behind the enemy, they raised the sea stone trident.

On the trident, the magic from the ancient lost city of Atlantis flashes, and the runes flow!

Before the flame mages and shooters turned to avoid, these little fishmen stabbed the trident in their hands at an incredible speed.

The speed was so fast that afterimages almost appeared!

QAWA combo!

The combo that the fisherman is best at is also the most practical.

"This is the power of the ocean!"

"Hello from Atlantis!"

This instant burst of high damage directly killed some weak mages!

Mage and shooter, once they are approached by assassins, their fate is already doomed!

"Assassin is coming!"

"Don't aim at those distant enemies, they all rushed to the face!"

"The Elementalist is dead!"

The team of 30,000 shooters and mages instantly became a mess because of the entry of the Juggernauts and the little fishmen.

They were still focused on aiming, the assassins and mages in the distance who were fighting with the flame assassins.

He didn't notice what happened behind him at all. At this time, the Juggernauts and the little fishmen had already entered the formation, and the remaining flame mages and shooters were stunned to notice.

"Can't stop it!"

"They killed them!"

"Never mind! Shoot them with random arrows!"

"The water and fire double dragons change direction!"

Under the terrifying harvest of the Juggernaut, the remaining flame shooters and mages no longer cared whether they would accidentally injure their teammates, and turned the longbow directly in the direction of the Juggernaut!




Thousand arrows volley!

The arrows fell like raindrops, and the thousands of flowing fires illuminated the sky, rushing towards the sword saints and little fishmen who entered the formation.

The remaining mages stepped back and chanted, and the water and fire dragons that had just condensed turned their direction and rushed towards the two clans of the Juggernaut and the Little Fishmen!

a time.

Arrows rained down.

The water and fire double dragons roared.

The Juggernauts looked up, but there was no fear in their eyes.

The little fish people laughed even more: "Want to catch me?"

next moment.

Just when the rain of arrows and the double dragons of water and fire came to my face.


The sword is shaking!

Thousands of swords chanting!

In an instant, the figures of the Juggernauts completely disappeared from the battlefield.

Only one after another sword light remained among these flame mages and shooters, which appeared one after another out of thin air, and then disappeared immediately.

Promise Juggernaut Q skill, [Alpha Raid]!

Juggernaut's signature skill!

Not only can he chase and kill the and deal high damage, in this process, the Juggernaut will put his body on the sword and completely disappear on the battlefield to avoid all damage!

At this moment, these Promise Sword Saints are themselves that ethereal sword light!

They themselves are Wuji Kendo!

"Situation precedes brute force."

"Although there are many enemies, they will be cut with one blow!"

"One slash and a thousand strikes!"

"Master's handwriting!"

"You, did you miss it?"

In a whisper like the master's teaching, the terrifying sword glow spread among the flame mages and shooters.


The sound of the blade breaking through the sky is not present.

In the enemy formation, the sword light flashes!

Every time a sword beam appeared, a flame mage wailed and covered his body. The wound was neatly cut, and the skin and flesh were ripped open, as if someone had cut it with a sword.

What scares these fire mages and archers the most is...

"Where are they!?"

"Damn, what about those enemies? I can't see those swordsmen in white at all!"

"No one, only Jianguang!"

"I couldn't see anyone at all, so I was shot!"

"How is this defense?"

The sword light flashed past these enemies at various tricky angles, but no one could be seen at all!

Appeared out of thin air, a sudden sword light.

It's impossible to defend at all!

Those flame mages and shooters looked around in horror, but they couldn't escape at all, let alone block the fleeting sword glow.

This scene, if seen from the air.

Those sword lights, like a silver ripple, spread rapidly in the formations of these flame mages.

Where the ripples passed, those flame mages were cut down like leeks!

Amid the fearful cries of the enemy, the blades hummed as if the masters were whispering.

"Look well, study hard."

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