Global Gods: My Believer is Galen

Chapter 931: strong support

Under the terrified eyes of those flame warriors.

The fat toads surrounded them, sticking wet, sticky tongues on them like whips.


That's disgusting enough.

But what's even more disgusting is that these toads immediately opened their mouths in a completely disproportionately exaggerated gesture!


"The world is a river, and I am its king!"

"The river will forget the submerged names."

"Their desperation is the sauce!"

These seemingly simple and honest Tam, at this moment, are like demons.

The terrifying mouth with flickering teeth swallowed the flame assassins and water assassins who dared to cut into the back row one by one!

Those flame assassins could not resist at all, they only felt a huge suction coming from the mouths of these toads.

Immediately, the vision was engulfed by darkness, and there was a warm and slippery disgusting touch, accompanied by a disgusting stench.

The depths of that throat are like leading to the abyss.


"I don't want to go in!"

"what is this!"

The flame assassins let out vague screams in Tam's mouth.

When the other flame assassins saw this scene, their faces were instantly pale.

It's so terrifying!

Fighting is fighting, can't we all cut each other down together?

Why did you come here to eat?

Swallow it in one bite?

"What the **** are these guys!"

"We...are their food!"

"One bite! It's just one bite, and the whole thing is swallowed!!"

At this moment, the remaining flame assassins who witnessed these toads eating were so frightened that they turned around and wanted to run, but...

"No one can break free from the river."

The Tams grinned and opened their mouths.

No food to escape the mouths of these insatiable eaters!

In particular, these flame assassins have been put on the three-layer [Cultivation of Taste] passive, and they have completely become the food of these Tams!



With the happy cry of these Tam, these flame assassins entered the huge stomach full of terrifying stomach acid one by one.

After three seconds.


The Tams opened their mouths and spat out violently.

The Fire Assassin and Water Assassin who were swallowed in their stomachs were spit out on the ground along with the emerald green viscous gastric juice.

All kinds of filth hung on their heads, a cloudy fish eye, a half-digested, **** dead fish, rotten leather shoes, and broken helmets.

But no surprise.

All very disgusting.

These flame assassins and water assassins lay on the ground, and they didn't fight back, but vomited directly on the spot!


"Damn, that, is that hell?"

"How can there be such a terrifying place..."

"too disgusting……"

No fighting spirit at all!

It's really disgusting!

Seeing that another group of toads surrounded them with anticipation, staring at them with those familiar and greedy eyes.

These flame assassins and water assassins who vomited on the spot, as if they understood something, shuddered all over.

"do not want!"

"Please, just kill us, don't do this again!"

"Give us a good time!"

"You... are too cruel! We are just invading your homeland... ugh... why can't we just kill us?"

"Ah, no!"

In the terrified screams and miserable beggings of those flame assassins and water assassins, the Tams opened their mouths again...

"It's too miserable." A Picheng policewoman frowned.

The flame assassin who was happily hammered to death by a gun barrel by the Picheng policewoman, seeing the tragic state of those flame assassins tortured by Tam, suddenly felt that it was not bad to be hammered to death like this...

At least it went peacefully, didn't it?

For a time, the flame assassin whose arms were interrupted didn't know what to think, but he sincerely said to the 300-pound Picheng policewoman in front of him: "Thank you!"

Picheng policewoman: "..."

And right now.

The three flame assassins suddenly seized the opportunity and appeared behind the three hundred jins Picheng policewoman at the same time.


The three daggers silently cut through the air and stabbed the Picheng policewoman's throat.



A toad suddenly swallowed the Picheng policewoman into her stomach, and abruptly used her solid back to help the Picheng policewoman block the dagger.

Under the E skill [Thick Skin], the full blow of the three flame assassins only caused the toad to lose a quarter of its health...

The next moment, the three flame assassins were entangled by other supports.


Toad spit out the Pied City policewoman.


But there was no gratitude.

The Picheng policewomen, who originally felt that the swallowed flame assassins were miserable, now wore a disgusting stench of mucus, and vomited with a pale face, while vaguely saying: "Next time... vomit... please let me die. …”

"No!" Tam shook his head seriously, "The Lord God has instructed that our role is to protect your safety!"

Picheng policewoman: "..."

Although I know you are well-intentioned.

But please.

I really don't need your protection!

I choose to die!

But I have to say that Tam's protective ability is indeed very strong.

On this battlefield, in addition to Tam, Thresh's lanterns are flying everywhere.

Around the skeleton figures carrying chains, iron chains swept across from time to time, swept away the assassins rushing towards the back row, or a turquoise ghost prison rose directly from the ground, blocking the footsteps of those assassins.

The gusts of wind continued to form a shield, which appeared on the back row shooters and mages.

Black magic shields also appear one after another, helping back row mages and shooters to withstand the magical damage of these fire and water assassins.


The sound of huge waves came.

One after another surging waves surged recklessly, and the raging waves from the ocean swept all the enemies they touched into the air!

Tide-calling Shark Ji R skill, [Roar of the Furious Waves]!

More blisters wrapped around those flame assassins, wrapping them firmly and floating in the air.

A stream of water bounces across the battlefield, healing your and slowing down the enemy!

These heroes in the support team were carefully selected by Lin Fan, and they were all common support heroes in lol.

Without exception, all have control skills!

Thresh is the most typical. The Q skill [Death Judgment] can firmly lock the enemy, and the W skill [Soul Guiding Lamp] can instantly draw teammates to him and provide a layer of shield.

The E skill [Pendulum of Doom] is an area-wide knockback and knockout effect.

The R skill [Nether Prison] even has a 99% deceleration effect, which is enough to turn the enemy's high-speed sprint into a standstill!

And Feng Nu is the signature hero who protects her teammates.

The Q skill, [Hurricane Whistling], directly summons a tornado to fly the enemy.

The E skill [Eye of the Storm], the shield value provided is second to none among all heroes in lol.

The R skill [Recovery Monsoon] directly summons a gust of wind to repel all enemies in all directions! And restore blood for teammates.


The wind howled.

More than a dozen water assassins who were about to besiege a mechanical pioneer just appeared, and were directly swept back dozens of meters by the terrifying gust of wind!

in that terrifying gust of wind.

The wind girl stands with the wind, like the incarnation of a god.

"The incarnation of the wind, at your command."

These assistants are born to protect the back row!

Terrifying control skills, as well as super shield skills, make these 5,000 assassins useless at all.

Not to mention the six swords, Morgana, not only can provide control effects and shields, but even end up in hand-to-hand combat, looking like a militant...

At this moment, with the strong support of these assistants.

The army of assassins, who were already helpless against the crispy mages and shooters who instantly turned into muscular men, was completely at a disadvantage.

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