Global Gods: My Believer is Galen

Chapter 925: perish together!

"The flames can't ignite these grasses. In this case, it will be a little troublesome." The flame warrior god-chosen took a deep breath, "Then we can only cut these weeds with brute force!"


He shouted: "All flame warriors, listen to my order and start weeding with blades immediately!"

Although this method is more time-consuming and labor-intensive, and this green grass maze seems to have no boundaries, it is definitely not enough to cut it down in a while.

And everyone is here to fight, but it always feels weird to go here to weed.

But now there is no other way!

After dragging on like this, those 10,000 strong men would really have to use the cover of the grass to eat all of their 40,000 people!

"Cut the grass and remove the roots!"

"Clear these weeds!"

Those flame warriors who could still obey orders immediately raised their flame swords and slashed towards those bushes!


The blade slashed.

The blade of grass was instantly divided into two by the sharp blade, and the green branches and leaves fell down.

"Sure enough!" The Fire Warrior God's Chosen had a happy expression on his face.

But the next moment.

The smile on his face solidified again.


The grass branches that had been chopped off actually grew at an unbelievable speed, new sprouts sprout from the fractures, and even made a noise because the growth speed was too fast.

Those Cao Zhi that were cut off were like drugs. They should have grown silently and silently, but they were speeded up a thousand times, ten thousand times!

Just for a split second, the dense emerald green blocked the view again!

"This..." The Fire Warrior Divine Chosen stared at the still lush grass in front of him.

There was no sign of being chopped off at all, and the grass was still as lush and green as before.

"What exactly is going on!"

lol settings, whether normal attacks or magic skills, can't interfere with these grasses.

Whether it is to withstand the flames, or to be chopped.

After waiting, what should these grasses from Cui Shen look like?

How reasonable, what a real setting...

At this moment, looking at the grass in front of him, the chosen person of the flame warrior actually felt a sense of despair and powerlessness, as well as a sense of insignificance.

This grass, it beat me!

Born to be human, I'm sorry!

At this time, the other flame warriors also stopped and looked at the grass in front of them with confusion.

"Lord Chosen, these grasses can't be cut down!"

"I cut it off! I cut it off!"

"I told you, you can't get used to it!"

A flame warrior seemed to be mentally disturbed by the blow, and jumped into the grass with a roar, crushed and broke a grass branch with his body, bent down and stepped on it fiercely.

"Ha ha ha ha!"

"I still defeated them!"

But when he thought he was victorious, he stood up and laughed victoriously.

Those straw papers that he stepped on and folded, slowly stood up again, still straight, still emerald green.

Shaking silently, as if mocking these flame warriors.


The flame warrior collapsed immediately upon seeing this scene, covering his head as if he had lost his mind, roaring and running towards the depths of the grass!

"This is hell!"

"This is hell!"

This strange and incomprehensible scene completely defeated the flame warrior's psychological defense.

Sometimes, no matter how powerful the frontal enemy is, it cannot make a person truly fear.

On the contrary, it is such a seemingly small but incomprehensible thing that can make a warrior feel fear.

"Damn! Calm down, don't rush in!" Seeing this scene, the Fire Warrior God Chosen shouted loudly.

But it was too late.

The figure of the flame warrior had disappeared into the grass. Three seconds later, a head was thrown from a grass in the distance.

"Bone lulu."

Heads roll.

The fear on the flame warrior's face was vivid, and his open mouth seemed to be still shouting.

For a time, the already chaotic team became even more chaotic!

Fear has blinded these flame warriors and fire elementals.

And at this moment,


Another group of strong men jumped out of the grass in different directions and continued to attack!

"It's over."

Seeing the chaotic team and the strong Galen men who started to attack and harass again, the chosen person of the flame warriors took a deep breath: "It's all over."

"Forty thousand of us, I'm afraid we are really going to be trapped here."

"There is only one last way now..." The flame warrior god-chosen flashed tragic and solemn, "Now the shooter and mage troops should have arrived at their positions long ago, but because the grass blocked their vision, they did not launch an attack."

"Rather than being trapped here."

"It's better to let those mages and shooters attack this grass maze indiscriminately!"

As soon as these words came out, the warrior of water next to him was stunned.

"You mean... We and these enemies will be attacked by the team of mages and shooters together?"

The Fire Warrior Divine Chosen took a deep breath: "It's time!"


He closed his eyes and folded his hands on his chest in prayer.

With a solemn and serene face, he murmured in a low voice.

"Lord God."

"Ashamed of your cultivation, our 40,000 people are likely to be trapped and killed by the enemy in this maze of green grass."

"Please order, let the team of mages and shooters attack this green grass labyrinth indiscriminately."

"We are willing to die with those enemies!"

"Please command the team of mages and shooters to shoot at me!"

"Fire at me!"

sky. UU Reading

Listening to the prayers of the Chosen One, the fire in the form of God's Incarnation looks complicated like a dragon.

He really didn't expect that Lin Fan's 10,000 warriors would beat his 40,000-strong army to such a degree in the green grass maze!

The Fire Warrior God Chosen who led the team actually asked himself to attack them and the enemy indiscriminately!

Huo Rulong looked a little reluctant. After all, these 30,000 flame warriors and water warriors, plus 10,000 fire elementalists and water elementalists, also cost him a lot of effort.

In all, he only has 100,000 believers!

"Lord God! Don't hesitate any longer! This grass maze is too weird," the flame warrior diviner closed his eyes and murmured in a low voice: "If we drag it on, we are afraid that we will all be eaten by the enemy!"

"Why don't we just replace those warriors with our lives now!"

"This is the last thing we can do for you!"

Huo Rulong opened his eyes abruptly: "Mage, the archer unit obeys the order and covers the grass indiscriminately!"

for a while.

The flame archers and water archers who had already reached the shooting position raised the flame longbow and the water longbow in an orderly manner, and pulled the bowstring.

The flame mage raised his staff and was surrounded by flames!

At the feet of the Water Mage, the sea water surged out of the soil.

"Full firepower! Cover that green grass maze indiscriminately!"

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