Global Gods: My Believer is Galen

Chapter 907: The strongest support

"Ah, the wonderful pain."

"Any last words?"

"Nowhere to hide."

"Your soul is sweet and moving."

"You will be my best toy."

The lantern of the evil **** emits a dim light, exuding a longing for the soul, pulling the painful soul that was hooked and bound at the other end through the iron chain.

Under the terrifying desire, the iron chain slammed back with the huge body of the hooked flame warrior, as if to put this guy into a lantern.

The flame warrior who saw that he was about to escape was not only bound in place, but also pulled back a few steps by the huge force from the chain.

"Good hook!"

Seeing the familiar chain that suddenly locked the enemy in front of him, Galen laughed, strode to the side of the bound flame warrior, clenched the big sword, and inserted it into the ground!

"Let's face justice!"


Above the flame warrior's head, the space shattered!

A huge blade protruded from the shattered space, and the sharp sword tip flashed coldly, extremely sharp!

A terrifying aura firmly locked the flame warrior!

And that breath, full of the power of destruction and killing, seems to be able to kill all enemies, and even the space is shattered under the tip of the sword.

God-killing power!

Garen beheading skills, R skills, [Demacian Justice]!

At this moment, the flame warrior suddenly had a feeling that the blade had locked him firmly. Even if he fled to the ends of the earth in an instant, he was afraid that he would not be able to avoid the giant sword that fell, or the head of the giant sword. ending.


The flame warrior couldn't help but sigh, even if it was a god, facing this terrifying giant sword, he was afraid that he would also die!

At the moment of breaking free from the chains, the flame warrior fled back two steps in horror, and he had no intention of continuing to fight at all!

I just hope that I can escape this giant sword that fell from the sky.



The giant sword slammed down from the air, slashing directly from the bottom to the top of the flame warrior's neck.

It's like cutting tofu.

Slashed over, without any block!

The tip of the sword cut off the flame warrior's head, plunged into the ground, and the ground was cut open with a huge incision!

This is a great sword from the sky!

In front of this giant sword, all evasion is in vain.

All this is a long time, but only a momentary effort.

The blade flashed by and then disappeared.


Heads fall.

The headless corpse of the flame warrior knelt on the ground, the head next to him still looked at his body with a look of despair.

"Q's good, Thresh!" Galen, who had completed the decapitation, laughed and turned his head to look behind.


Ghostly aura, giant skeletons carrying lanterns slowly walked over, the worn-out black robe of the warden on his body was windless and automatic, and turquoise flames burned all over his body.


Chains hang low in their hands, and souls in the lanterns howl in pain.

There was a stern smile on the face of the hideous skeleton, looking at this chaotic battlefield, these Thresh whose souls have been twisted, only have the joy of harvesting their souls.

Every now and then the souls of dead enemies float into their lanterns and become their toys.

"Although we are not suitable for close combat."

"But if it is to assist in the battle... Hehe, my cage has already been prepared for them!"

"You guys, become my toys!"

"This wonderful pain!"


A chain of turquoise flames swept out!

Among lol, Thresh's Q skill [Death Judgment] is also scary and can drag the enemy.

But it is very difficult to hook people. After all, before Thresh throws out the hook, it needs to shake to charge up, and it takes about half a second to shake it forward.

And the speed of the hook flying is not very fast. For a qualified ADC player, it is quite simple to concentrate on avoiding Thresh's hook.

For Thresh, if you want to hook an opponent, you must master a certain pre-judgment.

But this is not the 5v5 Summoner's Rift of lol.

This is a battlefield where thousands of people are fighting and chaotic to the extreme.

Those flame warriors and water warriors have already been devastated by melee races such as Garen, Nuo hand, werewolf, centaur and so on.

It is impossible to do it just by avoiding the skills of these melee races, and it is impossible to separate the mind to avoid the hook that is like a poisonous snake suddenly protruding from a corner.

And even if you have the heart to avoid it, you can't dodge the more than a thousand hooks that were shot!


Thousands of hooks protruded like thousands of poisonous snakes.

But all the enemies they touch will be nailed to the flesh in an instant, and the subsequent chains will bind their bodies and souls to death!

next moment.

Half of the Thresh, a total of more than 500 Thresh, with lanterns in their hands, with a stern smile, swept along the chains to the bound enemies!

Haven't landed yet.

The ground beneath them has been tumbling out of a pentagonal turquoise prison with a radius of 100 meters, and there are souls tumbling on the five walls!

"Now, you are in my cage!"

"No one can escape!"

"Hey, hey hey hey!"

"Desperate, scream, I will tremble with excitement in your wailing."

At this moment, these soul lock wardens are standing in the prison, and the flame warriors and water warriors who are locked inside are their prisoners!

The scene was extremely chaotic in an instant. Those dog heads, Galen, and bears were madly killing the prisoners who were imprisoned, and those prisoners couldn't even escape!

Soul Lock Warden's R skill, [Nether Prison]!

Skill effect: Thresh creates a ghost prison that surrounds itself, locks the enemy into the prison, and when the wall is penetrated, it will cause magic damage and slow down for two seconds.

Ninety-nine percent deceleration effect!

This is almost no different from standing in place.

For a time, despite the blessings of the Fire Elementalist and the Water Elementalist, these flame warriors and water warriors not only did not display stronger combat power, but were even more constrained by Thresh's control skills.

It's not over yet.

Thresh raised the chains in their and swept them, directly knocking back a row of enemies, or pulling back a few fleeing enemies.

That terrifying iron chain, like the pendulum of death, controls the lives of these flame warriors and water warriors.

E skill, [Pendula of Doom]!

The lanterns were released one by one and fell among their own believers, adding shields to them.

Some remnant blood believers directly pulled the lantern and followed the chain's traction, quickly escaped the crisis, and temporarily returned to the rear for a short rest.

For a time, the strong men of Galen, who had fallen behind because of the assistance of the enemy elementalists, crushed these enemies again because of the appearance of these wardens.

In terms of frontal combat capability, Thresh may not be strong.

But in terms of control ability, Thresh can be said to be the strongest control in lol. All four skills have control effects or the effect of helping his teammates move, which is unmatched by any other hero.

These hideous-looking soul lock wardens are the most powerful assistants in lol, none of them! _

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