Global Gods: My Believer is Galen

Chapter 895: Wuhu, take off!

Fifteen hundred princes of Demacia directly smashed the vanguard of the enemy believers who were fighting against him, and plunged deep into the enemy line with the men and horses!

The vanguard, which had been aggressive and rushed forward, was directly disrupted.

It's not over yet!

"Quick! Quickly surround and kill them!"

Some quick-response flame warriors and water warriors will besiege these Demacian princes who dare to rush into their own camp.


Before these flame warriors and water warriors began to besiege, the princes sneered, raised the long lance, and looked at a flame warrior beside them.

next moment.

Under the astonished gazes of those flame warriors and water warriors, these dwarf humans leaped high!

The fire of the earth is burning!

The ground trembled at this moment, as if echoing something.

The princes leaped into the sky, like the arrival of emperors in the world, and more like a giant dragon looking down!

Under them, the German battle flag on the ground fluttered in the wind!

The princes who jumped into the air looked down at these flame warriors and water warriors who were clearly stronger than themselves, with indifference, madness, and killing intent in their eyes.

"Now, do you still dare to look down on the human race?"

"You don't know yet,"

"Here, whose land is it!"

"Here, who is the master!"

"Breaking my Germans,"

"Even if you are far away, you will be punished!"


With a roar, the princes slammed down!

Like golden meteors, they fell on the flame warriors and water warriors beside them!

That obviously short body, at this moment, seems to be heavy, like Mount Tai falling from the sky!

It was as if a giant dragon swooped down, and the terrifying power that erupted from the human body even eclipsed the huge inextinguishable thunders behind it.


The earth shatters at this moment!


The smashed flame warriors and water warriors were directly smashed to the ground by the impact, and the flame warriors and water warriors within ten meters of the prince also felt their bodies suddenly sink, as if they were hit by a giant beast that fell from the sky. Smashing down, at the same time, the ground under their feet shattered and sank, and a reaction force from the depths of the earth poured on them.


A thick-skinned flame warrior groaned, and was actually shocked out of his injuries.


At the same time as the earth shattered, the surrounding soil swelled up and rolled, forming tall earth walls ten meters in diameter, each enclosing seven or eight flame warriors and water warriors in it!

It's like a gladiatorial arena.

The flame warriors and the water warriors who were trapped in it looked at each other in astonishment. They didn't understand what it meant at all... That weak human, do you want to fight with so many of them?

Where there is smoke.

The center of the arena.

The prince, who was kneeling on one knee, leaned on a long lance, stood up slowly, and looked at the water warriors and flame warriors expressionlessly.

Even if the strength of these enemies is stronger than himself, the number is several times his own, and the physique is several times larger than his own, even the prince needs to look up to them.

But there was still no fear on the faces of the princes.

"Hahaha, little guy, what are you thinking?" A flame warrior laughed, holding his weapon excitedly, "Lock yourself up with us, are you courting death?"


The golden dragon energy swept out, the dust swept away in all directions, and a golden holy shield condensed on the prince's body.

It is the holy shield of the Lightshield family, the symbol of Demacia, and the belief to protect the people.


The princes who were also in the arena raised their heads, and the resolute faces under the golden head armor showed a stern smile.

"Perhaps you are still not clear about one thing."

"It's not that I was locked up with you."

"Instead, you were forced to stay with me."

The next moment, before the seven or eight flame warriors and water warriors who were far more powerful than him rushed forward, the princes had already raised their lances and strode to kill!

"The heart of the battle, until the end of the day!"

"Look at death, just today!"

"Our mission is to fight to the death!"

In their eyes, there is no fear and hesitation, only firm belief!

And the other side.

Just as the Shadow of War and the Demacian princes rushed into the enemy line without fear of life and death.

Those extremely fast armored dragon turtles are like high-speed rolling tires, with sharp spikes piercing the ground.

Looking around, more than 800 giant tires several meters high, like crushing everything, crushed towards the rushing flame warriors and water warriors at an incredible speed!

Q skills, power sprint!

This terrifying speed and strange way of appearing, for a time, even those eighth-order seventh-order flame warriors and water warriors were dumbfounded.

Although their combat power is not bad, but... they have never fought with this kind of thing!

"What are those, tires?"

"No, no, there are spikes on it, it looks like a carapace!"

"That's... a turtle?"

"What a joke, how could that thing be a turtle, and a turtle can run faster than me?"

"No, those things seem to be turtles!"

Those flame warriors and water warriors stared at the strange things that were rushing in like rolling wheels.

For a moment, they even forgot that they were now engaged in a war of aggression.

Obviously in the battlefield, but it seems to have suddenly come to the zoo.

Is this strange creature in front of you a turtle, or is it a wheel?


"Don't be distracted!"

"Prepare to meet the enemy!"

Several quick-responding flame warriors and water warriors clenched their weapons and shouted loudly.

The other flame warriors and water warriors came back to their senses one after another, holding their minds, and rushing towards the wheel... FUCK!

Who dares to top that terrifying wheel?

That thing is very hard and heavy at first glance, and it has a terrifying impact!

For a time, the flame warriors and water warriors who were standing in the front row wanted to turn around and run back...


The dragon turtles didn't give them time at all.

"Get out of the way!"

"be careful!"

"Let's have some fun together!"

The dragon tortoises, who are rolling as fast as the wheels, let out happy laughter and whizzed along with the yellow sand all the way!

And just when the water warriors and flame warriors standing in the front row bent down and prepared to resist!



The more than 100 armored dragon turtles lined up at the front and approached side by side, directly flying them up. The thick carapace was like a huge wheel that destroyed everything, and it was crushed and could not be resisted at all!

From the flame warriors and water warriors at the forefront, they only felt as if they were hit by a huge truck, and the terrifying impact directly made them take off in place.

"Hold them up!"

"Support the front row soldiers!"

The Warriors of Water and Warriors of Fire in the second row rushed up quickly, but the more than 700 armored dragon turtles that followed did not continue to collide at all, but.

"Have you ever seen a flying turtle?"

"Let you see the flying turtle!"

"Wuhu, take off!"_

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